Mesoscale to Large-scale Variability in the California Current System from High-resolution Observations

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Our understanding of the ocean historically has moved forward in parallel with our ability to make observations. In the thesis, high-resolution observations of the California Current System made by Spray underwater gliders are used to discuss extreme events, eddy across-shore transport, and the annual cycle of dissolved oxygen in the upper ocean. The time scales covered in the thesis include annual to interannual changes while the spatial scales are mesoscale and larger. The availability of high-resolution ocean glider data for over 13 years provides the backbone to conduct analyses over these time and spatial scales. The thesis starts by examining temperature and salinity extremes from 2014-2019 in the California Current System and its source waters. The 2014-2019 period was anomalously warm. In addition, a salinity anomaly from 2017-2019 in the California Current System was found to have formed in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre in 2015 and subsequently advected into the source waters of the California Current. Next, the thesis examines the offshore propagation of subthermocline eddies from the coast. Subthermocline eddies are observed to propagate at near the local first baroclinic Rossby wave speed. It is estimated that the subthermocline eddies are important to the salt budget in the California Current System and are difficult to track with surface observations alone. The thesis next discusses dissolved oxygen observations collected from 2017 to 2020. First, the thesis considers the procedure to correct for drift in the optical sensors used to make dissolved oxygen observations. A model is fit to changes in the gain correction coefficient over time and predicts the drift for 5 years after sensor calibration. Second, the thesis describes the annual cycle of dissolved oxygen in the upper 500 m of the central and southern California Current System. A subsurface dissolved oxygen maximum is described in the oligotrophic region on the offshore edge of the California Current System. During seasonal coastal upwelling, heave of isopycnals is the primary mechanism that deoxygenates the water column, while mixing and biological sources and sinks also cause changes. Evidence of ventilation is found along sloping isopycnals which oxygenates the ocean above 300 m. The collection of work in the thesis is relevant to extreme climate events and climate change in the oceans, including impacts to the biological environment. The thesis also touches on basic research questions related to geostrophic turbulence. The discoveries in the thesis are made possible by the high-resolution ocean data collected by autonomous Spray gliders used together in a network to create sustained observations of a regional ocean.

Predictability of the California Current System

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The physical and biological oceanography of the Southern California Bight (SCB), a highly productive subregion of the California Current System (CCS) that extends from Point Conception, California, south to Ensenada, Mexico, continues to be extensively studied. For example, the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) program has sampled this region for over 50 years, providing an unparalleled time series of physical and biological data. However, our understanding of what physical processes control the large-scale and mesoscale variations in these properties is incomplete. In particular, the non-synoptic and relatively coarse spatial sampling (70km) of the hydrographic grid does not completely resolve the mesoscale eddy field (Figure 1a). Moreover, these unresolved physical variations exert a dominant influence on the evolution of the ecosystem. In recent years, additional datasets that partially sample the SCB have become available. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements, which now sample upper-ocean velocity between stations, and sea level observations along TOPEX tracks give a more complete picture of the mesoscale variability. However, both TOPEX and ADCP are well-sampled only along the cruise or orbit tracks and coarsely sampled in time and between tracks. Surface Lagrangian drifters also sample the region, although irregularly in time and space. SeaWiFS provides estimates of upper-ocean chlorophyll-a (chl-alpha), usually giving nearly complete coverage for week-long intervals, depending on cloud coverage. Historical ocean color data from the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) has been used extensively to determine phytoplankton patterns and variability, characterize the primary production across the SCB coastal fronts, and describe the seasonal and interannual variability in pigment concentrations. As in CalCOFI, these studies described much of the observed structures and their variability over relatively large space and

Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the California Current System

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The California Current System (CCS) is an ecologically and economically important coastal upwelling zone. Large-scale climate variability, like El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), modulates the regional fluctuations of physical and biological properties in the CCS. This dissertation work makes use of an observational dataset from autonomous underwater gliders and model output from an ocean state estimate to characterize seasonal cycles and local interannual responses to climate variability. The California Underwater Glider Network (CUGN) was established in 2006 to obtain sustained observations of the southern CCS. For over ten years, Spray gliders have continuously measured subsurface physical and biological variables along three cross-shore sections. Data from the CUGN were processed into a gridded climatology. They were also assimilated by a general circulation model to produce the California State Estimate (CASE) for 2007-2017, which is constrained by governing physics and observations. Together the CUGN climatology and CASE are applied to study physical variability within the CCS. The observations are used to characterize spatiotemporally-varying anomalies and the model to provide a hypothesis of the physical forcings that caused them. The focus is on seasonal to interannual timescales, paying special attention to the prolonged period of anomalously warm upper ocean temperatures during 2014-16, which included the 2014-15 marine heat wave (MHW) and the 2015-16 El Niño. As observed by the CUGN, the MHW manifested locally as a shallow, highly-stratified, surface-intensified warm pool co-occurring with downwelling anomalies. During the El Niño year, CUGN observations show the persistence of warm and downwelling anomalies throughout the CCS and even a strengthening and deepening of the anomalies in some locations, like the Southern California Bight. A positive isopycnal salinity anomaly is observed at the turn of the year 2015-2016 and interpreted to represent anomalous advection from the south. The CASE model output is rigorously assessed relative to the CUGN climatology and shown to realistically reproduce the observed mean state, annual cycles, and interannual variability, including the temperature, downwelling, and isopycnal salinity anomalies. Volume and heat budgets are calculated from CASE, quantifying the contributions of anomalous air-sea heat flux, horizontal advection, vertical advection, and mixing towards circulation and heat content changes during 2014-2016. The budgets show that multiple mechanisms played a role in forcing the anomalies, though at different times and locations within the CCS region.

Seasonal Variability in the California Current, a Diecast Model Study

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The high resolution DIECAST ocean model, with improved physics, is used to simulate the annual cycle of mesoscale variability in the California coastal region. Model improvements include reduced numerical dispersion, an annual cycle of climatological wind stress forcing enhanced in magnitude near the coastal headlands, and barotropic and baroclinic boundary inflows and outflows. A six year simulation produced results in general agreement with recent observations of the annual cycle in the California Current although the gradients of sea surface temperature and dynamic height are generally stronger, and show more structure than observed. The stronger gradients indicate increased coastal upwelling and produced faster geostrophic currents than observed. A region of maximum Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE), originally formed in the upper ocean over the continental slope in late spring, migrates westward on a seasonal timescale consistent in magnitude and phase with observations. At the same, the EKE spreads vertically into the deep ocean, decreasing the surface EKE west of about 126 deg W. This result clearly identifies a non-dissipative process that can account for the pronounced decrease of EKE west of 126 deg W recently documented in the literature. Deficiencies in the simulation include some artificial influences from the incompletely open western boundary, an exaggerated response of the surface circulation to the Mendocino escarpment and the absence of a significant poleward surface current along the coast in winter.

A Large-Scale Modeling Study of the California Current System

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A high resolution, multi-level, primitive equation ocean model is used to investigate the combined role of wind forcing, thermohaline gradients, and coastline irregularities on the formation of currents, meanders, eddies, and filaments in the California Current System (CCS) from 22.5 deg N to 47.5 deg N. An additional objective is to further characterize the formation of the Davidson Current, seasonal variability off Baja California, and the meandering jet south of Cape Blanco. The model includes a realistic coastline and is forced from rest using climatological winds, temperatures, and salinities. The migration pattern of the North Pacific Subtropical High plays a significant role in the generation and evolution of CCS structures. In particular, variations in wind stress induce flow instabilities which are enhanced by coastline perturbations. An inshore train of cyclonic eddies, combined with a poleward undercurrent of varying seasonal depths, forms a discontinuous countercurrent called the Davidson Current north of Point Conception. Off Baja, the equator-ward surface jet strengthens (weakens) during spring and summer (fall and winter). Model results also substantiate Point Eugenia as a persistent cyclonic eddy generation area. The model equator-ward jet south of Cape Blanco is a relatively continuous feature, meandering offshore and onshore, and divides coastally influenced water from water of offshore origin.

Regional Fisheries Oceanography of the California Current System

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The California Current System is one of the best studied ocean regions of the world, and the level of oceanographic information available is perhaps only surpassed by the northeast and northwest Atlantic. The current literature (later than 1993) offers no comprehensive, integrated review of the regional fisheries oceanography of the California Current System. This volume summarizes information of more than 60-year California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CalCOFI). While providing a large bibliography, the intent was to extract themes relevant to current research rather than to prepare a compendious review of the literature. The work presents a useful review and reference point for multidisciplinary fisheries scientists and biological oceanographers new to working in the California Current System, and to specialists wishing to access information outside their core areas of expertise. In addition it aims to deliver an up to date reference to the current state of knowledge of fisheries oceanography in the California Current System.

Ocean Modeling in an Eddying Regime

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Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 177. This monograph is the first to survey progress in realistic simulation in a strongly eddying regime made possible by recent increases in computational capability. Its contributors comprise the leading researchers in this important and constantly evolving field. Divided into three parts Oceanographic Processes and Regimes: Fundamental Questions Ocean Dynamics and State: From Regional to Global Scale, and Modeling at the Mesoscale: State of the Art and Future Directions The volume details important advances in physical oceanography based on eddy resolving ocean modeling. It captures the state of the art and discusses issues that ocean modelers must consider in order to effectively contribute to advancing current knowledge, from subtleties of the underlying fluid dynamical equations to meaningful comparison with oceanographic observations and leading-edge model development. It summarizes many of the important results which have emerged from ocean modeling in an eddying regime, for those interested broadly in the physical science. More technical topics are intended to address the concerns of those actively working in the field.