Divine Regeneration and Ethnic Identity in 1 Peter

Book Description

In this book, Katie Marcar examines how 1 Peter draws together metaphors of family, ethnicity, temple, and priesthood to describe Christian identity. She examines the precedents for these metaphors in Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity in order to highlight the originality, creativity and theological depth of the text. She then explores how these metaphors are combined and developed in 1 Peter to create complex, narratival metaphors which reframe believers' understanding of themselves, their community, and their world. Integrating insights on ethnicity and race in the ancient and modern world, as well as insights from metaphor studies, Marcar examines why it is important for Christians to think of themselves as one family and ethnic group. Marcar concludes by distilling the metaphors of divine regeneration down to their underlying systematic metaphors.

Who are the Elect in 1 Peter?

Book Description

The election of Israel -- The context of 1 Peter -- The purpose of election in 1 Peter 1:1-5 -- The present implications of new birth and catalogical parenesis in 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 -- The present and missiological significance of the identity of the elect in 1 Peter 2:9-12 -- Who are the elect in 1 Peter? -- From exegesis to application in 1 Peter -- Missiological implications for the Anglican Church of Nigeria -- Theology and praxis: 21st century challenges to Nigerian Anglicanism.

Constructing Ethnic Identity in 1 Peter

Book Description

Janette H. Ok argues that 1 Peter characterizes Christian identity as an ethnic identity, as it holds the potential to engender a powerful sense of solidarity for readers who are experiencing social alienation as a result of their conversion. The epistle describes and delineates a communal identity based on Jewish traditions, and in response to the hostility its largely Gentile Anatolian addressees are experiencing as religious minorities in the Roman empire. In order to help construct a collective understanding of what it means to be a Christian in contrast to non-Christians, Ok argues that the author of the epistle employs “ethnic reasoning” or logic. Consequently, the writer of 1 Peter makes use of various literary and rhetorical strategies, including establishing a sense of shared history and ancestry, delineating boundaries, stereotyping and negatively characterizing “the other,” emphasizing distinct conduct or a common culture, and applying ethnic categories to his addressees. Ok further highlights how these strategies bear striking resemblances to what modern anthropologists and sociologists describe as the characteristics of ethnic groups. In depicting Christian identity as an ethnic identity akin to the unique religious-ethnic identity of the Jews, Ok concludes that 1 Peter seeks to foster internal cohesion among the community of believers who are struggling to forge a distinctive and durable group identity, resist external pressures to revert to a way of life unbefitting the people of God, and live as those born anew to a living hope.

1 Peter

Book Description

Works through the complete text of 1 Peter supplemented with discussion of the Greek text, main themes, and recent scholarship.

Temple, Exile and Identity in 1 Peter

Book Description

Temple, Exile and Identity in 1 Peter will generate a fresh and perhaps even a new understanding of the main themes of 1 Peter, which include questions of identity, suffering, hope, holiness, and judgment. Mbuvi explores the temple imagery in the epistle of 1 Peter and focuses on the use of cultic language in constituting the new identity of the Petrine community. He contends that temple imagery in 1 Peter undergirds the entire epistle. 1 Peter directly connects the community's identity with the temple by describing it in terms reminiscent of the temple structure. He calls the members of the community "living stones", formulating an image that has been categorized as a "Temple-Community." This concern with the temple characterizes the restoration eschatology in the Second Temple period with its focus on the establishment of the eschatological temple. Restoration of Israel was also to be characterized by hope for the re-gathering of the scattered of Israel, the conversion or destruction of the Gentiles, and the establishment of God's universal reign, all of which are reflected in the discourse of the epistle.

Foreknowledge and Social Identity in 1 Peter

Book Description

What is the meaning and significance of foreknowledge in the book of 1 Peter, and how does the concept relate to the circumstances of its first recipients? Himes attempts to answer these questions by examining the concepts of both foreknowledge and social identity within the first century and how they fit into the theology of 1 Peter. In the process of elaborating the concepts of foreknowledge and social identity, this study provides one of the first thorough examinations of the words prognosis and proginosko in the literature of the time period when 1 Peter was composed and circulated. Himes argues that these words are linguistically relevant to how early hearers and readers would have understood the message of 1 Peter. In addition, this volume provides a thorough analysis of social-scientific criticism in 1 Peter, paying special attention to the various views about the social circumstances of the epistle's recipients. Finally, this book concerns itself with the biblical theology of 1 Peter, and with how the concept of foreknowledge functions as a word of comfort and hope to the beleaguered audience of this epistle.

1 Peter

Book Description

Even though the letter of 1 Peter has sometimes been overshadowed by Paul's many New Testament letters, it is nonetheless distinctive for the clarity with which it presents the Christian message. In this volume Joel Green offers a clear paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of 1 Peter and, even more, unpacks the letter's theology in ways that go beyond the typical modern commentary. Following Green's paragraph-by-paragraph commentary is an extended discussion of the "theological horizons" of 1 Peter. Throughout his study Green brings the message of 1 Peter into conversation with Christian theologians -- ancient and contemporary -- so that the challenge of this letter for Christian faithfulness can be heard more clearly today.

1 Peter

Book Description

The second volume in Travis B. Williams' and David G. Horrell's magisterial ICC commentary on first Peter. Williams and Horrell bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis - linguistic, textual, archaeological, historical, literary, and theological - to help the reader understand the letter. This second covers the major part of the letter, providing commentary on 2.11 to the end of the letter. The exegesis provides for each passage sections on bibliography, text-criticism, literary introduction, detailed exegesis, and overall summary. The volume concludes with a comprehensive bibliography, which covers the whole epistle.

Reading 1 Peter Missiologically

Book Description

Gaining Fresh Insights for Missions In today’s world, the church on mission faces the immense challenge of engaging an array of cultures and ideologies. To address these issues, theologians and missiologists usually focus on Jesus and Paul. However, the Apostle Peter’s words, steeped in wisdom, are another vital link between foundational Christian truths and the complexities of our global context. For this reason, Reading 1 Peter Missiologically is a significant contribution to both biblical scholarship and mission practice. Examining 1 Peter through a missiological lens unveils the apostle’s strategic approach to cross-cultural evangelism amidst persecution and cultural diversity. It is not just an academic exercise; the authors provide practical insights for missionaries, church leaders, and theologians, helping them to contextualize the gospel in a culturally sensitive manner. This book bridges the gap between theological study and real-world application. Reading 1 Peter Missiologically is an essential resource for anyone seeking to participate in Christian outreach more effectively. It challenges readers to rethink modern missionary strategies. If you want to deepen your understanding of the Bible’s teaching on global mission and apply it across the world, this book is a must-read.