Vegetation Monitoring

Book Description

This annotated bibliography documents literature addressing the design and implementation of vegetation monitoring. It provides resources managers, ecologists, and scientists access to the great volume of literature addressing many aspects of vegetation monitoring: planning and objective setting, choosing vegetation attributes to measure, sampling design, sampling methods, statistical and graphical analysis, and communication of results. Over half of the 1400 references have been annotated. Keywords pertaining to the type of monitoring or method are included with each bibliographic entry. Keyword index.

A Method for Assessing the Silvicultural Effects of Releasing Young Trees from Competition

Book Description

Een methode wordt beschreven, waarin men de toestandsverandering in groei en overleving van bomen beschrijft van zowel een getraceerd gebied waar geen beheersmaatregelen worden toegepast, als van een controle-gebied waar wel beheer wordt gevoerd