Methods in Chemical Ecology: Chemical methods

Book Description

Methods in Chemical Ecology: Bioassay Methods covers bioassay techniques from a broad spectrum of species, ranging from microorganisms in aquatic environments to mammals in terrestrial habitats. This volume is designed to assist both ecologists and chemists with the sometimes daunting task of developing bioassay techniques to be used in the isolation and identification of natural products. The contributors, all highly respected active researchers, provide insights into the many pitfalls of bioassay design based on their years of experience. With minimal use of technical jargon, this volume is designed as an indispensable reference manual for graduate students as well as experienced researchers. This volume will also serve as a valuable reference book for researchers in many related disciplines, including animal behavior, natural-products chemistry, ecology, botany/plant sciences, zoology, entomology, marine biology and ecology, and pharmacology.

Methods in Chemical Ecology Volume 1

Book Description

A working definition of the discipline of chemical ecology might be "the study of the structure, function, origin, and significance of naturally occurring compounds that mediate inter-and intraspecific interactions between organisms. " In particular, chemical ecology focuses on determining the role of semiochemicals and related compounds in their natural contexts. Thus, chemical ecology is distinct from disciplines such as pharmacology, in which compounds are screened for uses outside their natural context, for example in the screening of natural products for use as drugs. Superficially, many of the methods used in the various branches of natural products chemistry, such as pharmacology and chemical ecology, are very similar, but each branch has developed its own set of specialized methods for dealing with the problems characteristic of that discipline. For example, in chemical ecology, many semiochemicals are isolated and identified using only a few micrograms or less of material. Although the same general chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques are used as would be used with the identification of most organic compounds, specialized techniques have been developed for handling these very small quantities, allowing the maximum amount of informa tion to be recovered from the minimum amount of sample. These micro scale techniques, and the problems unique to working with very small amounts of sample, are rarely covered in detail in reference books on the isolation and identification of biologically active natural chemicals.

Methods in Chemical Ecology Volume 2

Book Description

Identification of chemicals that affect the naturally occurring interactions be tween organisms requires sophisticated chemical techniques, such as those docu mented in volume 1, in combination with effective bioassays. Without an effective bioassay, the identification becomes akin to looking for a needle in a haystack, but without any idea of what a needle looks like. To a large extent serniochemical identifications must be driven by bioassays. The design of bioassays for use in chemical ecology is governed by the sometimes conflicting objectives of ecological relevance and the need for simplic ity. Bioassay design should be based on observations of the interactions between organisms in their natural context, a theme that appears throughout this volume. As a result, this volume is as much about ecology and behavior as it is about specific methods. It is impossible to design a relevant bioassay, whether it is simple or complex, without understanding at least the fundamentals of how chemical cues or signals mediate the interaction in nature. Thus, the development of bioassay methods must be driven by an understanding of ecology and a knowledge of the natural history of the organisms under study. Given such an understanding, it is often possible to design assays that are both ecologically relevant and easy to perform.

Algal Chemical Ecology

Book Description

Yet another Springer world-beater, this is the first ever book devoted to the chemical ecology of algae. It covers both marine and freshwater habitats and all types of algae, from seaweeds to phytoplankton. While the book emphasizes the ecological rather than chemical aspects of the field, it does include a unique introductory chapter that serves as a primer on algal natural products chemistry.

Chemical Ecology in Aquatic Systems

Book Description

In recent years it has become increasingly clear that chemical interactions play a fundamental role in aquatic habitats and have far-reaching evolutionary and ecological consequences. A plethora of studies have shown that aquatic organisms from most taxa and functional groups respond to minute concentrations of chemical substances released by other organisms. However, our knowledge of this "chemical network" is still negligible. Chemical interactions can be divided into two larger sub-areas based on the function of the chemical substance. First, there are interactions where chemical substances are toxic to other organisms and are used as a defence against consumers (including both herbivores and predators) or a weapon against competitors (allelopathy). Second, chemical substances may be used as a source for information of the environment; for example: how can I find the optimal habitat, the best food, the nicest partner, and avoid being eaten? Aquatic organisms are able to detect and respond to extremely low concentrations of chemical cues to answer all these questions. The book aims at connecting these intriguing chemical interactions with traditional knowledge of organism interactions. Chemical Ecology of Aquatic Systems covers a wide range of studies, both plant and animal, from different geographic regions and habitats - pelagic as well as benthic. Most of the chemical interactions are similar in freshwater and marine habitats and this book therefore strives at integrating work on both systems.

Chemical Ecology

Book Description

Chemical signals among organisms form "a vast communicative interplay, fundamental to the fabric of life," in the words of one expert. Chemical ecology is the the discipline that seeks to understand these interactions-to use biology in the search for new substances of potential benefit to humankind. This book highlights selected research areas of medicinal and agricultural importance. Leading experts review the chemistry of: Insect defense and its applications to pest control. Phyletic dominanceâ€"the survival success of insects. Social regulation, with ant societies as a model of multicomponent signaling systems. Eavesdropping, alarm, and deceitâ€"the array of strategies used by insects to find and lure prey. Reproductionâ€"from the gamete attraction to courtship nd sexual selection. The chemistry of intracellular immunosuppression. Topics also include the appropriation of dietary factors for defense and communication; the use of chemical signals in the marine environment; the role of the olfactory system in chemical analysis; and the interaction of polydnaviruses, endoparasites, and the immune system of the host.

Chemical Ecology

Book Description

Chemical Ecology contains a series of lectures presented in the fall of 1968 at State University of New York College of Forestry at Syracuse University. This book is composed of 11 chapters that deal with the salient facts and theories that are encompassed by chemical ecology and the possible application of fundamental research in this area to pressing problems of ecological importance. After briefly describing the distribution pattern of microorganisms in the soil, this book goes on exploring the coordination and regulation of sexual processes between cells and between individuals in lower and higher plants. These topics are followed by discussions on the aspects of the chemical environment; the diverse associations between insects and their host plants; the self-defense mechanisms of plants against insect predation; and the chemical communication systems within animal species. The subsequent chapters examine the chemical defense and ecology in arthropods and fish. The concluding chapters consider the biochemistry of terpenoid and steroid metabolism and the chemical aspects of juvenile and steroidal molting hormone interactions. This book will be of value to chemical ecologists and researchers and biochemists.

Chemical Ecology of Insect Parasitoids

Book Description

Insect parasitoids are a fascinating group of animals in many respects. Perhaps the most fascinating point is that these insects, in the course of the evolutionary time, have developed an impressive way to use chemical compounds to dialogue with the different protagonists of their environment (i.e., conspecifics, their hosts and the plants on which their hosts are living). Unravelling the evolutionary meaning of such chemical communication networks can give new insights into the ecology of these insects and especially on how to improve their use for the control of noxious pests in biological control programmes. Chemical Ecology of Insect Parasitoids is a timely publication, with organised chapters to present the most important knowledge and discoveries that have taken place over the last decade, and their potential use in pest control strategy. Specific relevant case studies are presented to enhance the reader's experience. Suited to graduate students and professional researchers and practitioners in pest management, entomology, evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, and chemical ecology, this book is essential for anyone needing information on this important group of insects.

Hands-On Chemical Ecology:

Book Description

Hands-On Chemical Ecology: Simple Field and Laboratory Exercises, a premiere collection of practical exercises in chemical ecology, offers tools and strategies for understanding this young science. The exercises included use general principles and follow a simple structure. Topics examined include birds, fish, insects, mammals, and plant chemistry among others. Additionally, exercises require accessible materials, ensuring that each can be easily modified and completed anywhere in the world with locally existing instruments. This text will be of value to undergraduate and graduates students and high school biology teachers.