
Book Description

The Mtis are the descendants of Cree and Assiniboine women who joined with French and Scottish men to raise children and shape a hybrid culture in the heart of Canada. Four generations of adolescents come of age during their 16th year, and together their voices tell the story of one family and of a people.


Book Description

The Métis are the descendants of Cree and Assiniboine women who joined with French and Scottish men to raise children and shape a hybrid culture in the heart of Canada. In "Métis, Mixed Blood Stories," four generations of adolescents come of age during their sixteenth year. Together their voices tell the story of one family and of a people. Matriarch Angeline describes her ride on the last great buffalo hunt of the 1860s and her relationship with charismatic Métis leader Louie Riel. Her grandson, Gilles, relates his escape from a Chicago orphanage and his fight to stay out of reservation school. Gilles's daughter, Elisabeth, fights to protect the rights of native youth in the violent 1968 U.S. Democratic Convention. The novel closes with the vibrant voice with which it begins, that of great-granddaughter Annie, whose creativity as a young author and filmmaker will ensure that the legacy of their culture lives on.

Metis: Mixed Blood Stories

Book Description

The Metis are the descendants of Cree and Assiniboine women who joined with French and Scottish men to raise children and shape a hybrid culture in the heart of Canada. In “Metis, Mixed Blood Stories,” four generations of adolescents come of age during their sixteenth year. Together their voices tell the story of one family and of a people. Matriarch Angeline describes her ride on the last great buffalo hunt of the 1860s and her relationship with charismatic Metis leader Louie Riel. Her grandson, Gilles, relates his escape from a Chicago orphanage and his fight to stay out of reservation school. Gilles’s daughter, Elisabeth, fights to protect the rights of native youth in the violent 1968 U.S. Democratic Convention. The novel closes with the vibrant voice with which it begins, that of great-granddaughter Annie, whose creativity as a young author and filmmaker will ensure that the legacy of their culture lives on. LYNN PONTON is the author of two previous books of nonfiction, “The Romance of Risk: Why Teenagers Do the Things They Do” and “The Sex Lives of Teenagers: Revealing the Secret World of Adolescent Boys and Girls.” She has been a columnist for Salon.com and has published widely in numerous magazines, newspapers, and journals. A practicing psychoanalyst, she is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. This is her first work of fiction.

Metis, of Mixed Blood

Book Description

Contours of a People

Book Description

What does it mean to be Metis? How do the Metis understand their world, and how do family, community, and location shape their consciousness? Such questions inform this collection of essays on the northwestern North American people of mixed European and Native ancestry who emerged in the seventeenth century as a distinct culture. Volume editors Nicole St-Onge, Carolyn Podruchny, and Brenda Macdougall go beyond the concern with race and ethnicity that takes center stage in most discussions of Metis culture to offer new ways of thinking about Metis identity. Geography, mobility, and family have always defined Metis culture and society. The Metis world spanned the better part of a continent, and a major theme of Contours of a People is the Metis conception of geography—not only how Metis people used their environments but how they gave meaning to place and developed connections to multiple landscapes. Their geographic familiarity, physical and social mobility, and maintenance of family ties across time and space appear to have evolved in connection with the fur trade and other commercial endeavors. These efforts, and the cultural practices that emerged from them, have contributed to a sense of community and the nationalist sentiment felt by many Metis today. Writing about a wide geographic area, the contributors consider issues ranging from Metis rights under Canadian law and how the Library of Congress categorizes Metis scholarship to the role of women in maintaining economic and social networks. The authors’ emphasis on geography and its power in shaping identity will influence and enlighten Canadian and American scholars across a variety of disciplines.


Book Description

Ask any Canadian what "Métis" means, and they will likely say "mixed race." Canadians consider Métis mixed in ways that other Indigenous people are not, and the census and courts have premised their recognition of Métis status on this race-based understanding. Andersen argues that Canada got it wrong. From its roots deep in the colonial past, the idea of Métis as mixed has slowly pervaded the Canadian consciousness until it settled in the realm of common sense. In the process, "Métis" has become a racial category rather than the identity of an Indigenous people with a shared sense of history and culture.

The Story of the Chippewa Indians

Book Description

This single-volume book provides a narrative history of the Chippewa tribe with attention to tribal origins, achievements, and interactions within the United States. Unlike previous works that focus on the relationships of the Chippewa with the colonial governments of France, Great Britain, and the United States, this volume offers a historical account of the Chippewa with the tribe at its center. The volume covers Chippewa history chronologically from about 10,000 BC to the present and is geographically comprehensive, detailing Chippewa history as it occurred in both Canada and the United States, from the Great Lakes to Montana to adjacent Canadian provinces. Written by a Chippewa scholar, the book synthesizes key scholarly contributions to Chippewa studies through the author's own interpretive framework and tells the history of the Chippewa as a story that encompasses the culture's traditions and continued tenacity. It is organized into chronological chapters that include sidebars and highlight notable figures for ease of reference, and a timeline and bibliography allow readers to identify causal relationships among key events and provide suggestions for further research.

"Our Relations...the Mixed Bloods"

Book Description

In the Great Lakes region of the nineteenth century, "mixed bloods" were a class of people living within changing indigenous communities. As such, they were considered in treaties signed between the tribal nations and the federal government. Larry Nesper focuses on the implementation and long-term effects of the mixed-blood provision of the 1854 treaty with the Chippewa of Wisconsin. That treaty not only ceded lands and created the Ojibwe Indian reservations in the region, it also entitled hundreds of "mixed-bloods belonging to the Chippewas of Lake Superior," as they appear in this treaty, to locate parcels of land in the ceded territories. However, quickly dispossessed of their entitlement, the treaty provision effectively capitalized the first mining companies in Wisconsin, initiating the period of non-renewable resource extraction that changed the demography, ecology, and potential future for the region for both natives and non-natives. With the influx of Euro-Americans onto these lands, conflicts over belonging and difference, as well as community leadership, proliferated on these new reservations well into the twentieth century. This book reveals the tensions between emergent racial ideology and the resilience of kinship that shaped the historical trajectory of regional tribal society to the present.

The Long Journey of a Forgotten People

Book Description

Known as “Canada’s forgotten people,” the Métis have long been here, but until 1982 they lacked the legal status of Native people. At that point, however, the Métis were recognized in the constitution as one of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. A significant addition to Métis historiography, The Long Journey of a Forgotten People includes Métis voices and personal narratives that address the thorny and complicated issue of Métis identity from historical and contemporary perspectives. Topics include eastern Canadian Métis communities; British military personnel and their mixed-blood descendants; life as a Métis woman; and the Métis peoples ongoing struggle for recognition of their rights, including discussion of recent Supreme Court rulings.

The New North American Studies

Book Description

Winner of the English Book Award, Grand Prix du Livre 2006 de la Ville de Sherbrooke. In this original and groundbreaking study, Winfried Siemerling examines the complexities of identity and recognition in the meaning of 'American'.