Mgr Ndongmo et la Question Bamiléké au Cameroun

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Contrairement aux adeptes de !'instruction publique que sont les Français, les Anglo-saxons ont une conception de l'enseignement qui inclut à la fois !'instruction et l'éducation, l'objectif étant toujours de former un individu accompli dans la tradition des acquis du Liberal Arts Education . Raison pour laquelle, la religion est demeurée longtemps une discipline à part entière dans le curriculum de l'enseignement dans la partie anglophone du Cameroun. Il faut cependant garder à l'esprit qu'au-delà de ce qui peut apparaitre comme approches discordantes des missionnaires chrétiens en situation coloniale, catholiques, protestants et autres presbytériens semblent avoir été toujours d'accord sur la nature sacrée de leur mission de conversion et de diffusion de la civilisation occidentale en pays de mission. Dommage que les dirigeants camerounais n'aient jamais réussi à s'inspirer de la démarche ci-dessus et à adopter une ligne de conduite un tant soit peu patriotique. Les politiciens postcoloniaux ont constamment fait montre d'un déconcertant opportunisme. Il peut certes leur arriver de solliciter publiquement ou officieusement l'Eglise à travers ses princes locaux pour accompagner les pouvoirs publics dans la résolution des conflits sociopolitiques. Mais par moments, ils n'hésiteront pas à leur rappeler que l'Eglise ne doit pas se mêler de politique. Elle doit se cantonner dans les affaires spirituelles, oubliant l'un des enseignements les plus mémorables de Mgr Ndongmo, à savoir qu' on ne peut pas conduire les hommes au ciel comme si la terre n'existait pas.

Africa Report

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Africa Special Report

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African Recorder

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The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya since Independence

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Kenya’s nationalism during the colonial period was marked by two main characteristics that feature in this book. First, the struggle for independence that was mainly characterized by the claim for land that had been taken away by the colonizers. Second was the struggle for autonomy and self-determination, mainly through political resistance. The authors in this book analyse historical trajectories of Kenya's nationalism trends while highlighting the role of political leaders, large as well as small ethnic groups, perennial conflicts, community as well as religious leaders, among others. The discussions demonstrate that quest for a national identity that is inclusive at all levels – whether politically, economically, religiously and ethnically – has marked Kenya's struggle for nationalism, sometimes leading to violence, especially during election periods, national unity through political coalitions and reconciliation, as well as institutional reforms. In conclusion, the authors demonstrate that while Kenya is gradually advancing towards national cohesion, there are still many challenges yet to be surmounted.

Natural Convective Heat Transfer from Horizontal and Near Horizontal Surfaces

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This book deals with a natural convective heat transfer situation of significant practical importance that has not been adequately dealt with in existing texts or widely available review papers: natural convective heat transfer from horizontal and near horizontal surfaces. The aim is to provide the reader with an understanding of past studies of natural convective heat transfer from horizontal surfaces and a more detailed review of contemporary studies. The more recent work deals with heat transfer from surfaces that have more complex shapes than previously considered, with heat transfer in situations in which laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow occur; in situations where the surface is inclined at a relatively small angle to the horizontal; and in situations where there is a covering surface above the heated surface. The authors further present methods for predicting heat transfer rates in all of the situations.

Recurrent Genocidal Nightmares

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Genocide has been called the ‘crime of crimes’ and an ‘odious scourge.’ With millions of victims in the last century alone, it is one of the great moral and political challenges of our age. Despite the challenges, such human cruelty has not stopped. The 21st century is recording its first genocide in Cameroon with only a scanty few raising a finger. The significance of the ‘odious scourge’ has compelled Tatah Mentan to research on the trajectory of the ‘scourge’ in Africa over the past centuries. The targeted ongoing mass killings in Cameroon, like those of Rwanda before, have driven the scholar to expand his focus beyond the Holocaust, which had long been the primary case study. In this book, Tatah Mentan explains that these cases were not merely a human catastrophe, nor an atavistic reversion to the barbarism of a past epoch, but rather an event produced by the unfolding of the logic of capitalism itself. This book therefore critically explores the essence of capitalism as genocide in Africa and its consequences on Africans during their colonisation and incorporation into the European-dominated racialised capitalist world system in the late 18th century. It uses multidimensional, comparative methods, and critical approaches to explain the dynamic interplay among social structures, human agency, and terror to explain the connection between structural capitalist terrorism and the emergence of the capitalist world system. Tatah Mentan proposes a genuine participatory democratic alternative to the unending genocide nightmares. Nurturing participatory attitudes, would facilitate and reinforce self-management, and educate and empower individuals and dispossessed and under-represented communities to seek self-determination and democratic participation in the political arena. Tatah Mentan concludes that the same fundamental commitments that urge humanity to promote participatory political democracy should compel them to promote truly inclusive economic democracy as well. Political economists, historians, students, corporate managers and policy makers at national and international levels are invited to share the insights of this book.

Gamify Your Dog Training

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