Sedimentology and Provenance of the Early Proterozoic Michigamme Formation and Goodrich Quartzite, Northern Michigan

Book Description

The Early Proterozoic Michigamme Formation of northern Michigan was deposited in the southeastern part of the Animikie basin. The formation conformably overlies the Goodrich Quartzite and comprises three widespread members a lower member of thin-bedded shale, siltstone, and sandstone; the Bijiki Iron-formation Member; and an upper member of tur- biditic graywacke, siltstone, and mudstone and a few local members. The Goodrich Quartzite is interpreted as having been deposited in a tidally influenced shallow marine environ- ment. The lower member of the Michigamme is interpreted as having been deposited in a tidally influenced environment, the iron-formation member as having been deposited below wave base in somewhat deeper water, and the upper member as having been deposited in still deeper water with turbidity currents being a major depositional mechanism. Several lines of evidence including paleocurrents, paleo- geographic setting, and neodymium isotopes suggest that the graywacke of the southern part of the outcrop area was derived from the south (Early Proterozoic Wisconsin magmatic terranes, Archean miniplates, and older Early Proterozoic sedimentary units formed on the continental margin), and that the graywacke in the northern area was derived from an Archean terrane to the north. The tectonic model that best fits the available data is a northward-migrating foreland basin.

The Published Writings of George Newbold Lawrence, 1844-1891

Book Description

The beneficial influence of the labors of Mr. Lawrence on the progress of American ornithology has been great and undisputed, but it was particularly among the avifauna of the West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America that his most strenuous efforts were exerted. A scrutiny of the titles of his numerous papers will fully indicate the wide scope and excellent character of the work of this veteran ornithologist.

A Preliminary Descriptive Catalogue of the Systematic Collections in Economic Geology and Metallurgy in the United States National Museum

Book Description

The systematic collections in economic geology and metallurgy are designed to show the actual occurrence of each metal and the processes used in their extraction; to these are added illustrations of the occurrences of non-metallic ores and their utilization. The systematic collections should be carefully distinguished from the geographical collection.


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