Microbeam Analysis 1988

Book Description

Microprobe Techniques in the Earth Sciences

Book Description

30% discount for members of The Mineralogical Society of Britain and Ireland This text covers the range of microanalytical techniques available for the analysis of geological samples, principally in research applications. Each chapter is written in a clear, informative style and has a tutorial element, designed to introduce each technique for the beginning and experienced researcher alike.

Electron Probe Microanalysis

Book Description

The aim of electron probe microanalysis of biological systems is to identify, localize, and quantify elements, mass, and water in cells and tissues. The method is based on the idea that all electrons and photons emerging from an electron beam irradiated specimen contain information on its structure and composition. In particular, energy spectroscopy of X-rays and electrons after interaction of the electron beam with the specimen is used for this purpose. However, the application of this method in biology and medicine has to overcome three specific problems: 1. The principle constituent of most cell samples is water. Since liquid water is not compatible with vacuum conditions in the electron microscope, specimens have to be prepared without disturbing the other components, in parti cular diffusible ions (elements). 2. Electron probe microanaly sis provides physical data on either dry specimens or fully hydrated, frozen specimens. This data usually has to be con verted into quantitative data meaningful to the cell biologist or physiologist. 3. Cells and tissues are not static but dynamic systems. Thus, for example, microanalysis of physiolo gical processes requires sampling techniques which are adapted to address specific biological or medical questions. During recent years, remarkable progress has been made to overcome these problems. Cryopreparation, image analysis, and electron energy loss spectroscopy are key areas which have solved some problems and offer promise for future improvements.

Electron Probe Quantitation

Book Description

In 1968, the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) published Special Publication 298 "Quantitative Electron Probe Microanalysis," which contained proceedings of a seminar held on the subject at NBS in the summer of 1967. This publication received wide interest that continued through the years far beyond expectations. The present volume, also the result of a gathering of international experts, in 1988, at NBS (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST), is intended to fulfill the same purpose. After years of substantial agreement on the procedures of analysis and data evaluation, several sharply differentiated approaches have developed. These are described in this publi cation with all the details required for practical application. Neither the editors nor NIST wish to endorse any single approach. Rather, we hope that their exposition will stimulate the dialogue which is a prerequisite for technical progress. Additionally, it is expected that those active in research in electron probe microanalysis will appreciate more clearly the areas in which further investigations are warranted.

Microbeam Analysis

Book Description

X-Ray Spectrometry in Electron Beam Instruments

Book Description

From its early days in the 1950s, the electron microanalyzer has offered two principal ways of obtaining x-ray spectra: wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDS), which utilizes crystal diffraction, and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), in which the x-ray quantum energy is measured directly. In general, WDS offers much better peak separation for complex line spectra, whereas EDS gives a higher collection efficiency and is easier and cheaper to use. Both techniques have undergone major transformations since those early days, from the simple focusing spectrometerand gas proportional counter of the 1950s to the advanced semiconductor detectors and programmable spectrometersoftoday. Becauseofthesedevelopments, thecapabilities and relative merits of EDS and WDS techniques have been a recurring feature of microprobeconferences for nearly40 years, and this volume bringstogetherthepapers presented at the Chuck Fiori Memorial Symposium, held at the Microbeam Analysis Society Meeting of 1993. Several themes are apparent in this rich and authoritative collection of papers, which have both a historical and an up-to-the-minute dimension. Light element analysis has long been a goal of microprobe analysts since Ray Dolby first detected K radiation with a gas proportional counter in 1960. WDS techniques (using carbon lead stearate films) were not used for this purpose until four years later. Now synthetic multilayers provide the best dispersive elements for quantitative light element analy sis-still used in conjunction with a gas counter.

Low-Temperature Microscopy and Analysis

Book Description

The frozen-hydrated specimen is the principal element that unifies the subject of low temperature microscopy, and frozen-hydrated specimens are what this book is all about. Freezing the sample as quickly as possible and then further preparing the specimen for microscopy or microanalysis, whether still embedded in ice or not: there seem to be as many variations on this theme as there are creative scientists with problems of structure and composition to investigate. Yet all share a body of com mon fact and theory upon which their work must be based. Low-Temperature Micros copy and Analysis provides, for the first time, a comprehensive treatment of all the elements to which one needs access. What is the appeal behind the use of frozen-hydrated specimens for biological electron microscopy, and why is it so important that such a book should now have been written? If one cannot observe dynamic events as they are in progress, rapid specimen freezing at least offers the possibility to trap structures, organelles, macro molecules, or ions and other solutes in a form that is identical to what the native structure was like at the moment of trapping. The pursuit of this ideal becomes all the more necessary in electron microscopy because of the enormous increase in resolution that is available with electron-optical instruments, compared to light optical microscopes.