Recent Advancements in Microbial Diversity

Book Description

Microorganisms are a major part of the Earth’s biological diversity. Although a lot of research has been done on microbial diversity, most of it is fragmented. This book creates the need for a unified text to be published, full of information about microbial diversity from highly reputed and impactful sources. Recent Advancements in Microbial Diversity brings a comprehensive understanding of the recent advances in microbial diversity research focused on different bodily systems, such as the gut. Recent Advancements in Microbial Diversity also discusses how the application of advanced sequencing technologies is used to reveal previously unseen microbial diversity and show off its function. Gives insight into microbial diversity in different bodily systems Explains novel approaches to studying microbial diversity Highlights the use of omics to analyze the microbial community and its functional attributes Discusses the techniques used to examine microbial diversity, including their applications and respective strengths and weaknesses

Linking Ecosystem Function to Microbial Diversity

Book Description

Understanding the link between microbial diversity and ecosystem processes is a fundamental goal of microbial ecologists, yet we still have a rudimentary knowledge of how changes in diversity affect nutrient cycling and energy transfer in ecosystems. Due to the complexity of the problem, many published studies on this topic have been conducted in artificial or manipulated systems. Although researchers have begun to expose some possible mechanisms using these approaches, most have not yet been able to produce conclusive results that relate directly to natural systems. The few studies that have explored the link between diversity and activity in natural systems have typically focused on specific nutrient cycles or processes, such as nitrification, denitrification, and organic carbon degradation pathways, and the microbes that mediate them. What we have learned from these studies is that there are often strong associations between the physical and chemical features of the environment, the composition of the microbial communities, and their activities, but the rules that govern these associations have not been fully elucidated. These earlier studies of microbial diversity and processes in natural systems provide a framework for additional studies to broaden our understanding of the role of microbial diversity in ecosystem function. The problem is complex, but with recent advances in sequencing technology, -omics, and in-situ measurements of ecosystem processes and their applications to microbial communities, making direct connections between ecosystem function and microbial diversity seems more tractable than ever.

Microbial Diversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Fragmented Rivers Worldwide

Book Description

Dams or barriers are among the most significant anthropogenic threats to global freshwater ecosystems, although they provide invaluable services for shipping, hydropower generation, flood protection, and storage of drinking and irrigation water. River fragmentations due to dams and barriers lead the aquatic landscape into isolated river sections, resulting in hydromorphological discontinuities along longitudinal or lateral gradients. Fragmented river habitats are unstable. They experience uncertain disturbances in both time and space with random and complex hydrological and environmental processes, such as water flow, particulate matter sedimentation, reservoir regulation, and terrestrial input. The diversity, composition, functionality, and activity of microbial communities are important indicators of river ecosystem functions and services. Yet, river fragmentations are likely to disrupt and reconstruct microbial communities, redirecting the patterns of biogeochemical cycles of biogenic elements. Methodology, such as mathematical models, is still limited to describing and elucidating microbial processes under changing hydrological environments in the fragmented rivers. Thus, how do the riverine microbial communities and ecosystem functions respond to the fragmentation in rivers? This Research Topic represents a collective focus on microbial ecology, functional diversity, and new microbial modeling in fragmented rivers. We wish to present new findings in community assembly mechanisms, biotic interactions, functional diversity, and ecosystem functioning responses to the river fragmentations. New perspectives will also provide us with deep insights into the ecological effects of river fragmentation. This Research Topic aims to present the original research articles and reviews to provide new findings on microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning in fragmented rivers worldwide. We welcome original research, reviews, mini-reviews, opinions, methods, hypotheses and theories, and perspectives. The directions include but are not limited to the following aspects: - The continuum of the microbial community in responses to dams or barriers. - Novel microbial community assembly mechanisms, functional traits, and biotic interactions in fragmented rivers at local, regional, and global scales. - Functional genes, functional groups, and functional diversity in driving biogenic element cycles. - Mathematical modeling in aquatic microbial ecology.

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function

Book Description

The biota of the earth is being altered at an unprecedented rate. We are witnessing wholesale exchanges of organisms among geographic areas that were once totally biologically isolated. We are seeing massive changes in landscape use that are creating even more abundant succes sional patches, reductions in population sizes, and in the worst cases, losses of species. There are many reasons for concern about these trends. One is that we unfortunately do not know in detail the conse quences of these massive alterations in terms of how the biosphere as a whole operates or even, for that matter, the functioning of localized ecosystems. We do know that the biosphere interacts strongly with the atmospheric composition, contributing to potential climate change. We also know that changes in vegetative cover greatly influence the hydrology and biochemistry ofa site or region. Our knowledge is weak in important details, however. How are the many services that ecosystems provide to humanity altered by modifications of ecosystem composition? Stated in another way, what is the role of individual species in ecosystem function? We are observing the selective as well as wholesale alteration in the composition of ecosystems. Do these alterations matter in respect to how ecosystems operate and provide services? This book represents the initial probing of this central ques tion. It will be followed by other volumes in this series examining in depth the functional role of biodiversity in various ecosystems of the world.

Microbial Diversity

Book Description

This book offers the first comprehensive, in-depth treatment of microbial diversity for undergraduate and graduate students. Using a global approach, Microbial Diversity illustrates the impact of microorganisms on ecological and Earth system phenomena. Accompanied by a devoted website with resources for both instructors and students: Uses key ecological and global phenomena to show the continuity of microbial contribution. Illustrates the importance of microbial diversity for the understanding of global physiochemical and biological processes. Presents analyses of microscopic, culture, molecular, and phylogenetic systematic methods. Shows the relevance of microbial diversity to global environmental problems, such as climate change and ozone depletion. Features numerous illustrations, including over 60 4-color photographs of microbes.

Microbial Diversity and Ecology in Hotspots

Book Description

Microbial Diversity in Hotspots provides an introduction to microbial diversity and microbes in different hotspots and threatened areas. The book gives insights on extremophiles, phyllosphere and rhizosphere, covers fungal diversity, conservation and microbial association, focuses on biodiversity acts and policies, and includes cases studies. Microbes explored are from the coldest to the hottest areas of the world. Although hotspots are zones with extremely high microbiology activities, the knowledge of microbial diversity from these areas is very limited, hence this is a welcome addition to existing resources. Provides an introduction to microbial biotechnology Addresses novel approaches to the study of microbial diversity in hotspots Provides the basics, along with advanced information on microbial diversity Discusses the techniques used to examine microbial diversity with their applications and respective pros and cons for sustainability Explores the importance of microbial genomes studies in commercial applications

Microbial Diversity in Ecosystem Sustainability and Biotechnological Applications

Book Description

This book discusses microbial diversity in various habitats and environments, its role in ecosystem maintenance, and its potential applications (e.g. biofertilizers, biocatalysts, antibiotics, other bioactive compounds, exopolysaccharides etc.). The respective chapters, all contributed by renowned experts, offer cutting-edge information in the fields of microbial ecology and biogeography. The book explains the reasons behind the occurrence of various biogeographies and highlights recent tools (e.g. metagenomics) that can aid in biogeography studies by providing information on nucleic acid sequence data, thereby directly identifying microorganisms in various habitats and environments. In turn, the book describes how human intervention results in depletion of biodiversity, and how numerous hotspots are now losing their endemic biodiversity, resulting in the loss of many ecologically important microorganisms. In closing, the book underscores the importance of microbial diversity for sustainable ecosystems.

Microbial Diversity and Ecosystem Function

Book Description

The microbial concept; The microbial species concept and biodiversity; The microorganisms: a concept in need of clarification or one now to be rejected? The extent of microbial diversity; Described and estimated species numbers: an objetive assessment of current knowledge; Approaches to the comprehensive evaluation of prokaryote diversity of a habitat; Identifying and culturing the 'Unculturables': a challenge for microbiologists. The impact of microorganisms on global ecology and nutrient cycling; A neglected carbon sink? biodegradation of rocks; Lichens in southern hemisphere temperate rainforest and their role in maintenance of biodiversity; Mineral cycling by microorganisms: iron bacteria; The potential importance of biodiversity in environmental biotechnology applications: bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soils and sediments; Microorganisms and ecosystem maintenance; Bacterial diversity and ecosystem maintenance: an overview; Ecological role of microphytic soil crusts in arid ecosystems; The diversity of microorganisms associated with marine invertebrates and their roles in the maintenance of ecosystems; Fungi, a vital component of ecosystem function in woodland; Microorganisms in extreme environments; Molecular biology of Alkaliphiles; Thermophilic fungi in desert soils: a neglected extreme environment; Biodiversity of the rock inhabiting microbiota with special reference to black fungi and black yeasts; Inventorying and monitoring microorganisms; Statistics, biodiversity and microorganisms; Traditional methods of detecting and selecting functionally important microorganisms from the soil and the Rhizosphere; Problems in measurements of species diversity of macrofungi; Inventorying microfungi on tropical plants; Viral biodiversity; Exploration of prokaryotic diversity employing taxonomy; International biodiversity initiatives and the global biodiversity assessment; The resource base in microbiology; Living reference collections; Dried reference collections as a microbiological resource; Microorganisms, indigenous intellectual property rights and the convention on biological diversity; Extent and development of the human resource; Biodiversity information transfer: some existing initiatives and how to link them; Indigenous Rhizobia populations in east and southern Africa: a network approach; Progress in the synthesis and delivery of information on the diversity of known bacteria.

Microbial Diversity in Ecosystem Sustainability and Biotechnological Applications

Book Description

This volume comprehensively reviews recent advances in our understanding of the diversity of microbes in various types of terrestrial ecosystems, such as caves, deserts and cultivated fields. It is written by leading experts, and highlights the culturable microbes identified using conventional approaches, as well as non-culturable ones unveiled with metagenomic and microbiomic approaches. It discusses the role of microbes in ecosystem sustainability and their potential biotechnological applications. The book further discusses the diversity and utility of ectomycorrhizal and entomopathogenic fungi and yeasts that dwell on grapes, it examines the biotechnological applications of specific microbes such as lichens, xylan- and cellulose-saccharifying bacteria and archaea, chitinolytic bacteria, methanogenic archaea and pathogenic yeasts.