Microeconomic Essays on Technology, Labor Markets and Firm Strategy

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This dissertation consists of three essays in applied microeconomics. These essays investigate different aspects of the impact of technology on labor market outcomes and firm strategy. The first essay, co-authored with Ronald L. Oaxaca, is in the area of labor economics and it investigates the relation between non-neutral technological change and the gender gap in wages. This essay is the first to address the issue of the recent narrowing of the gender wage gap in the context of technological change by using a novel approach to separately estimate the effects of technological change and discrimination on the gender wage gap. Using a constant elasticity of substitution production function and Current Population Survey data on employment and wages by industry and occupation, the results show that changes in non-neutral technological change explain between 5% and 9% of the narrowing of the wage gap between 1979 and 2001. The latter two essays span topics across applied industrial organization, firm strategy and labor economics. The second component of my dissertation investigates the relation between technological knowledge diffusion through the labor mobility of scientists and the organization of R & D activities by innovative firms. Using a labor mobility measure from the Current Population Survey March Supplements as a measure for inter-firm technology spillovers and a panel of R & D alliance data for 18 U.S. industries between 1989 and 1999, a Poisson estimation shows that firms facing a 10% increase in the labor mobility of scientists have a 5% increase in the annual number of R & D collaborations. The third essay is an empirical analysis of the impact of knowledge dissemination generated by the labor mobility of scientists and engineers on a measure of the pace of innovation. Using an unbalanced panel of firms containing patent data matched with firm data across eight innovative industries, from 1989 to 1998, along with a measure of the labor mobility of scientists and engineers, this essay provides evidence that firms in industries exposed to levels of labor mobility of scientists and engineers that differ by 1%, have an expected time lag between sequential generations of technologies that differs by 0.56 years.

Technology, Innovation and Industrial Economics: Institutionalist Perspectives

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Technology, Innovation and Industrial Economics: Institutional Perspectives, inspired by the work of William E. Cole, Professor Emeritus at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, extends his work with essays on technology, innovation and industrial economics from an Institutionalist perspective. The managerial style, innovational practices and industrial setting of the continuous improvement firm are central to several chapters. This volume also features innovation and technology in Latin America, Adam Smith's writing on entrepreneurship and a comparison of American and European Institutionalism. The topics of technology, innovation, industrial organization and industrial policy are being widely discussed and debated in today's literature, but seldom from an Institutionalist perspective. The purpose of this book is to reduce substantially this missing dimension in the ongoing debates on these important issues.

Essays in Online Labor Markets

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This thesis explores the economics of online labor markets. The first paper evaluates a market intervention that sought to improve efficiency within the world's largest online labor market. The second paper provides an illustration of how online labor markets can serve as a platform for helping researchers study economic questions using natural field experiments. The third paper examines the role of supervision within a firm using detailed productivity data. In the first paper, we report the results of an experiment that increased job application costs in an online labor market. More specifically, we made it costlier to apply to jobs by adding required questions to job applications that were designed to elicit high-bandwidth information about workers. Our experimental design allows us to separate the effect of a costly ordeal vs. the role of information by randomizing whether employers see workers' answers. We find that our ordeal reduced the number of applicants by as much as 29% and reduced hires by as much as 3.6%. Overall, the applicant pool that underwent the ordeal had higher earnings and hourly wages, but not better past job performance. The ordeal also discouraged non-North American workers. We find no evidence that employers spent more when vacancies were filled, but some evidence that employer satisfaction improved. These improvements were the result of information provision rather than selection. Finally, we did not find any heterogeneity in outcomes across job category, contract types, or employer experience. In the second paper, we conduct the first natural field experiment to explore the relationship between the "meaningfulness" of a task and worker effort. We employed over 2,500 workers from Amazon's Mechanical Turk (MTurk), an online labor market, to label medical images. Although given an identical task, we experimentally manipulated how the task was framed. Subjects in the meaningful treatment were told that they were labeling tumor cells in order to assist medical researchers, subjects in the zero-context condition (the control group) were not told the purpose of the task, and, in stark contrast, subjects in the shredded treatment were not given context and were additionally told that their work would be discarded. We found that when a task was framed more meaningfully, workers were more likely to participate. We also found that the meaningful treatment increased the quantity of output (with an insignificant change in quality) while the shredded treatment decreased the quality of output (with no change in quantity). We believe these results will generalize to other short-term labor markets. Our study also discusses MTurk as an exciting platform for running natural field experiments in economics. In the third paper, we investigate whether greater supervision translates into higher quality work. We analyze data from a firm that supplies answers for one of the most popular question-and- answer ("Q&A') websites in the world. As a result of the firm's staffing process, the assignment of supervisors to workers is as good as random, and workers are exposed to supervisors who put forth varying degrees of "effort" (a measure based on a supervisor's propensity to correct work). Using this exogenous variation, we estimate the net effect of greater supervision and find that a one-standard-deviation increase in supervisor effort reduces the number of bad answers by between four and six percent. By decomposing the total effect into the separate effects on corrected and uncorrected answers, we conclude that supervisor effort tends to lower the number of good answers among uncorrected answers. Interestingly, observable worker behaviors (i.e., answer length and time to answer a question) seemed unaffected by supervision. None of the results vary with worker experience.

Essays on Volatility and the Division of Innovative Labor

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Economic liberalization has brought a widespread belief that strengthening supply-side institutions is not only a necessary condition but also a sufficient one for economic and technological development. Yet uneven growth in advanced economies and a tenacious 'middle-income' trap tests this view. This dissertation, composed of three essays, examines persistent challenges to social, technological and economic development. A key aspect of my approach is to understand whether states can control the environment in which local firms make decisions. In particular, I argue scholars have exhibited a significant bias towards the supply side of markets as sources of innovation and growth. I exploit this bias by examining cases in which the characteristics of global demand markets significantly shape firm strategies. The first essay, based on a five-year dataset of Hewlett-Packard's social audits along with extensive fieldwork in their global supply chain, identifies demand volatility as a significant cause of persistent labor standards violations in the global electronics industry, in contrast to the conventional wisdom. The second essay uses a critical case study of the Penang semiconductor cluster to examine the challenges late industrializers face when confronted with stalled technological upgrading in a world of horizontal production networks. In common with efforts to improve labor standards, the real obstacle to technological upgrading is demand volatility. I argue the case of Penang shows that it is volatility, not the search for low wages, which increasingly determines the international division of labor in emerging economies. The third essay uses a unique dataset of production firms founded with MIT-licensed technology to examine whether the U.S. captures the long-term benefits of its investments in technological innovation. Through interviews with senior managers and founders, it finds that the U.S. ecosystem provides fertile ground to start firms; yet when these firms need to take the significant leap into larger-scaled processes, both the need for additional capital as well as the search for production capabilities pulls many firms to move critical knowledge abroad. The three essays demonstrate that demand increasingly shapes global production and innovation architectures, not the opposite as is widely assumed.

The Microeconomics of Creating Productive Jobs

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The challenge for labor market policy in the transition economies has been to redress the sharp drops in employment and rises in unemployment in a way that fosters the creation of productive jobs. The authors first document the magnitude and productivity of job and worker reallocation. Then they investigate the effects of privatization, product and labor market liberalization, and obstacles to growth in the new private sector on reallocation and its productivity in Hungary, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. The authors find that market reform has resulted in a large increase in the pace of job reallocation, particularly that occurring between sectors and through firm turnover. Unlike under central planning, the job reallocation during the transition has contributed significantly to aggregate productivity growth. Privatization has not only stimulated intrasectoral job reallocation, but the reallocation is more productive than that among remaining state firms. The effect of privatization on firm productivity varies considerably across countries and is not always positive. The productivity gains from privatization have generally not come at the expense of workers but are rather associated with increased wages and employment.