When I Feel Afraid/Cuando tengo miedo

Book Description

In English and Spanish, help children understand their fears and teach them simple coping skills. It is natural for children to feel afraid sometimes. In this English-Spanish bilingual book, encouraging words and supportive illustrations guide children to face their fears and know where to turn for help. Little ones also learn simple ways to help themselves. Includes a special section for adults, with ideas for supporting children when they feel afraid and a list of additional resources, in both English and Spanish. ​The Learning to Get Along® Series The Learning to Get Along series helps children learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life situations, lots of diversity, and concrete examples make these read-aloud books appropriate for home and childcare settings, schools, and special education settings. Each book ends with a section of discussion questions, games, and activities adults can use to reinforce what children have learned. All titles available in English-Spanish bilingual editions.

Venciendo El Miedo

Book Description

Aqui la historia real es el viaje inconcluso del Cristo de la Veracruz desde Espana hasta la costa sur de Cuba en el ano 1713, a bordo de un mercante espanol. Se quedo en Trinidad por voluntad propia, negandose a abandonar aquella tierra segun rezan la historia y la leyenda, alli permanecio y alli continua hasta el presente, venerado en la iglesia de la Santisima Trinidad por todo aquel que cree en El y en sus milagros. La parte imaginaria nos cuenta la historia de una joven nacida en las cumbres del Macizo de Garraf, en Cataluna, que huye de su misera existencia privada de afectos y, con ese fin, se embarca como polizon en el mismo barco encargado de trasladar el Cristo a su destino; ella se sobrepone a sus miedos, enfrenta el peligro segun se le presenta dia a dia, desembarca para quedarse en el mismo lugar que lo hace la imagen sagrada. Anos despues escribe sus memorias y deja el manuscrito aprisionado en las paredes de un palacete trinitario del Siglo XVIII donde vivio hasta su muerte.

I'm Not Scared!

Book Description

This adventure about everyone's favorite mischievous white puppy is now a Scholastic Reader!It's Halloween, and puppy wants to dress up. Should he be a big black bat? Or maybe a wise wizard? How about a funny clown?As he is getting ready, a bunch of scary ghosts are at the door! Boo! Puppy is scared, until he recognizes his friends underneath the costumes. Happy Halloween!

Once I Was Very Very Scared

Book Description

A little squirrel announces that he was once very, very, scared and finds out that he is not alone. Lots of little animals went through scary experiences, but they react in different ways. Turtle hides and gets a tummy ache, monkey clings, dog barks, and elephant doesn't like to talk about it. They need help, and they get help from grown-ups who help them feel safe and learn ways to cope with difficult feelings. This story was written to help children and grown-ups understand how stress can affect children and ways to help them.

El pájaro que tenía miedo de volar

Book Description

Changuito tiene miedo. Prefiere que nadie lo vea y que no se den cuenta de que está allí. Vive mirando el mundo a través de las rejas de su jaulita. Por suerte tiene grandes amigos que lo invitan a salir, a cantar y a… ¿volar?

Homo Amandi: EvoluciÌ_n Consciente del Miedo a la Solidaridad

Book Description

Los humanos nacemos con el cerebro cableado para el amor y la compasi�n y la neurociencia nos ense�a que el cerebro est� constantemente cambiando. Estos dotes innatos est�n en nuestros genes, nuestra fisiolog�a y nuestra bioqu�mica y pueden ser nutridos y desarrollados en funci�n de construir un mundo m�s solidario

Book Description