Derechos humanos, inmigrantes en situación irregular y Unión Europea

Book Description

En este libro, en 15 capítulos, en español, inglés y francés, se abordan temas como la inmigración irregular en el ámbito mediterráneo, la participación de las Organizaciones Internacionales en la gestión de la inmigración irregular, los Derechos Humanos de los inmigrantes en situación irregular, los inmigrantes en situación irregular en el Derecho Español e inmigración irregular y derecho de asilo.En la realidad soplan malos vientos para los inmigrantes, en general, y especialmente para aquellos que se hallan en situación irregular, sea originaria o sobrevenida. Así lo prueban la Directiva de retorno (con toda justicia calificada como «Directiva de la vergüenza») y la Directiva de sanción a los empleadores de personas en situación irregular{ y también puede decirse que existe un empeoramiento de ciertas legislaciones estatales, como la italiana, la francesa, etc. Frecuentemente se utiliza un peligroso mito para referirse a estas personas: son calificadas como «ilegales», a pesar de que ninguna persona lo es. El mito esconde importantes dosis de xenofobia y de criminalización de personas que simplemente han atravesado irregularmente una frontera o se hallan con una documentación caducada.El respeto de los Derechos Humanos de las personas en situación irregular no siempre se produce en nuestros democráticos Estados de Derecho{ en ellos surge con demasiada frecuencia el cinismo del doble o triple lenguaje. El respeto efectivo de los Derechos Humanos (universales, indivisibles, interdependientes, inalienables e irrenunciables) interesa a todos y a todas. Cuando algún grupo de personas sufre su violación, otras personas (en esta hipótesis, muchos ciudadanos de la Unión) no se dan cuenta de que se cuestiona, sufre y peligra la misma esencia de la democracia.

Derechos humanos y transformación política en contextos de violencia

Book Description

Análisis crítico con un enfoque multidisciplinario, único hasta ahora en México, de las oportunidades y desafíos de los derechos humanos. Los autores aquí reunidos analizan los derechos humanos como una práctica social que se realiza en medio de relaciones asimétricas de poder, en el marco del ya convulsionado siglo xxi. Pensados como un discurso que se convierte en práctica social y en campo de disputa para la definición de significados, los derechos humanos pueden generar marcos de oportunidad para la transformación político-social pero, también, pueden constituir un obstáculo para el cambio y la construcción de subjetividades emancipadas.

Human Rights, Migration, and Social Conflict

Book Description

This book uses human rights as part of a constructivist methodology designed to establish a causal relationship between human rights violations and different types of social and political conflict in Europe and North America.

Humanitarian Crises and Migration

Book Description

Whether it is the stranding of tens of thousands of migrant workers at the Libyan–Tunisian border, or the large-scale displacement triggered by floods in Pakistan and Colombia, hardly a week goes by in which humanitarian crises have not precipitated human movement. While some people move internally, others internationally, some temporarily and others permanently, there are also those who become "trapped" in place, unable to move to greater safety. Responses to these "crisis migrations" are varied and inadequate. Only a fraction of "crisis migrants" are protected by existing international, regional or national law. Even where law exists, practice does not necessarily guarantee safety and security for those who are forced to move or remain trapped. Improvements are desperately needed to ensure more consistent and effective responses. This timely book brings together leading experts from multi-disciplinary backgrounds to reflect on diverse humanitarian crises and to shed light on a series of exploratory questions: In what ways do people move in the face of crisis situations? Why do some people move, while others do not? Where do people move? When do people move, and for how long? What are the challenges and opportunities in providing protection to crisis migrants? How might we formulate appropriate responses and sustainable solutions, and upon what factors should these depend? This volume is divided into four parts, with an introductory section outlining the parameters of "crisis migration," conceptualizing the term and evaluating its utility. This section also explores the legal, policy and institutional architecture upon which current responses are based. Part II presents a diverse set of case studies, from the earthquake in Haiti and the widespread violence in Mexico, to the ongoing exodus from Somalia, and environmental degradation in Alaska and the Carteret Islands, among others. Part III focuses on populations that may be at particular risk, including non-citizens, migrants at sea, those displaced to urban areas, and trapped populations. The concluding section maps the global governance of crisis migration and highlights gaps in current provisions for crisis-related movement across multiple levels. This valuable book brings together previously diffuse research and policy issues under the analytical umbrella of "crisis migration." It lays the foundations for assessing and addressing real challenges to the status quo, and will be of interest to scholars, policy makers, and practitioners committed to seeking out improved responses and ensuring the dignity and safety of millions who move in the context of humanitarian crises.

Young Migrants Crossing Multiple Borders to the North

Book Description

Our focus on youth migration aims to unfold the theoretical and political constraints at play for these young migrants as they defy borders and national boundaries on their northbound journey. By placing the emphasis on young persons, this volume seeks to ponder on the challenges their movement is positing to governments and societies of the countries they are crossing by or settling in. Our goal is to go outside the perspectives constructed from a labor, adult-centered, breadwinner and family-head perspective. We recognize that the conditions that force them to flee uncertain economic conditions or to seek personal security may intersect, but by focusing on young migrants as actors in search of a decent and fair life, as well as on the hopes and resilience that every young person has, the point of view diverges. As they may be permanent or transit sojourners in local communities, we also propose to include the spaces, as the social and political communities reacts to this youth mobility. The chapters contained herein follow the migrant’s movement from South to North. Therefore, the authors focused on the analysis of several emerging issues in the migration dynamics in North America. Contents Introduction – Ana Vila Freyer and Liliana Meza González CHAPTER 1. GUATEMALA-MÉXICO: THE LAST BORDER BETWEEN THE EXCLUSION AND THE FULFILLMENT OF DREAMS OF YOUNG PEOPLE FROM THE NORTHERN COUNTRIES OF CENTRAL AMERICA – Sandra Herrera-Ruiz and Lesbia Ortiz Martínez CHAPTER 2. SUSPENDED LIVES OF CENTRAL AMERICAN YOUTH IN MEXICO: BETWEEN INCLUSION AND SURVIVAL – Martha Luz Rojas Wiesner and Susann Hjorth Boisen CHAPTER 3. (DIS) CONTINUITIES IN CENTRAL AMERICA’S MIGRATORY MOBILITY. THE POST-MITCH GENERATION – Javier Urbano Reyes CHAPTER 4. IRREGULAR MIGRATION AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING FOR THE PURPOSE OF SEXUAL EXPLOITATION: AN ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC POLICY INSTRUMENTS FOR COMBATING IT IN CHIAPAS, MEXICO – Jesús Rubio Campos and Carolina Guadiana Sánchez CHAPTER 5. WOULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME, WHICH WAY I OUGHT TO GO? CENTRAL AMERICANS CROSSING THROUGH OR SETTLING IN GUANAJUATO – Ana Vila Freyer and Eloy Estrada Lozano CHAPTER 6. THE ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEDICAL SERVICES AND TO FORMAL JOBS FOR YOUNG CENTRAL AMERICAN MIGRANTS IN MEXICO, BEFORE AND AFTER THE 2011 MIGRATION LAW – Liliana Meza González and Ken Nishikata CHAPTER 7. THE DISPLACEMENT AND ECONOMIC INSERTION OF REFUGEES FROM CENTRAL AMERICA IN MEXICO – Rodolfo Cruz Piñeiro and Rafael Alonso Hernández López CHAPTER 8. THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION’S CENTRAL AMERICAN MINORS (CAM) PROGRAM (2015-2017): A SAFE AND LEGAL PATH TO THE UNITED STATES? – Chiara Galli CHAPTER 9. THE EDUCATIONAL AND CAREER GOALS OF THE CHILDREN OF UNDOCUMENTED PARENTS IN THE UNITED STATES: A MIXED-METHOD STUDY OF DACA ELIGIBLE STUDENTS AT A CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UNIVERSITY – Nicole Dubus CHAPTER 10. YOUNG INDIGENOUS MIGRANTS FROM SOUTHERN MEXICO IN THE U.S. – Tania Cruz-Salazar CHAPTER 11. INTEGRATION INTO THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND THE JOB MARKET AMONG YOUNG MIGRANTS IN MEXICO – Ana Escoto and Claudia Masferrer

Children and Youths’ Migration in a Global Landscape

Book Description

This volume contains an Open Access Chapter. Children and Youths' Migration in a Global Landscape interrogates how transnational mobility shapes the lives of the relatively young, and addresses questions that encourage us to consider what it means to be a transnationally mobile child or youth in the 21st century.

New Perspectives on Gender and Migration

Book Description

This book discusses recent theoretical and empirical developments in international migration from a gender perspective. Its main objective is to analyse the diversification and stratification of gendered migratory streams with regard to skill level, labour market integration, and legal status. In turn a migrant’s position in relation to these axes influences access to entitlements and rights. Conceptually, the book builds upon the recent shift in scholarly research on migration, with women-centred research shifting more toward the analysis of gender. Migration is now viewed as a gendered phenomenon that requires more sophisticated theoretical and analytical tools than sex as a dichotomous variable. Theoretical formulations of gender as relational, and as spatially and temporally contextual have begun to inform gendered analyses of migration. The contributions to this book elaborate in more detail the broader social factors that influence migrating women’s and men’s roles, access to resources, facilities and services. Empirically, all major regions are discussed, pointing to common trends such as the increasing significance of the regionalization of migration flows as well as some noteworthy differences.

Handbook on Migration and Development

Book Description

This Handbook presents a comprehensive overview of the interaction between migration and development from a range of critical and counter-hegemonic perspectives. Exploring the strengths and weaknesses of existing practices connected with the migration and development nexus, contributing authors provide a clear understanding of their complex dynamics.

Rethinking Transit Migration

Book Description

Questioning the notion of transit migration, the book examines factors that shape Central American migrants' mobility and immobility in the transnational space, comprised on Central American countries, Mexico, and the US.

South American Childhoods

Book Description

This edited volume concerns childhood throughout South America after the 1990s, a period and territory of special complexity marked by the beginning—or intensification of—political neoliberalisation throughout the region. The decade also saw the ratification of the International Convention on Rights of the Child and post-dictatorial processes of political and social democratisation. The editors of this book explore the tension this juxtaposition has generated between logics and processes of dissimilar orientations. Within this framework, chapters investigate the neoliberalisation and institutionalisation of children’s rights and consider similarities and differences with respect to other regions. They also explore changes in schools and educational systems, as well as the phenomenon of the internal and external child and family migration.