Migration and Development in Mozambique

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Despite Mozambique's relatively high economic growth rate, there has been little absorption of unskilled workers. The urban informal sector has become unattractive to the rural poor, as competition for jobs makes economic survival more difficult. As a result, rural households have sought employment in South Africa. Yet much Mozambican employment in South Africa remains ?illegal?, with concomitant risks of exploitation, insecurity and marginalisation. This paper undertakes an inter-regional analysis of south, central and northern Mozambique, considering the impact of remittances in the south, and disparities in wealth and wellbeing. It concludes that the nature of migration in the area has changed significantly in the post-apartheid era, with a notable shift from mining to more varied employment opportunities. Wage remittances remain likely to fall and the employment situation become less secure however, as free market policies, combined with harsh policies on undocumented migrants, take their toll.

Interrelations Between Public Policies, Migration and Development

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Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development is the result of a project carried out by the European Union and the OECD Development Centre in ten partner countries: Armenia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, the Dominican Republic, Georgia, Haiti, Morocco and the Philippines. The project aimed to provide policy makers with evidence on the way migration influences specific sectors - labour market, agriculture, education, investment and financial services, and social protection and health - and, in turn, how sectoral policies affect migration. The report addresses four dimensions of the migration cycle: emigration, remittances, return and immigration. The results of the empirical work confirm that migration contributes to the development of countries of origin and destination. However, the potential of migration is not yet fully exploited by the ten partner countries. One explanation is that policy makers do not sufficiently take migration into account in their respective policy areas. To enhance the contribution of migration to development, home and host countries therefore need to adopt a more coherent policy agenda to better integrate migration into development strategies, improve co-ordination mechanisms and strengthen international co-operation.

International Migration and National Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

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This book focuses on achieving a better understanding of the implications of international migration for national development from the perspective of the sending countries (with an emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa). More specifically, the purpose of this volume is to explore (1) current perceptions - as seen from the perspective of the countries of origin - of the links between international migration and national development, and (2) current trends in policy making aimed at minimising the negative effects, while optimising the development impact. What are the dominant views and policy initiatives in the different countries of sub-Saharan Africa? It is concerned with the question of how a coherent international migration policy can contribute to the fight against poverty. In the book, update information is given of migration-development nexus in various countries, including Senegal and Burkina Faso, Botswana and Mozambique, Nigeria and Kenya . Attention is additionally paid to Mexico, the Philippines and the People's Republic of China.

Migration Out of Poverty

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Internal migration plays an important role in the economic development of individuals, their families, and their country. This study describes Mozambique's most common migration patterns from 1992 until 2017 using data from three population censuses. We focus on the most important moves between regions, provinces, and rural and urban areas. Further, we document the characteristics of migrants to assess selection patterns. In the final step, we estimate the relationship between migration and multidimensional poverty by applying inverse probability weighted regression adjustment (IPWRA). We find that migration in Mozambique was very high, especially between rural areas, after the war ended as people returned from displacement. Still, it is very low in the most recent period. Recently, migration has been the main contributor to the urbanization of the greater Maputo area (capital city). Migrants appear to be positively selected on education, and are, on average, less likely to be poor.

Migration, Remittances and Development in Southern Africa

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Migrant remittances are a focus of attention worldwide, with debates raging on their impact on poverty alleviation. Less well known is that over a third of remittances to underdeveloped countries originate in other developing countries. Remittances as goods and commodities, and remittances from urban to rural areas are important. This is the case in the southern African region where cross-border migration is commonplace. Remittances to Africa easily exceed development aid, yet the comparative research and publication interest is paltry. The southern African context suffers particularly from a paucity of data. This survey provides information on the profile of the migrant population, remittance flows and usage at household level in five SADC countries, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. It considers remittances both within the region and from Africans in the diaspora. Further factors under consideration are gender, age, education level and tradition.

Return Migration, Self-Selection and Entrepreneurship in Mozambique

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Does return migration affect entrepreneurship? This question has important implications for the debate on the economic development effects of migration for origin countries. The existing literature has, however, not addressed how the estimation of the impact of return migration on entrepreneurship is affected by double unobservable migrant self-selection, both at the initial outward migration and at the final inward return migration stages. This paper uses a representative household survey conducted in Mozambique in order to address this research question. We exploit variation provided by displacement caused by civil war in Mozambique, as well as social unrest and other shocks in migrant destination countries. The results lend support to negative unobservable self-selection at both and each of the initial and return stages of migration, which results in an under-estimation of the effects of return migration on entrepreneurial outcomes when using a 'naïve' estimator not controlling for self-selection. Indeed, 'naïve' estimates point to a 13 pp increase in the probability of owning a business when there is a return migrant in the household relative to non-migrants only, whereas excluding the double effect of unobservable self-selection, this effect becomes significantly larger - between 24 pp and 29 pp, depending on the method of estimation and source of variation used.

Migration and Development in Africa

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The Southern Africa Migration Project (SAPM) launches its new series on migration and development. Migration has been an integral aspect of the labour markets across much of Africa for at least the last century, cutting across class and skill boundaries. It represents an important livelihood strategy for poor households, but is also characteristic of the better off, including many African elites. Understanding is slowly emerging of the potentially positive role that migration can play in reducing poverty and 'mobilising' the African diaspora in development. This first title in this series provides an overview of the complex political, economic and human development issues at stake around the migration phenomenon in the twenty-first century. It gives valuable factual and statistical data to inform debates on this contentious political topic. This publication is the product of collaboration between the Southern African Migration Project and the Centre for Globalization, Poverty and Migration at Sussex University. Subsequent editions are planned on HIV/AIDS, health, the brain-drain, and food security in Africa.

Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in Mozambique

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This review attempts to synthesize and evaluate the research undertaken on internally displaced, refugee and returnee population movements consequent to the war in Mozambique. The review discusses the changing conceptions of the role of research and the changing perceptions of the role of apartheid, the destabilization process, and the social dynamics of displacement. The following section of the review focuses on research dealing with the livelihood and experience of refugees and displaced persons. Specific mention is made of research concerning the trauma of displacement and violence, survival strategies, and historical perspectives and social change. The review also focuses on literature looking at the impact of forced migration on the hosting areas. Information is provided on works dealing with the impact on Malawi as well as local ecological and social impacts. A section of the review explores the work being undertaken in the field of returning home and rebuilding Mozambique, including the impact of assistance programmes. The review contains an extensive bibliography as well as a listing of the holdings of the Refugee Studies Programme Documentation Centre on Mozambique and on Mozambicans in the neighbouring countries.


Book Description

Of the households with wage employees, 75% of the households of the South have absentee workers (32% for the Centre and 41% for the North). [...] Reflecting the higher wages in South Africa (and to a certain extent wages in Maputo), the ANE sur vey found in 2001 that more than two- thir ds (67.6%) of the households in the South have workers earning the equivalent of more than USD 60 per month compared to only 13.7% in the Centre, while more than half of the households of the Centre claimed that wage earnings were less than US$12 or consider. [...] Just more than half (50.6%) of the households of the South cultivate an area in excess of 2 Ha versus 31.9% in the Centre and 24.9% in the North (Table 2). [...] REMITTANCES AND POVERTY IN THE SOUTH I n the previous section, inter-regional household welfare compar- isons provide convincing evidence that the accumulated effect of both internal and external migration has resulted in a significant disparity of wealth between the households of the South and those of the Centre and North. [...] The level of remuneration would also be affected by the sector of employment, privilege of certain households in gaining access to the mining sector and the legal status of the migrant.

Migration from Zambia

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"The paper analyzes migration from Zambia in order to understand how migration policy can support development in the least developed countries. Overall emigration from Zambia is not high by regional standards, but the pattern of migration is skewed toward the skilled and away from the unskilled. A development-friendly approach to migration for Zambia would strive to ensure the temporariness of both types of movement. First, industrial countries may be willing to accept a higher level of unskilled immigration if they could be certain that it is temporary. Second, any adverse effects of brain drain would be greatly alleviated if skilled emigration is temporary. The problem is that host countries cannot unilaterally ensure temporariness of unskilled migration because repatriation cannot be accomplished without the help of source countries like Zambia, and source countries today have little incentive to facilitate the return of the unskilled. At the same time, source countries like Zambia cannot unilaterally ensure temporariness of the skilled because repatriation cannot be accomplished without the help of the host countries, and host countries currently have little incentive to send back the skilled. So, there is a strong case and considerable scope for cooperation between source countries like Zambia and destination countries in the design and implementation of migration policy so that unskilled migration becomes feasible and skilled migration takes a more desirable form." -- Cover verso.