Sweet Love'n Cowboy

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A billionaire cowboy with a huge crush on an intriguing store owner in need of his help…can West help Genna find more than she’s asked for, with true love and a future with him? Genna Barry grew up traveling the world with her parents but dreamed of settling down in a small town and making a life of her own. Now, as an adult dropped by the man, she thought she loved she’s found Lone Star, Texas and opened a real store to go with her booming online store. She’s loving her life, a life that involves no dating since she’s not willing to sacrifice the happiness she’s found by being rejected ever again. West Buckley admires the beautiful store owner and is highly infatuated with her, but word is she’s not interested in dating anyone. So, he’s trying to hide how he feels and just be her friend—a hard task when his interest is so strong even his brothers see it. When one of Genna’s online clients wants to come to town and bring her single daughter to shop and hopefully meet some cowboys, West is pulled in to help. And hiding his feelings for Genna gets tougher. But though he keeps the books for his family’s huge ranch and likes raising cattle he lives at his grandparent’s old homestead and raises lots of goats, keeping his grandmother’s favorite hobby alive—little does he know it’s also a dream of Genna’s…can it be a lead into the two of them finding love together? Welcome to Lone Star, Texas: in this fun, inspirational, heartwarming romance series, you’ll watch as each of the Buckleys find love in the small town, surrounded by wonderful...meddling people eager to see all of them happy. These are entertaining, emotion-filled love stories that will leave you smiling.

Sweet Love'n Cowboy

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Milliardenschweren Heart Love'n Cowboy

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Sie hat die Liebe ihres Lebens verloren; nun sehnt sie sich nach einem Neuanfang ohne Herzensangelegenheiten. Er ist auf der Suche nach seiner großen Liebe und erkennt rasch, dass sie hatte, wonach er strebt, doch keinerlei Interesse daran zeigt, ihr Herz noch einmal zu verschenken. Doch ihre süße Tochter hat andere Vorstellungen... Wird Sydney Ross in dieser Stadt mit den freundlichen, herzensguten Bewohnern der Neuanfang gelingen, nach dem sie und ihre Tochter suchen? Ihr Großvater hat ihr sein Haus in Lone Star, Texas hinterlassen; eine Gelegenheit, die sie zunächst nicht ergreifen wollte. Als jemand aus der Stadt wissen möchte, ob er das Haus kaufen kann, um daraus ein Bed & Breakfast zu machen, überdenkt sie ihr Leben und zieht den Wunsch ihres Großvaters in Erwägung. Werden Sydney und ihre geliebte Tochter Hazel in dieser netten Stadt ihr Leben neu in Angriff nehmen und sich vom Verlust des Mannes erholen können, den sie so innig geliebt haben? Würde ihr Großvater recht behalten? Würde dies der Ort für ihren Neuanfang sein? Eins erkennt sie schnell - Hazel liebt ihr neues Zuhause und interessiert sich auffallend für einen gewissen Cowboy, der hinter dem Haus seine Rinder weidet... Dustin Buckley. Dustin neigt zu einer etwas pessimistischen Sicht - insbesondere, wenn es um Frauen geht. Auf dem College hat er gelernt, dass ihm das Geld seiner Familie, über das er nie sprach und schon gar nicht als selbstverständlich ansah, in Liebesdingen im Weg stand. Seither hat er sein Herz verschlossen... bis er die neueste Einwohnerin der Stadt trifft. Eine Frau, an die er unablässig denken muss - und die nichts mit ihm zu tun haben will. Wird im hoffnungsfrohen und sympathischen Lone Star, Texas ein Wunder geschehen? Werden Sydney und Dustin die Liebe entdecken, die auf sie wartet? Wird Hazel bekommen, was sie möchte? Dies ist eine Liebesgeschichte über das Überwinden von Trauer und die Annahme all des Schönen, das das Leben bereithält - geschätzte Erinnerungen, die bewahrt werden und Neuanfänge voller Liebe und Lachen mit einem herzensguten Cowboy.

Her Billionaire Cowboy's Inconvenient Marriage Blessing

Book Description

He needs a temporary wife to save his business and his parent's legacy, she needs money to save her dream...will an inconvenient wedding be a blessing of love? Beck McCoy would have given up every cent of his inheritance to have his mother and father back from the fatal plane crash that killed them when he was a boy. Instead of being afraid to fly he grew up obsessed with flying. It has always been his connection to his father, who also loved to be in the sky. Part owner of a private jet charter service he loves every moment of it. When his grandfather demands he find a bride or lose his inheritance, the legacy his dad and mom helped build for him, Beck is furious but determined to do whatever it takes. He must marry or start from scratch--something he's not afraid to do but losing the inheritance from his parents makes his heart hurt. He needs a plan and he needs it fast. Mollie Mae Darling is about to lose everything. First her beloved grandfather and now she's just learned that the ranch she loves is about to belong to the bank. In a fateful moment she meets a handsome, sympathetic cowboy and unexpected sparks flame to life inside of her hurting heart. But she's suspicious when he makes her a crazy offer of marriage in exchange for the money she needs to keep her dream alive. Can this be for real? Her heart says yes, but that makes his offer all the more dangerous. Is this the blessing she's needed for so very long? McCoy Billionaire Brothers series...Two Billionaire Brothers determined to marry off their grandchildren...one is going to do it from the grave using his last will and testament...can the other do it before it's too late!

Her Billionaire Cowboy's Fake Marriage

Book Description

The last thing cowboy Wade McCoy expected when his beloved billionaire granddad died was for him to require Wade to marry in order to keep the vast McCoy Ranch that they both loved and built together. But that is exactly his granddaddy's requirement: Wade was to marry within three months, stay married for three months or he lost it all, for him and his brothers. He didn't like it one bit, but one thing his granddaddy knew about him was that Wade never let a challenge get the better of him and he had no plans to lose the ranch he loved. His granddaddy had him over a barrel, and he knew it. Now he just had to find someone to go along with this crazy idea. Allie Jordon was desperate. Every bad piece of luck that could have befallen her had done so and now, after losing everything, including her sweet father, she needed funds to get her mother the best care available or she just might lose her too. A chance meeting with a lonely looking cowboy at the truck stop she was waitressing at could change her life?if she says yes to an absolutely off-the-wall proposal that could be the miracle she's been praying for.

Literatur und Lebenskunst

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