Mind Candies for a Lousy Day

Book Description

Dear Executives - Stress and Burnout are the two biggest headaches for employees worldwide. Millions are suffering from these two troubles in their lives every day. Now what causes stress? The top stress creators are office politics, productivity pressures, customer demands, performance appraisals, cost cutting, retrenchment, outsourcing, traffic, business travel, and so on. These headaches can turn even the most capable employee into a nervous wreck over time. The usual remedies of stress control are medications, counseling, exercises, therapy, seminars, and even spirituality like meditation and yoga. But these remedies cost time, money, effort, and travel. And not everyone will have the time or money to frequently indulge in such remedies. In this book I will teach an amazing technique to dramatically reduce your stress and burnout by more than 50 to 75% without taking the usual remedies. You can practice my technique anytime sitting at home or in the office. So, whenever you are feeling doubtful about your own abilities, when disappointments are staring at your face, and you don't see any light at the end of the tunnel simply dive into this book and you will begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised.

The Inventor of Nothing

Book Description

Have you ever blamed or criticized God for something bad that happened to you? Do you feel like confronting and taking Him to task for all the rubbish that's happening around you? Are you baffled by the collective silence of our benevolent gods from all the rival religions? If yes, then don’t waste time seeking answers from any Religious Experts, Enlightened Professors, Top Economists, Nobel Laureates, Pulitzer Prize Winners, Eloquent Politicians, or by reading their superb bestsellers. All the answers you need are available right here in this awesome book. Enlighten yourself with the Technical, Political, and Business justifications of our Creator for the existence of saints, savages, atheists, wars, diseases, religious headaches, corruption, natural calamities, business failures, media maniacs, ethnic cleansing, recessions, silent gods, terrorism, racism, crime, politics, lies, and 1001 other problems you see worldwide daily. Become a Buddha and discover the mysterious secret behind his supreme serenity. Never blame poor God again!!!

The Extreme Minimalist

Book Description

UPDATED 2022 EDITION Many executives think that financial problems, suicides, etc., only happen to some other people but not to them. So, they happily lead a lavish lifestyle by increasing their standard of living. Secondly, they assume that their credentials, knowledge, friends, and good deeds will keep them employed forever. Sadly, they are mistaken. Today’s unpredictable economy, workplace headaches, health, family issues, etc., can make even the most qualified employee unemployed. What if one door closes and another doesn't open? This book is designed to help you overcome such risks and become a long-distance runner in life and not a short-distance runner. By reading this book you will learn an amazing life skill called Minimalism or Voluntary Frugality, which no university or workplace will teach you. By learning this you can confidently handle your life's ups and downs without any fear of putting yourself or your family in trouble, and also become financially and psychologically superior to the rest of the crowd. Give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised.

The Patriot's Confession

Book Description

Meet Agent 57, a veteran combat specialist with the highest security clearance from the US government and all its friendly nations. Never seen but only rumored to exist in the dark shadowy world of extreme security and high value targets. A brilliant expert in geopolitics, covert operations and operating knowledge of every secret weapon whose existence is completely denied by all government agencies. A chap trained to survive the harshest of weathers, the deadliest of hungers and the toughest of tortures. A gentleman born to uphold the liberty and freedom of all its innocent citizens. A man who never hesitates to take up any impossible task anywhere in the world. An unwavering patriot with such extraordinary talents that sets him light years apart from the crowd of mediocre secret agents you normally read in thriller novels and movies. A man that every president from the last three decades has blindly trusted his or her life with, until he succumbs to that one fatal temptation that nobody ever dreamed a trustworthy agent like 57 would do.

Become a Dictator

Book Description

UPDATED 2022 EDITION Have you ever thought of becoming a dictator of some country and terrorizing its people for a few decades? Or dream of ruling the world by squelching free speech and crushing your enemies? No? Come on, don’t lie! Didn’t your mother teach you not to lie? Everyone wants to rule the world. It’s an inbuilt desire and everyone has illusions of grandeur and living in the lap of luxury. Don’t feel embarrassed to admit it. There are few minds to which tyranny is not delightful. Who will say no to the delicious opportunity of becoming an emperor of a kingdom, owning a few magnificent palaces, a set of luxury cars, a dozen private jets, swimming pools, sacks of gold, and acquiring a few other basic necessities if given a chance? Who cares about what the peasants and commoners think? Aha, now I can see what you are thinking! I knew you would see the light. Everything you wanted to know about how to become a dictator, but were too embarrassed to ask is available right here in this concise guide. It contains the most comprehensive specifications and do’s & don’ts for every aspiring dictator. There is no need to read thick boring books on history, communism, etc. So grab your copy today before somebody else beats you to it.

We Never Would Have Guessed!

Book Description

‘Have you noticed the exemplary work being done by some of our scientists and around the world these days?’‘Do you mean the great advances in curing cancer and other diseases?’‘No, I am not referring to cancer research or cure for baldness. I am talking about the other kinds of spectacular discoveries by our modern experts and scientists.’‘What spectacular discoveries are you talking about?’‘Scan any general newspaper or website and you will find an article about such glorious research every second day.’‘What glorious research are they? What are they discovering?’‘Well, I am not going to reveal them easily. But you never would have guessed that a meticulous research was required to unravel those earth shattering truths at the cost of taxpayers money.’‘Come on! Tell me what those discoveries are.’‘Well, since you insist I will reveal them. But don’t tell anyone, okay?’

Big Money!

Book Description

UPDATED 2022 EDITION ‘Ladies and Gentlemen! Do you have some money to invest? Do you want to grow from rags to riches in the shortest possible time? Do you want to become an expert in many subjects and global events? Do you want to quit your boring job and still live happily? Do you.…’ ‘Yes! Yes! Quick, tell me what I need to do.’ ‘Simple. Just start investing in the stock market and start rolling in wealth and great global knowledge. There is big money in it, buddy!’ ‘What? Don’t be silly! I have heard people go bankrupt in the stock market. Such activities are only for people with great financial brains.’ ‘No, you are mistaken. Anyone can become a millionaire in the stock market. But you need to learn some mysterious secrets if you want to dabble in stocks.’ ‘Really? Can you tell me what those secrets are?’ ‘Well, I am not going to reveal them easily. I have discovered those great secrets through meticulous research from many years.’ ‘Oh, come on! Tell me what those secrets are. Look, I will even share my profits with you. I promise!’ ‘Well, since you insist I will reveal them. But don’t tell anyone, okay?’

The Power of Laziness

Book Description

UPDATED 2022 EDITION Any modern executive coach can teach you how to fire on all cylinders, be more productive, extract more juice out of your system, wake up at 5 and go to bed at 11, don’t be a clock watcher, stop the 9-to-5 mentality, get into a 12-14 hour schedule, take a cold shower, and burn yourself at the gym daily, etc. They insist that fame and fortune are possible only if you adopt such an intense lifestyle. And media also joins the bandwagon to portray such ever-smiling workaholics as modern-day superheroes. Bombarded by such scorching advice most people start believing that burning themselves out is the only way to live. So, they enter a world obsessed with speed, doing everything faster, cramming more and more into less and less time, racing against the clock, etc. But what is popular may not be right, and what is right may not be popular. Now, what if I told you that by adopting some conscious laziness you can achieve more than what chronic workaholics can achieve in their lifetime? This concise book will show you how to exploit the unique power of laziness and adapt it to achieve stunningly more productivity and creativity than all the extreme workaholics surrounding you. Give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised.

The Cricket Beasts

Book Description

‘Hey, are you bored with your dull and monotonous life? Do you waste all your spare time reading dull books like Shakespeare and Charles Dickens? Is your life too tame and domesticated? Do you want to inject some excitement and exuberance into it? Do you want to improve your lung power and be able to yell and shriek at hundred decibels for hours and hours? Do you want to get lots of friends of all ages, religions and races who think and act alike? Do you want to extract the maximum out of your gigantic high definition TV? Do you want to be at the edge of your living room couch shivering in nail biting suspense and anticipation? Do you…’ ‘Yes! Yes! Quick, tell me what I need to do.’ ‘Simple. Just become a real cricket fan and you will achieve all that I just said.’ ‘What? Don’t be silly! How will that help? I am already a cricket fan in case you didn’t know.’ ‘Hah! Are you? Don’t make me laugh! You are like a lamb, an insult to all real cricket fans.’‘ Hey, what do you mean by insult to all fans?’ ‘Cool down! What I mean is you look and act too domesticated to be called a real cricket fan. You are still not that fire and brimstone material of cricket – The Ultimate Cricket Fan.’ ‘Ultimate cricket fan? Who is that?’ ‘An explosive beast that no one can tame.’

No Easy Future

Book Description

Many people think becoming a hermit to escape the modern rat race is a superb idea. But is it really possible? Can you really give up everything, escape into some forest, become a hermit and lead a jolly life? Unfortunately, it is neither practical nor possible for everyone. Secondly, even if you enter a forest to try that it is impossible to start living like Tarzan by making friends with all the animals and fighting crocodiles when necessary. Living in a forest involves learning several tough survival skills, icky lifestyle changes and a long time to blend into a forest life. So, running away to a real forest to escape the hassles of the modern concrete jungle is a lousy idea.But, wait, don’t be disappointed! It is still possible to experience several of the joys of a hermit without actually running away to a real forest. This book will tell you how.