Minha Casa, Nossa Cidade !

Book Description

In 2009, Brazil launched the mass housing program "Minha Casa, Minha Vida" ("My House, My Life"), which aims to build 3.4 million housing units by the end of 2014. By reexamining the program at a critical time, Minha Casa-Nossa Cidade ("My House, Our City") attempts to hack the production of mass housing and tackle the profound social changes currently underway in Brazil. In three chapters, the book reviews the history and implementation of the government program, highlights the ingenuity of "Popular Brazilian Architecture," and presents design proposals by MAS Urban Design for low-cost housing. Building on the program's success in broadening access to housing, Minha Casa-Nossa Cidade puts forth a vision for the city as a common project and the transformation of monotonous urban areas into popular neighborhoods-living environments that can be appropriated according to individual as well as collective needs.

The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Architectural History

Book Description

The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Architectural History offers a comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge report on recent developments in architectural production and research. Divided into three parts – Practices, Interrogations, and Innovations – this book charts diversity, criticality, and creativity in architectural interventions to meet challenges and enact changes in different parts of the world through featured exemplars and fresh theoretical orientations. The collection features 29 chapters written by leading architectural scholars and highlights the reciprocity between the historical and the contemporary, research and practice, and disciplinary and professional knowledge. Providing an essential map for navigating the complex currents of contemporary architecture, the Companion will interest students, academics, and practitioners who wish to bolster their understanding of built environments.

Leadership in Integrative STEM Education

Book Description

In the face of complex local and global problems, there is a critical need to prepare PK-12 students to be innovative, resilient problem-solvers and well-equipped STEM-literate citizens. With focus upon integrated content, college and career readiness, authentic problems, and action-oriented pedagogies, integrative STEM education provides a promising approach to address this challenge. Integrative STEM programming with its fusion of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology content and practices may manifest in a variety of ways: Teachers co-plan an engineering design experience within a social studies class. A community business partner offers a job-shadowing experience. Students engage in an after-school program at a makerspace. Educators collaboratively re-envision and interweave STEM across the curriculum. And more... Current and future educational leaders striving to improve STEM programming will find this book to be a useful resource. Its introduction offers an orientation to the fundamental goals, principles, and practices of integrative STEM education. While later chapters delve into the facets of STEM programming and the competencies of STEM leadership which form the foundation of a coherent program. These evidence-based strategies, examples, and resources may provide inspiration to leaders as they initiate and enhance an equitable integrative STEM culture within their school.


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A Ponte Que Eu Não Atravessei

Book Description

Em 1993 Ana foi baleada e declarada morta por trinta minutos. Nestes trinta minutos Ana foi ao paraíso, conheceu Deus e pediu para voltar à terra para mudar sua vida e contar sua história. Uma incrível história de vida, morte e superação. ———— Meu nome é Ana. Em 1993 fui baleada e morri por trinta minutos. Trinta minutos que mudaram minha vida completamente. Fui ao paraíso, conheci Deus, e pude escolher se queria voltar à Terra ou ficar no céu com meu Pai. Escolhi voltar para cuidar dos meus filhos, mudar minha vida e contar minha história. Minha experiência mostra que há vida após a morte, e prova que Deus existe e nos ama, cuida e se importa com cada um de nós. "Um extraordinário relato que tocou meu coração de inúmeras formas." — Eric Williams "Ana, cientificamente não há explicação. Foi um milagre! Deus tem um propósito para sua vida." — Dra. Maria José


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Housing Policy Innovation in the Global South

Book Description

Housing problems have become increasingly complex in the Global South. An increased pressure to upgrade older stock, to provide adequate infrastructure, and bring city amenities to urban peripheries compounds the continued need for new housing of a decent standard. This comprehensive volume spans nine countries, simultaneously analyzing innovative housing policies and questioning the idea of innovation in this arena. The authors describe three persistent, global challenges to contemporary policy: the inherent difficulty in mass-producing housing of decent quality with access to the city; the challenge of community-based upgrading programmes, which often fail to benefit those who are worst off; and the political root of housing policies, which don’t always consider the diverse needs of populations at the expense of the least powerful. This volume raises questions about what many consider the two most successful areas of housing policy in the Global South: the community-based land sharing programmes for redevelopment in South-East Asia and the finance-driven social housing programmes in Latin America. The authors examine mass housing production programmes, incremental development processes, community-based urban upgrading, the legal structure of condominiums, and land-sharing policies, while also highlighting challenges to policy learning across contexts. This book will be of great interest to students, researchers and those involved with contemporary housing policies, particularly in the Global South. It was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Housing Policy.

Missionaria de Coracao #1

Book Description

Este livro conta a trajet6ria de uma missionaria que nasceu no interior paulista. A autora relata os fatos vividos desde a sua infancia de uma menina pobre do Brasil, que venceu os obstaculos par sua fe em Jesus Cristo, atraves de mementos de dar, foi chamada para uma missao, de pregar o evangelho de Jesus Cristo, nos Estados Unidos da America. Este livro relata que somente com a forc;:a divina poderia suportar o que passou. mudou-se para outro pais, realizando, assim, o sonho de seus pais, que no seu nascimento ofereceram-na para Deus, para que ela fosse uma missionaria. A sua hist6ria de fe , relata que passou par mementos de dor, suspense, lagrimas, ternura, amor, inseguranc;:a, na fascinante aventura vivida pela familia De Santi quando enfrentaram uma vida nova num Pais distante, se tornou uma enfermeira para cuidar e evangelizar os doentes. A atuac;:ao corajosa de uma missionaria de corac;:ao, que passou por terremotos, mementos de aflic;:6es, as dificuldades do idioma, da tradic;:ao, da solidao, da saudade, e muitas experiemcias marcantes no trabalho, na igreja, na familia, este livro o leitor nao abandonara facilmente. Somente depois de ler a ultima pagina e que se percebe o que se leu nao e apenas uma aventura mas uma biografia de fe , de uma mulher que deixou tudo por amor a Jesus Cristo.


Book Description

Quanto pagamos ou quanto se valem, um ato impensado? Quias os custos cobrados? Como se justificar um erro cometido por impulso e ato e ação do momento? Será que somos de fato, os vingadores? De que forma podemos encobrir um ato cometido ainda por cima doloso? Esses dez personagens trazem consigo as certezas de que o agir por impulso nada mais se é do que uma ilusão, leiviandade, e agir por razões desnecessárias.