Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth's Crust

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The investigation of key mineral phases such as zircon, apatite, titanite, rutile, monazite, xenotime, allanite, baddeleyite and garnet, explored in this book, has provided breakthroughs in our understanding of continental crust composition and evolution, as well as the timing, conditions, petrogenetic and geodynamic processes related to its growth and reworking. Therefore, the continuing development of analytical techniques, improvement of tools, data handling, processing, and interpretation allow us to extract and better understand these complex geological processes. This special publication aims at showcasing contributions reviewing the tools and applications of these key minerals, recent technique developments, and new applications using focused case studies investigating igneous, metamorphic and/or detrital rocks that help us put together the continental crust evolution puzzle. This volume highlights the progress made in studies using these key minerals and their future potential.

Methods and Applications of Geochronology

Book Description

Methods and Applications of Geochronology provides a comprehensive, practical guide to the rapidly developing field of geochronology. Chapters are written by leading experts in their specific field of geochronology and discuss practical information and ‘rules of thumb’ for establishing laboratories and using analytical equipment. Methods and Applications of Geochronology is an authoritative guide not only for the foundational principles of geochronological research, but also descriptions of analytical methods, guidance for sample selection, all the way to data reduction and presentation. Features the latest techniques and recommended tools for each of the most common geochronological methods Includes perspectives from a variety of well-respected researchers in the field, each representing different specialties of geochronology Bridges the gap between theory and application, offering best practices and relevant case studies throughout

Experimental Approach to the Direct Interaction Between the Proto-Atmosphere and Rocky Crust of the Early Earth and Its Implications to the Early Evolution of Earth-Like Planets

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This dissertation, "Experimental Approach to the Direct Interaction Between the Proto-atmosphere and Rocky Crust of the Early Earth and Its Implications to the Early Evolution of Earth-like Planets" by Xiluo, Hao, 郝锡荦, was obtained from The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong) and is being sold pursuant to Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Hong Kong License. The content of this dissertation has not been altered in any way. We have altered the formatting in order to facilitate the ease of printing and reading of the dissertation. All rights not granted by the above license are retained by the author. Abstract: The first eon of the Earth, Hadean, is no doubt critical for the evolution of Earth towards a habitable planet and the origin of life. However, there is almost no petrologic record preserved for this piece of history because of the long-term geological reworking. In this study, batch experiments simulating the interaction between the early Earth's ultramafic crust and H2O-CO2 atmosphere were performed in order to gain some new insights into the direct interaction and its influence on the evolution of mineral, atmosphere, ocean and the prebiotic chemistry on the early Earth. Electron microscopic observations (including SEM and TEM) show that the secondary minerals produced in the experiments mainly include phyllosilicates, carbonates and Fe-oxide. Phyllosilicates which are essential for biomonomer synthesis can be found in each of our experiments. Different rock-water-H2O systems result in different clay minerals with varied crystal habits. Carbonates can be found in experiments carried out at temperature below 400 C. With the experimental temperature decrease from 400 C to 200 C, the formed carbonates change from calcite, dolomite and magnesite accordingly. Energy dispersive spectroscopy reveals the incorporation of iron in all kinds of carbonates. Hexagonal magnetite nanoplates are observed in komatiite-H2O-CO2 experiment carried out at 450 C. The mineralogical compositions imply that the interaction between the early Earth's ultramafic crust and H2O-CO2 atmosphere were able to produce clay minerals, carbonates and oxides on the rocky planets such as Earth, which was corroborated by the recent discovery of layered clay minerals and carbonates assemblages on Mars. More importantly, these secondary minerals are effective in catalyzing the inorganic molecular to biomolecules that are essential in prebiotic chemical evolution. The GC measurement of the gaseous phases trapped in the capsule after experiments show that abiogenetic methane, ethane and propane as well as hydrogen were detected in most our experiments. The relative concentrations of these gases are higher in high temperature experiments, which indicate high productivity of CH4 and H2 during the interaction between the early Earth's ultramafic crust and H2O-CO2 atmosphere. The abiotic formation and accumulation of H2, methane, and short hydrocarbon would not only provide material basis for the chemical evolution towards life but also play essential roles in preventing the surface of the Earth from freezing in the Hadean eon while the Earth was suffering from extensive precipitation of atmospheric CO2 and the faint young sun. Generally, the earliest interaction between the Earth's ultramafic crust and H2O-CO2 atmosphere could have changed the physicochemical condition of the Earth's surface that favored the prebiotic chemical evolution towards life. DOI: 10.5353/th_b5570776 Subjects: Atmosphere

Earth Crust

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The book aims to cover the basics of the architecture, structure, evolution, and dynamics of the Earth?s crust through an anthology of contributed chapters that will enlighten readers about the various aspects of the Earth?s crust, including the existence, development, and sustainability of our modern lifestyles on its surface.

Fluids in the Earth's Crust

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Fluids In The Earth's Crust ...

Evolution of the Continental Crust and Significance of the Zircon Record, a Case Study from the French Massif Central

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The formation of the continental crust is a major consequence of Earth differentiation. Understanding how the crust formed and evolved through time is paramount to locate the vast mineral deposits hosted therein and address its influence on the global climate, ultimately affecting the development of terrestrial life. Recent advances on the topic of continental crust evolution benefited from improvements of analytical techniques enabling in situ measurements of U-Pb- Hf-O isotope compositions in zircon, a widespread accessory mineral of continental igneous rocks. The time constrains derived from the U-Pb chronometer coupled with the petrogenetic information retrieved from Hf-O isotope signatures are currently used to unravel the diversity and succession of magmatic events affecting the continental crust at the regional and global scales. This study reconstructs the evolutionary path followed by the crust segment today exposed in the eastern part of the French Massif Central (FMC), a portion of the Variscan belt of Western Europe, with the aim to investigate the potential flaws of the zircon record of crust evolution. In this scope, the origin and geodynamic significance of the constituent FMC lithological units are tackled by combining conventional petrological observations with zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotope data. The results obtained following this integrated approach are then confronted to the conclusions that would have been drawn solely from zircon isotopic signatures, taken out of their petrological context, as is commonly performed in studies investigating crust evolution. The oldest rocks of the FMC correspond to Ediacaran (590_550 Ma) meta-sediments deposited in back-arc basins along the northern Gondwana margin. Such basins were fed by a mixed detritus originating from the adjacent Cadomian magmatic arc and a distal Gondwana source, presumably the Sahara Metacraton. Partial melting of these meta-sediments at the Ediacaran/Cambrian boundary led to voluminous S-type granitic magmatism, pinpointing a first major crust reworking event in the FMC. The origin of anatexis likely stems from the transient thickening of the hot, back-arc crust caused by the flattening of the Cadomian subduction. Subordinate melting of the depleted backarc mantle at that time is also documented. During the Lower Paleozoic, rifting of the northern Gondwana provoked coeval crust and (limited) mantle melting. Mantle-derived igneous rocks show markedly diverse trace element and isotopic signatures, consistent with a very heterogeneous mantle source pervasively modi_ed by the Cadomian subduction. Finally, the Variscan collision resulted in crustal melting as evidenced by the emplacement of S-type granites and the formation of migmatite domes, the spatial distribution of which being partly controlled by the crustal architecture inherited from pre-orogenic events. Synchronous intrusion of mafic mantle-derived magmas and their differentiates testify for Variscan post-collisional new continental crust production in the FMC. Two major inconsistencies exist between these results and the zircon record. First, zircon Hf model ages would point to substantial Mesoproterozoic crust formation in the FMC whereas more than 60% of the crust is actually Neoproterozoic in age. Second, new additions to the continental crust volume during the Variscan orogeny are not recorded even though 5 to 10% of the exposed crust formed at that time. The origin of both discrepancies inherently lies in the mixed isotopic signature carried by many zircon grains. Such equivocal information can only be detected when additional petrological constrains on the zircon host rocks are available and provide guidance in interpreting the zircon record of crust evolution.

The Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle

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