Book Description

Users of this book will gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts of contemporary computer architecture, starting with a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC). An understanding of computer architecture needs to begin with the basics of modern computer organization. The MIPS architecture embodies the fundamental design principles of all contemporary RISC architectures. This book provides an understanding of how the functional components of modern computers are put together and how a computer works at the machine-language level. Well-written and clearly organized, this book covers the basics of MIPS architecture, including algorithm development, number systems, function calls, reentrant functions, memory-mapped I/O, exceptions and interrupts, and floating-point instructions. For employees in the field of systems, systems development, systems analysis, and systems maintenance.

MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Book Description

For freshman/sophomore-level courses in Assembly Language Programming, Introduction to Computer Organization, and Introduction to Computer Architecture. Students using this text will gain an understanding of how the functional components of modern computers are put together and how a computer works at the machine language level. MIPS architecture embodies the fundamental design principles of all contemporary RISC architectures. By incorporating this text into their courses, instructors will be able to prepare their undergraduate students to go on to upper-division computer organization courses.

Introduction to Assembly Language Programming

Book Description

This updated textbook introduces readers to assembly and its evolving role in computer programming and design. The author concentrates the revised edition on protected-mode Pentium programming, MIPS assembly language programming, and use of the NASM and SPIM assemblers for a Linux orientation. The focus is on providing students with a firm grasp of the main features of assembly programming, and how it can be used to improve a computer's performance. All of the main features are covered in depth, and the book is equally viable for DOS or Linux, MIPS (RISC) or CISC (Pentium). The book is based on a successful course given by the author and includes numerous hands-on exercises.

Introduction to MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Book Description

This book was written to introduce students to assembly language programming in MIPS. As with all assembly language programming texts, it covers basic operators and instructions, subprogram calling, loading and storing memory, program control, and the conversion of the assembly language program into machine code.

The Ultimate Educational Guide to MIPS Assembly Programming

Book Description

The MIPS microprocessor is the most known representer of the RISC design philosophy and constitutes an ideal tool for introducing Assembly programming. Moreover, the MIPS 32bit Assembly is the most popular tool among Universities due to simplicity for learning and understanding. This book has been written from a pure educational point of view and constitutes an ideal learning tool for students. Additionally, this book has some unique features such as: -understandable text -flow charts analysis -step by step code development -well documented code -analytic figures -laboratory exercises It is important to note that the whole book material has been tested under real conditions in higher education. By buying this book you have access to download material such as lab solution manual and power point presentations. This book constitutes the ultimate educational guide which offers important knowledge and demystifies the Assembly programming. Moreover, this book has been written by taking in account the real needs of students, teachers and others who want to develop MIPS Assembly based applications. The above lines, state the deep belief of the author that this book will constitute a great teaching and educational tool for helping anyone understand the MIPS 32bit Assembly language. On the other hand, the book can be easily used by the teacher for organizing lectures and presentations as well as the laboratory exercises. Please check the sample pages in panospapazoglou.gr/support

Programming from the Ground Up

Book Description

Programming from the Ground Up uses Linux assembly language to teach new programmers the most important concepts in programming. It takes you a step at a time through these concepts: * How the processor views memory * How the processor operates * How programs interact with the operating system * How computers represent data internally * How to do low-level and high-level optimization Most beginning-level programming books attempt to shield the reader from how their computer really works. Programming from the Ground Up starts by teaching how the computer works under the hood, so that the programmer will have a sufficient background to be successful in all areas of programming. This book is being used by Princeton University in their COS 217 "Introduction to Programming Systems" course.

Professional Assembly Language

Book Description

Unlike high-level languages such as Java and C++, assembly language is much closer to the machine code that actually runs computers; it's used to create programs or modules that are very fast and efficient, as well as in hacking exploits and reverse engineering Covering assembly language in the Pentium microprocessor environment, this code-intensive guide shows programmers how to create stand-alone assembly language programs as well as how to incorporate assembly language libraries or routines into existing high-level applications Demonstrates how to manipulate data, incorporate advanced functions and libraries, and maximize application performance Examples use C as a high-level language, Linux as the development environment, and GNU tools for assembling, compiling, linking, and debugging


Book Description

Programming in C is close to the machine and the language was originally designed to code an operating system. The approach I take is to start from the machine layer, though in less detail than in a computer organization or logic design book, using the MIPS instruction set to illustrate principles. The first part of the book uses C syntax as "pseudocode" while demonstrating how to convert high level language code to MIPS assembly language. The second part of the book introduces C in more detail, building on the MIPS part. While using C as "pseudocode" is not strictly in keeping with the spirit of pseudocode, which is meant to be sketchy and leave out a lot of detail, the idea is to introduce those not familiar with C-style languages to the notation ahead of the second part of the book where C is introduced properly. Why MIPS? The MIPS architecture is simple and relatively easy to understand, and in wide use in embedded systems. The SPIM simulator is a handy and free learning tool. Why C? It is in wide use, and closer to the machine than other popular languages with similar syntax. Learning the hardware-software interface in C is a lot easier than in a language with a managed memory system and complications like classes and objects. Topics covered in the MIPS part include memory organization, alternative approaches to stack frames, local and global variables, the heap and dynamic allocation, function calls including parameter passing and recursion, how C relates to machine code (e.g., arrays as pointers) and - a brief segue out of C space - how objects and methods are implemented. I cover objects because they provide a useful example of a dispatch table, and a basic understanding of how method calls could be implemented is useful given how widespread object-oriented languages are. The C part builds on this, introducing C in a little more detail including how formatted input and output work, basic C constructs, the UNIX command line (basics of scripting and make), program structure, calling library functions with function pointers and bit manipulations. The book is tested on a second-year class whose prior courses used C#, but it could be used in an introductory class. The machine organization component is not very detailed; the idea is to present just enough to support the programming concepts. The principle aims of the book are provide a foundation for understanding deeper programming concepts like recursion and the background for courses that require an understanding of the hardware-software interface like compilers and operating systems. The index contains separate entries for exercises so you do not waste time looking up a concept only to find the index entry points to an exercise. The test of how well this works is in how well students do in follow-up courses - so far, my experience has been positive and I hope yours is too.