Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church

Book Description

GOD HAS ALWAYS DONE MIRACLES IN HIS CHURCH ~ AND STILL DOES! The Holy Spirit has never left the Church and neither have His supernatural gifts and manifestations. They have been available in every century ~ from the days of the Apostolic Fathers, to the desert monks of Egypt and Syria, to the missionary outreaches of the Middle Ages, to the Reformation era and the awakenings and revivals that followed, to the Pentecostal explosion of the Twentieth Century and the increase of signs and wonders in the Twenty-first. Miracles, healings, deliverances, prophecies, dreams, visions ~ even raising the dead! ~ have all been in operation throughout the history of the Church. Anglicans, Baptists, Catholics, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Methodists, Moravians, Presbyterians, Quakers and many others have experienced the supernatural gifts and workings of the Spirit over the centuries. Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church gathers up numerous accounts from a variety of historical sources and provides a handy reference for those who want to know more about: • How the Church has understood and operated in the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit at various times in history. • Why the gifts and miracles were more frequently in manifestation in some eras than in others. • The many ways the Church has ministered in healing and deliverance. • How the Holy Spirit manifested in great revivals. • How the river of gifts and miracles continues to flow today.

Miracles and the Supernatural Throughout Church History

Book Description

Miracles of the Past Preparing You for the Future The Body of Christ is ordained to walk in the supernatural. That has always been the plan, and you have a part to play in the mercy, power, and love of God being demonstrated in the earth. Despite claims that miracles ceased with the apostles, Jesus said that believers would do the same works He...

Miracles and the Supernatural Throughout Church History Study Guide

Book Description

The Age of Miracles Has Not Ceased — It Never Has! Were you told that the age of miracles ceased with the death of the apostles — or that the gifts of the Spirit and the miraculous have passed away? If you have been taught this, here is a series that will set you free! In this powerful five-part series taught by Rick...


Book Description

“For thousands of years, the hope of heaven has called to people through miracles. When we stop to consider their stories, God’s voice calls to us as well.” In our age of constant innovation, technological achievement, and the sad tendency to see ourselves as the captains of our fate, we may be tempted to make little time for miracles, or give little credence to them. But to live our lives without a sense of the miraculous is to live impoverished lives. Our word for miracle comes from the Latin word mirari, “to wonder.” And well might we wonder when we consider the nature of miracles and their purpose. It is here that a grand conversation beckons. God has been our help in ages past. He is our hope for years to come. To learn of holy events and people—supremely, to look upon the Savior—is to see the power of God, and how He has always sought to draw us to Himself. He is our eternal home. Miracles point the way there. Look at a night sky, studded with numberless constellations of stars. Each is a celestial shard of glory—bestowing glimpses of the eternal. Miracles in Scripture are like the stars. They, like the heavens, declare the glory of God. In these pages are scenes and lives touched by eternity, settings of almighty declaration, moments marked by deliverance, by mercy, or visionary unfoldings of God’s divine intent. Kevin Belmonte provides learned insight into the profoundly important history of miracles. Miraculous is a richly researched text of wondrous things that have taken place from ancient times to the present.

Silence Satan

Book Description

Framed around the author's experience of spiritual warfare, Silence Satan introduces readers to the two warring plans for their lives: Satan's (who kills, steals, and destroys) and God's (who gives abundant life). It then reveals the various ways Satan tries to silence and destroy this generation with wounds, accusations, lies, and deceit and how to stand strong against them.

Mekim Ministri Bilong Yu Kamap Bikpela

Book Description

Ol samting long sait bilong spirit stap yet long tude o nogat? Mi ken wok long sait bilong spirit tu o nogat? Sapos God oraitim ol manmeri yet, bilong wanem na Em i no oraitim olgeta lain? Hau bai mi ken kisim oraitim mak? Painim aut ol dispela bekim bilong planti ol askim long sait bilong Holi Spirit long dispela gutpela buk bilong Dag Heward-Mills.

Experiencing God (2008 Edition)

Book Description

A modern classic--revised with more than 70 percent new material--is based on seven Scriptural realities that teach Christians how to develop a true relationship with the Creator.

Kulitsani Utumiki Wanu Ndi Zozizwitsa Komanso Zisonyezo za Mzimu Woyera

Book Description

Kodi zauzimu zidakalipo lero? Nditha kuchitira muuzimu? Ngati Mulungu akadachizabe anthu, chifukwa chani sachiza ali yense? Pezani mayankho ku mafunso amenewa ndi ena ambiri a zionetsero za Mzimu Woyera kudzera mu masamba a bukhu losangalatsali lolembedwa ndi Dag Heward-Mills.

Miracles Today

Book Description

Do miracles still happen today? This book demonstrates that miraculous works of God, which have been part of the experience of the church around the world since Christianity began, continue into the present. Leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener addresses common questions about miracles and provides compelling reasons to believe in them today, including many accounts that offer evidence of verifiable miracles. This book gives an accessible and concise overview of one of Keener's most significant research topics. His earlier two-volume work on miracles stands as the definitive word on the topic, but its size and scope are daunting to many readers. This new book summarizes Keener's basic argument but contains substantial new material, including new accounts of the miraculous. It is suitable as a textbook but also accessible to church leaders and laypeople.

The Holy Spirit -- In Biblical Teaching, Through the Centuries, and Today

Book Description

The book is divided into three parts. Part One provides a thematic analysis and exegetical commentary on all the relevant biblical and cognate literature, including Josephus, Philo and the Mishnah. Part Two investigates the thinking of key Christian theologians on the Holy Spirit, from the Apostolic Fathers to eighteenth century authors such as John Wesley and Jonathan Edwards. Part Three examines more recent writings on the Spirit, from the nineteenth century onwards, including major systematic theologians such as Schleiermacher, Barth and Moltmann, as well as biblical scholars such as James D G Dunn, Gordon Fee and Gerd Theissen. Thiselton concludes the entire study by identifying seven fundamental themes, and calling for greater dialogue between mainstream scholarship and contemporary leaders of the Pentecostal and Renewal movements.