Miranda's Magic Garden

Book Description

A contemporary fantasy in which a lonely little girl gains friends and happiness when she listens to her dreams and helps the plants grow a magic garden.

Fasting and Feasting

Book Description

For more than 30 years, Patience Gray—author of the celebrated cookbook Honey from a Weed—lived in a remote area of Puglia in southernmost Italy. She lived without electricity, modern plumbing, or a telephone; grew much of her own food; and gathered and ate wild plants alongside her neighbors in this economically impoverished region. She was fond of saying that she wrote only for herself and her friends, yet her growing reputation brought a steady stream of international visitors to her door. This simple and isolated life she chose for herself may help explain her relative obscurity when compared to the other great food writers of her time: M. F. K. Fisher, Elizabeth David, and Julia Child. So it is not surprising that when Gray died in 2005 the BBC described her as an “almost forgotten culinary star.” Yet her influence, particularly among chefs and other food writers, has had a lasting and profound effect on the way we view and celebrate good food and regional cuisines. Gray’s prescience was unrivaled: She wrote about what today we would call the Mediterranean diet and Slow Food—from foraging to eating locally—long before they became part of the cultural mainstream. Imagine if Michael Pollan or Barbara Kingsolver had spent several decades living among Italian, Greek, and Catalan peasants, recording their recipes and the significance of food and food gathering to their way of life. In Fasting and Feasting, biographer Adam Federman tells the remarkable—and until now untold—life story of Patience Gray: from her privileged and intellectual upbringing in England, to her trials as a single mother during World War II, to her career working as a designer, editor, translator, and author, and describing her travels and culinary adventures in later years. A fascinating and spirited woman, Patience Gray was very much a part of her times but very clearly ahead of them.

The Magic Garden

Book Description


Book Description

#1 New York Times Bestseller In this decidedly unhelpful, candid, hilarious “how-to” guide, YouTube personality Miranda Sings offers life lessons and tutorials with her signature sassy attitude. Over six million social media fans can’t be wrong: Miranda Sings is one of the funniest faces on YouTube. As a bumbling, ironically talentless, self-absorbed personality (a young Gilda Radner, if you will), she offers up a vlog of helpful advice every week on her widely popular YouTube channel. For the first time ever, Miranda is putting her advice to paper in this easy-to-follow guide, illustrated by Miranda herself. In it, you’ll find instructions on everything: how to get a boyfriend (wear all black and carry a fishing net), to dressing for a date (sequins and an orange tutu), to performing magic (“Magic is Lying”), and much, much more! Miranda-isms abound in these self-declared lifesaving pages, and if you don’t like it…well, as Miranda would say…“Haters, back off!”

Greensleeves' Magic

Book Description

Bone Meal for Roses

Book Description

Her childhood nearly destroyed her. Only the magic of the garden could save her. Poppy was six years old when she was rescued from her abusive mother and taken to her grandparents' farm to recover. There, under a wide South African sky, Poppy succumbs to the magic of their garden. Slowly, her memories fade and her wounds began to heal. But as Poppy grows up into a strange, fierce and beautiful young woman, her childhood memories start to surface. And then a love affair with a married man across the valley explodes her world...

The Magic Garden

Book Description

"Chloe lives in a magic garden, but she doesn't know it! Incredible things happen there all the time: caterpillars become butterflies, insects change their colors and light up the night sky, and birds weave their nests. Trees lose their colorful leaves in the fall, but each spring, they grow again--just another enchanting bit of magic that happens year after year in the world of nature"--Back cover.

The Magic Garden

Book Description

Challenging Realities: Magic Realism in Contemporary American Women's Fiction

Book Description

Les arrels del realisme màgic en els escrits de Borges i altres autors d'Amèrica Llatina han estat àmpliament reconeguts i ben documentades produint una sèrie d'estudis crítics, molts dels quals figuren en la bibliografia d'aquest treball. Dins d'aquest marc, aquest llibre presenta als lectors una varietat d'escriptores de grups ètnics, conegudes i menys conegudes, i les col·loca en un context literari en el que es tracten tant a nivell individual com a escriptores així com a nivell col·lectiu com a part d'un moviment artístic més ampli. Aquest llibre és el resultat del treball realitzat a les universitats de Sheffield i la de València i representa una valuosa investigació i una important contribució als estudis literaris.

Miranda's Muse

Book Description

Growing up gay or lesbian is difficult enough, but having no literature which exemplifies this lifestyle sends a clear message to every gay little girl and boy that they should remain invisible. All fairytales scream heterosexuality. Just once, I'd love to see Cinderella bump into Snow White's glass coffin on the way to the ball, give her that proverbial kiss and live happily ever after in lesbian bliss. This is the basis of my book Sticks and Stones. These are four gender bending fairytales affirming that all lives are sacred and all love is good. There is no preaching, no weak females waiting to be rescued by the handsome prince, and no two dimensional men without flaws. These are the gay community's politically correct fairytales. Complete with battles, monsters and magic potions they will keep both adults and children waiting to see what happens next.