Miss Small Is Off the Wall!

Book Description

A.J. and the other second graders do everything except play sports when they go to "fizz ed" class with their new teacher, Miss Small.

Miss Small Is Off the Wall!

Book Description

Miss Small, the gym teacher, is teaching the gang to juggle scarves, balance feathers, and do the Chicken Dance! Is this any way to stay in shape?

Miss Daisy Is Crazy!

Book Description

Never before has school been this mixed up-or this much fun!Miss Daisy, who teaches second grade, doesn't know how to add or subtract. Not only that, she doesn't know how to read or write, either. She is the dumbest teacher in the history of the world!

Mr. Docker Is Off His Rocker!

Book Description

Mr. Docker must be a mad scientist. He does nutty experiments and has an evil, demented, cackling laugh. Plus he invented a car that runs on potatoes! Mr. Docker is the weirdest science teacher ever! Is he trying to take over the world?

Ms. Todd Is Odd!

Book Description

For use in schools and libraries only. When Miss Daisy is absent from school and Ms. Todd, an overexcited and always smiling teacher, takes over as the substitute, A.J. and his friends are sure that she kidnapped Miss Daisy and have to do some detective work to prove it.

Ms. Hannah Is Bananas!

Book Description

Ms. Hannah wears dresses made out of potholders and collects garbage instead of throwing it out. Plus she's making A.J. be partners with smelly Andrea. This is the worst art class ever!

Miss Lazar Is Bizarre!

Book Description

A.J. and his friends find out what amazing things Miss Lazar, the Super Custodian at their school, can do.

My Weird School #17: Miss Suki Is Kooky!

Book Description

Something weird is going on! Miss Suki is a famous children's book author—and she's coming to A.J.'s school! She lives in the rainforest and writes about endangered animals. But when her pet raptor gets loose in the classroom, it's the kids who are going to be endangered! Yikes!

Mr. Hynde Is Out of His Mind!

Book Description

The music teacher, Mr. Hynde, break-dances and plays bongo drums on the principal's bald head. The school nurse is gorgeous and hiding a secret identity. How are A.J. and his friends supposed to learn anything with these insane adults around? Illustrations.

Ms. LaGrange is Strange!

Book Description

Ms. LaGrange talks funny, and she's from some other country called France. She thinks the vomitorium is a fancy restaurant. Plus she's writing secret messages in the mashed potatoes. Ms. LaGrange is the weirdest lunch lady in the history of the world.