
Book Description

Mixtus-Americans: We Still Practice Griot continues the challenges of healing, institutionally and nationally, from the result of faith divided by racism and perceived superiority. These views were first expressed in my book called Mixtus-Americans' Salvation from Oppressive Sin. Ten years later, the divide, the long centuries of White-and-Black church division, has driven the Black community to worship Yahweh (YHVH) and his Son, the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, differently. These differences are highlight in these writings. For the most part, Mixtus folk-Black Americans-hold to a Bible-based empowerment that supports personal accomplishments. The church has traditionally been an important element in social and political movements. Black Christians are more socially conservative than other groups, and they change less than any other segment of society based on religion. As Joe "The Black Eagle" Madison might say, "I would encourage you to read these twenty-four views with a third ear"-the timbre that shapes the knowing.

The Destruction of Jerusalem in Early Modern English Literature

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This book argues that the destruction of Jerusalem is a key explanatory trope for early modern texts.


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Andreas Capellanus on Love?

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Andersen-Wyman's book undoes most scholarly uses and understandings of De amore by Andreas Capellanus. By offering a reading promoted by the text itself, Andersen-Wyman shows how Andreas undermines the narrative foundations of sacred and secular institutions and renders their power absurd.

Christianity and Ecological Theology

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There has been a proliferation of publications in the field of Christian ecological theology over the last three decades or so. These include a number of recent edited volumes, each covering a range of topics and consolidating many of the emerging insights in ecological theology. The call for Christian churches to respond to the environmental crisis has been reiterated numerous times in this vast corpus of literature, also in South Africa.

The Monastery

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