Model Theoretic Methods in Finite Combinatorics

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the AMS-ASL Special Session on Model Theoretic Methods in Finite Combinatorics, held January 5-8, 2009, in Washington, DC. Over the last 20 years, various new connections between model theory and finite combinatorics emerged. The best known of these are in the area of 0-1 laws, but in recent years other very promising interactions between model theory and combinatorics have been developed in areas such as extremal combinatorics and graph limits, graph polynomials, homomorphism functions and related counting functions, and discrete algorithms, touching the boundaries of computer science and statistical physics. This volume highlights some of the main results, techniques, and research directions of the area. Topics covered in this volume include recent developments on 0-1 laws and their variations, counting functions defined by homomorphisms and graph polynomials and their relation to logic, recurrences and spectra, the logical complexity of graphs, algorithmic meta theorems based on logic, universal and homogeneous structures, and logical aspects of Ramsey theory.

A Model–Theoretic Approach to Proof Theory

Book Description

This book presents a detailed treatment of ordinal combinatorics of large sets tailored for independence results. It uses model theoretic and combinatorial methods to obtain results in proof theory, such as incompleteness theorems or a description of the provably total functions of a theory. In the first chapter, the authors first discusses ordinal combinatorics of finite sets in the style of Ketonen and Solovay. This provides a background for an analysis of subsystems of Peano Arithmetic as well as for combinatorial independence results. Next, the volume examines a variety of proofs of Gödel's incompleteness theorems. The presented proofs differ strongly in nature. They show various aspects of incompleteness phenomena. In additon, coverage introduces some classical methods like the arithmetized completeness theorem, satisfaction predicates or partial satisfaction classes. It also applies them in many contexts. The fourth chapter defines the method of indicators for obtaining independence results. It shows what amount of transfinite induction we have in fragments of Peano arithmetic. Then, it uses combinatorics of large sets of the first chapter to show independence results. The last chapter considers nonstandard satisfaction classes. It presents some of the classical theorems related to them. In particular, it covers the results by S. Smith on definability in the language with a satisfaction class and on models without a satisfaction class. Overall, the book's content lies on the border between combinatorics, proof theory, and model theory of arithmetic. It offers readers a distinctive approach towards independence results by model-theoretic methods.

A Model-Theoretic Approach to Proof Theory

Book Description

This book presents a detailed treatment of ordinal combinatorics of large sets tailored for independence results. It uses model theoretic and combinatorial methods to obtain results in proof theory, such as incompleteness theorems or a description of the provably total functions of a theory. In the first chapter, the authors first discusses ordinal combinatorics of finite sets in the style of Ketonen and Solovay. This provides a background for an analysis of subsystems of Peano Arithmetic as well as for combinatorial independence results. Next, the volume examines a variety of proofs of Gödel's incompleteness theorems. The presented proofs differ strongly in nature. They show various aspects of incompleteness phenomena. In additon, coverage introduces some classical methods like the arithmetized completeness theorem, satisfaction predicates or partial satisfaction classes. It also applies them in many contexts. The fourth chapter defines the method of indicators for obtaining independence results. It shows what amount of transfinite induction we have in fragments of Peano arithmetic. Then, it uses combinatorics of large sets of the first chapter to show independence results. The last chapter considers nonstandard satisfaction classes. It presents some of the classical theorems related to them. In particular, it covers the results by S. Smith on definability in the language with a satisfaction class and on models without a satisfaction class. Overall, the book's content lies on the border between combinatorics, proof theory, and model theory of arithmetic. It offers readers a distinctive approach towards independence results by model-theoretic methods.

Polynomial Methods in Combinatorics

Book Description

This book explains some recent applications of the theory of polynomials and algebraic geometry to combinatorics and other areas of mathematics. One of the first results in this story is a short elegant solution of the Kakeya problem for finite fields, which was considered a deep and difficult problem in combinatorial geometry. The author also discusses in detail various problems in incidence geometry associated to Paul Erdős's famous distinct distances problem in the plane from the 1940s. The proof techniques are also connected to error-correcting codes, Fourier analysis, number theory, and differential geometry. Although the mathematics discussed in the book is deep and far-reaching, it should be accessible to first- and second-year graduate students and advanced undergraduates. The book contains approximately 100 exercises that further the reader's understanding of the main themes of the book.

Combinatorial Theory

Book Description

It is now generally recognized that the field of combinatorics has, over the past years, evolved into a fully-fledged branch of discrete mathematics whose potential with respect to computers and the natural sciences is only beginning to be realized. Still, two points seem to bother most authors: The apparent difficulty in defining the scope of combinatorics and the fact that combinatorics seems to consist of a vast variety of more or less unrelated methods and results. As to the scope of the field, there appears to be a growing consensus that combinatorics should be divided into three large parts: (a) Enumeration, including generating functions, inversion, and calculus of finite differences; (b) Order Theory, including finite posets and lattices, matroids, and existence results such as Hall's and Ramsey's; (c) Configurations, including designs, permutation groups, and coding theory. The present book covers most aspects of parts (a) and (b), but none of (c). The reasons for excluding (c) were twofold. First, there exist several older books on the subject, such as Ryser [1] (which I still think is the most seductive introduction to combinatorics), Hall [2], and more recent ones such as Cameron-Van Lint [1] on groups and designs, and Blake-Mullin [1] on coding theory, whereas no compre hensive book exists on (a) and (b).

Nonstandard Methods in Ramsey Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory

Book Description

The goal of this monograph is to give an accessible introduction to nonstandard methods and their applications, with an emphasis on combinatorics and Ramsey theory. It includes both new nonstandard proofs of classical results and recent developments initially obtained in the nonstandard setting. This makes it the first combinatorics-focused account of nonstandard methods to be aimed at a general (graduate-level) mathematical audience. This book will provide a natural starting point for researchers interested in approaching the rapidly growing literature on combinatorial results obtained via nonstandard methods. The primary audience consists of graduate students and specialists in logic and combinatorics who wish to pursue research at the interface between these areas.

Surveys in Combinatorics 2015

Book Description

This book contains surveys of recent important developments in combinatorics covering a wide range of areas in the field.

Descriptive Complexity, Canonisation, and Definable Graph Structure Theory

Book Description

This groundbreaking, yet accessible book explores the interaction between graph theory and computational complexity using methods from finite model theory.

Combinatorics of Finite Sets

Book Description

Among other subjects explored are the Clements-Lindström extension of the Kruskal-Katona theorem to multisets and the Greene-Kleitmen result concerning k-saturated chain partitions of general partially ordered sets. Includes exercises and solutions.

A Unified Approach to Structural Limits and Limits of Graphs with Bounded Tree-Depth

Book Description

In this paper the authors introduce a general framework for the study of limits of relational structures and graphs in particular, which is based on a combination of model theory and (functional) analysis. The authors show how the various approaches to graph limits fit to this framework and that the authors naturally appear as “tractable cases” of a general theory. As an outcome of this, the authors provide extensions of known results. The authors believe that this puts these into a broader context. The second part of the paper is devoted to the study of sparse structures. First, the authors consider limits of structures with bounded diameter connected components and prove that in this case the convergence can be “almost” studied component-wise. They also propose the structure of limit objects for convergent sequences of sparse structures. Eventually, they consider the specific case of limits of colored rooted trees with bounded height and of graphs with bounded tree-depth, motivated by their role as “elementary bricks” these graphs play in decompositions of sparse graphs, and give an explicit construction of a limit object in this case. This limit object is a graph built on a standard probability space with the property that every first-order definable set of tuples is measurable. This is an example of the general concept of modeling the authors introduce here. Their example is also the first “intermediate class” with explicitly defined limit structures where the inverse problem has been solved.