Modeling Sandhill Crane Population Dynamics

Book Description

The impact of sport hunting on the Central Flyway population of sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) has been a subject of controversy for several years. A recent study presented new and important information on sandhill crane population dynamics. The present report is intended to incorporate that and other information into a mathematical model for the purpose of assessing the long-range impact of hunting on the population of sandhill cranes.

Sandhill Crane Study in the Central Flyway

Book Description

Fall-migrating sandhill cranes arrived at congregation sites in southern Canada and in the States of the Central Flyway between late July and early October. Sandhills peaked at about 100,000 birds at way stations during the fall of 1964. Footprint measurements indicated that the lesser sandhill was by far the most numerous subspecies at way stations in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Colorado. These measurements also indicated that flocks stopping over in Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma contained a significant number of Canadian sandhill or greater sandhill or both. A selective collecting program indicated that the footprint measurement technique overemphasized the incidence of the greater sandhill at way stations in North Dakota and South Dakota. Whooping cranes and sandhills were occasionally observed together during the early part of the fall migration. At times, fall-migrating sandhills fed on standing and harvested grain crops in Canada and the States of the Central Flyway, but seldom were depredations considered serious.

Principles of Population Dynamics and Their Application

Book Description

This book provides an introduction to population dynamics, exploring rules that govern change in any dynamic system and applying these general principles to populations of living organisms. Principles of Population Dynamics and their Application is aimed at applied ecologists, resource managers. and pest managers. It is also aimed at undergraduate students taking courses in forestry, fisheries, widlife and pest management.

Wildlife Review

Book Description