Arctic Marine Sustainability

Book Description

This book presents the latest scientific views on resource use conflicts in the Arctic seas. The main areas of focus are the biological resources of Arctic seas vs. exploitation of oil and gas resources, and the conflicts in between. In addition, climate change is presented as a stressor, which both limits and facilitates the economic availability of resources in the Arctic. The book is divided into five parts. Part 1 examines Arctic ecosystems, resilience of the marine environment and possible conflicts between industrial sector and biological world. The focus of Part 2 is on transport infrastructure along the northern routes. Issues such as Arctic maritime operations, black carbon and unmanned aerial vehicles are considered. Part 3 focuses on resource use conflicts in Arctic seas and on the most recent threats in terms of Arctic oil and gas exploration, offshore logistics operations as well as transportation of oil and oil products. Discussions in Part 4 of the book are concentrated around social aspects and involvement of local communities. Tourism development, preservation of indigenous culture, engagement of communities on relevant Arctic issues, search and rescue in the cold marine environment are examples of questions raised. The book reviews Arctic-specific petroleum regulations, the state of preparedness to oil spill accidents in the region as well as the latest developments in oil spill response technologies and their limitations. Search and rescue operations are reviewed and how working in this harsh Arctic environment affects the ability of rescue technicians to perform the required technical skills. Part 5 considers the sustainability challenges arising from the marine resource exploitation. The focus is on the vulnerability of Arctic ecosystems to disturbance – both natural and anthropogenic.

Fossil Energy Update

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Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Book Description

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 195. Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Record-Breaking Enterprise presents an overview of some of the significant work that was conducted in immediate response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. It includes studies of in situ and remotely sensed observations and laboratory and numerical model studies on the four-dimensional oceanographic conditions in the gulf and their influence on the distribution and fate of the discharged oil. Highlights of the book include discussions of the following: immediate responses to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill using Integrated Ocean Observing System resources; monitoring the surface and subsurface oil using satellites, aircraft, vessels, and AUVs; mapping the oceanographic conditions using satellites, aircraft, vessels, drifters, and moorings; modeling the spreading of surface oil trajectories and the three-dimensional dispersal of subsurface hydrocarbon plumes; oil spill risk analyses and statistical studies on the fate of the oil; and laboratory investigation of ocean stratification related to subsurface plumes. This book will be of value to scientists interested in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the Gulf of Mexico, and the potential for conveyance of oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico to the North Atlantic. A more technical audience may include those interested in oil spill detection, trajectory model forecasting, and risk analyses and those with an interest in applied oceanography, including scientists, engineers, environmentalists, natural and living marine resource managers and students within academic institutions, agencies, and industries who are involved with the Gulf of Mexico and other regions with offshore oil and gas exploration and production.

Oil in the Sea III

Book Description

Since the early 1970s, experts have recognized that petroleum pollutants were being discharged in marine waters worldwide, from oil spills, vessel operations, and land-based sources. Public attention to oil spills has forced improvements. Still, a considerable amount of oil is discharged yearly into sensitive coastal environments. Oil in the Sea provides the best available estimate of oil pollutant discharge into marine waters, including an evaluation of the methods for assessing petroleum load and a discussion about the concerns these loads represent. Featuring close-up looks at the Exxon Valdez spill and other notable events, the book identifies important research questions and makes recommendations for better analysis ofâ€"and more effective measures againstâ€"pollutant discharge. The book discusses: Inputâ€"where the discharges come from, including the role of two-stroke engines used on recreational craft. Behavior or fateâ€"how oil is affected by processes such as evaporation as it moves through the marine environment. Effectsâ€"what we know about the effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on marine organisms and ecosystems. Providing a needed update on a problem of international importance, this book will be of interest to energy policy makers, industry officials and managers, engineers and researchers, and advocates for the marine environment.

The Use of Dispersants in Marine Oil Spill Response

Book Description

Whether the result of an oil well blowout, vessel collision or grounding, leaking pipeline, or other incident at sea, each marine oil spill will present unique circumstances and challenges. The oil type and properties, location, time of year, duration of spill, water depth, environmental conditions, affected biomes, potential human community impact, and available resources may vary significantly. Also, each spill may be governed by policy guidelines, such as those set forth in the National Response Plan, Regional Response Plans, or Area Contingency Plans. To respond effectively to the specific conditions presented during an oil spill, spill responders have used a variety of response optionsâ€"including mechanical recovery of oil using skimmers and booms, in situ burning of oil, monitored natural attenuation of oil, and dispersion of oil by chemical dispersants. Because each response method has advantages and disadvantages, it is important to understand specific scenarios where a net benefit may be achieved by using a particular tool or combination of tools. This report builds on two previous National Research Council reports on dispersant use to provide a current understanding of the state of science and to inform future marine oil spill response operations. The response to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill included an unprecedented use of dispersants via both surface application and subsea injection. The magnitude of the spill stimulated interest and funding for research on oil spill response, and dispersant use in particular. This study assesses the effects and efficacy of dispersants as an oil spill response tool and evaluates trade-offs associated with dispersant use.