Modelos pedagógicos y formación docente

Book Description

Podemos los educadores diferenciar con precisión modelo, escuela, enfoque, perspectiva o marco, en el ámbito de la educación? Es más: ¿en cuáles de estos se inscribe nuestro hacer profesional? O sobre qué fundamentos axiológicos, teóricos y metodológicos reposan las prácticas que aplicamos los docentes en las clases? Y, en similar condición, ¿estamos más allá de los grandes pedagogos de la historia? Una inquietud de cierre: ¿los criterios y prácticas en los que se enmarca nuestro quehacer profesional pueden prescindir de modelos pedagógicos? Los anteriores interrogantes y otros tantos son propios de todo educador, por ello, resulta indispensable hacer una pausa para pensar y sopesar lo que hacemos, en qué tradición educativa lo hacemos y cómo lo podemos hacer mejor. Para ello, este Apuntes de clase es una guía y un abanico de reflexiones, perspectivas teóricas y síntesis metodológicas sobre los modelos pedagógicos y las escuelas educativas de los cuales podamos servirnos los maestros en ejercicio y en formación para forjar una educación con mayor pertinencia.

Implementing Deeper Learning and 21st Century Education Reforms

Book Description

This open access book is a comparative analysis of recent large scale education reforms that broadened curriculum goals to better prepare students for the 21st century. The book examines what governments actually do when they broaden curriculum goals, with attention to the details of implementation. To this end, the book examines system level reforms in six countries at various levels of development. The study includes system level reforms in jurisdictions where students achieve high levels in international assessments of basic literacies, such as Singapore and Ontario, Canada, as well as in nations where students achieve much lower levels, such as Kenya, Mexico, Punjab-Pakistan and Zimbabwe. The chapters examine system-level reforms that focus on strengthening the capacity to teach the basics, as in Ontario and Pakistan, as well as reforms that aim at building the capacity to teach a much broader set of competencies and skills, such as Kenya, Mexico, Singapore and Zimbabwe. The volume includes systems at very different levels of spending per student and reforms at various points in the cycle of policy implementation, some just starting, some struggling to survive a governmental transition, and others that have been in place for an extended period of time. From the comparative study of these reforms, we aim to provide an understanding of how to build the capacity of education systems to teach 21st century skills at scale in diverse settings.

The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research

Book Description

This handbook presents a timeless, comprehensive, and up-to-date resource covering major issues in the field of teacher education research. In a global landscape where migration, inequality, climate change, political upheavals and strife continue to be broadly manifest, governments and scholars alike are increasingly considering what role education systems can play in achieving stability and managed, sustainable economic development. With growing awareness that the quality of education is very closely related to the quality of teachers and teaching, teacher education has moved into a key position in international debate and discussion. This volume brings together transnational perspectives to provide insight and evidence of current policy and practice in the field, covering issues such as teacher supply, preservice education, continuing professional learning, leadership development, professionalism and identity, comparative and policy studies, as well as gender, equity, and social justice.

Photographic Elicitation and Narration in Teachers Education and Development

Book Description

This open access book discusses the functionality of the use of the language of photography in teachers' initial and ongoing training. It analyzes the nature of photography as a representation system, facilitating inquiry and reflection on its practice for teachers and evocating on theories and beliefs that may guide their work in classrooms. Photography is used to represent symbolically and affectively possible contradictions in teaching activities or the inconsistencies between planned teaching tasks and the educational purposes pursued. Resolving these conflicts is one of the ways to promote professional development. This book also describes photo-elicitation and photographic storytelling as work procedures. By analyzing the contributions of these techniques, the development of teachers is improved.


Book Description

By examining the centrality of Romantic authorship to both copyright and the music industry, the author highlights the mutual dependence of capitalism and Romanticism, which situates the individual as the key creative force while challenging the commodification of art and self. Marshall reveals how the desire for bootlegs is driven by the same ideals of authenticity employed by the legitimate industry in its copyright rhetoric and practice and demonstrates how bootlegs exist as an antagonistic but necessary component of an industry that does much to prevent them. This book will be of great interest to researchers and students in the sociology of culture, social theory, cultural studies and law.

Handbook of Research on Using Disruptive Methodologies and Game-Based Learning to Foster Transversal Skills

Book Description

As new technologies and professional profiles emerge, traditional education paradigms have to be adapted to new scenarios, creating favorable conditions for promoting transversal skills among students. Consequently, there is a growing demand for training in emergent skills to solve problems of different natures, distributive leadership competencies, empathy, ability to control emotions, etc. In this sense, one of the challenges that educators of all different educational levels and training contexts have to face is to foster these skills in their courses. To overcome these obstacles, innovative and disruptive methodologies, such as game-based learning activities like escape rooms, can be a great ally for teachers to work on transversal skills and specific knowledge at the same time. The Handbook of Research on Using Disruptive Methodologies and Game-Based Learning to Foster Transversal Skills gathers knowledge, skills, abilities, and capabilities on innovative and disruptive methodologies that can be applied in all educational levels to foster transversal skills. This publication contains different contributions focused on the description of innovative educational methods, processes, and tools that can be adopted by teachers to promote transversal skills such as creativity, critical thinking, decision-making, and entrepreneurial skills. This book is ideal for teachers, instructional designers, educational software developers, academics, professionals, students, and researchers working at all levels in the educational field and provides valuable background information to professionals who aim to overcome traditional paradigm obstacles and meet student needs by means of innovative and disruptive methodologies.


Book Description

EVALUACIÓN INSTITUCIONAL BASADA EN LOS SISTEMAS SUAVES Los niveles de desarrollo y crecimiento de una nación, están sustentados en gran medida por la calidad de su educación. Sin educación de calidad, un país no podrá progresar de manera sustantiva y sostenida. Así, la educación es reconocida como palanca de desarrollo, como factor de innovación, como ventaja estratégica para la producción y como medio insustituible para asegurar la identidad nacional. Por consiguiente, para que un país se desempeñe satisfactoriamente en un mundo globalizado requiere estar preparado, y para ello, la calidad en la educación juega un rol determinante. De esta manera, calidad educativa significa excelencia. Así, el tema de la evaluación y acreditación de la educación es un factor relevante que ha propiciado que las instituciones educativas establezcan estrategias para mejorar la calidad educativa de sus programas, lo cual ha conducido a una gran cantidad de cambios en los modelos educativos, en la formación docente y en los recursos empleados a fin de obtener mejores resultados. Con base en lo anterior, surge el presente libro que tiene como propósito ofrecer los fundamentos de la evaluación institucional basada en la perspectiva de los sistemas suaves como una alternativa metodológica que permita analizar los diversos ámbitos de una organización educativa a partir de los criterios de eficacia, eficiencia, pertinencia, trascendencia y equidad. Específicamente aborda temas relevantes como la calidad y evaluación de los programas educativos; la teoría general de sistemas aplicada al ámbito de la educación; los sistemas suaves en el ámbito de la evaluación educativa así como estudios de caso a nivel licenciatura y posgrado

Teacher Education

Book Description

Focusing on values in education, these writings present current debates on fundamental issues. These include: who decides the values, what are the key accompanying issues, and what are their religious, moral and political dimensions and implications.