Models for the Aerosols of the Lower Atmosphere and the Effects of Humidity Variations on Their Optical Properties

Book Description

Aerosol models have been developed for the lower atmosphere. These models are representative of conditions found in rural, urban, and maritime air masses. The changes in the aerosol properties with variations in the relative humidity are discussed. To describe the aerosol optical properties in the extreme of 100 percent relative humidity, several fog models are presented. For each model the coefficients for extinction, scattering, and absorption, the angular scattering distribution, and other optical parameters have been computed for wavelengths between 0.2 and 40 microns. These aerosol models are presented together with a review of their experimental basis. The optical properties of these models are discussed and some comparisons of the model with experimental measurements are presented.

Ground-Based Aerosol Optical Depth Measurement Using Sunphotometers

Book Description

This book gives a detailed review on ground-based aerosol optical depth measurement with emphasis on the calibration issue. The review is written in chronological sequence to render better comprehension on the evolution of the classical Langley calibration from the past to present. It not only compiles the existing calibration methods but also presents a novel calibration algorithm in Langley sun-photometry over low altitude sites which conventionally is a common practice performed at high observatory stations. The proposed algorithm avoids travelling to high altitudes for frequent calibration that is difficult both in logistics and financial prospects. We addressed the problem by combining clear-sky detection model and statistical filter to strictly imitate the ideal clear-sky condition at high altitude for measurements taken over low altitudes. In this way, the possible temporal atmospheric drifts, abundant aerosol loadings and short time interval cloud transits are properly constrained. We believe that this finding has an integral part of practicality and versatility in ground-based aerosol optical depth measurement, which is nowadays an important climate agent in many atmospheric studies. Finally, the outcome of this book introduces a new calibration technique for the study and measurement of aerosol monitoring with emphasis on aerosol optical depth that we believe could be very beneficial to researchers and scientists in the similar area.

Solar Radiation and Daylight Models

Book Description

The cost of operating a building far exceeds the cost of constructing it, and yet until recently little attention was paid to the impact of solar radiation on the costs of heating, cooling and ventilation. And now that there has been a surge in interest in energy efficiency and solar design, architects and designers need a practical guide to the modelling and application of solar energy data. There are many different models and techniques available for calculating the distribution of solar radiation on and in buildings, and these algorithms vary considerably in scope, accuracy and complexity. This book demonstrates which of these predictive tools gives the best results in different circumstances, including explaining which models can be best used in different parts of the world. The author has had over twenty-five years of experience of dealing with solar energy data from four continents and has used that experience in this book to show the development not just of knowledge but also the growing sophistication of the models available to apply it.

Radiative Transfer in Coupled Environmental Systems

Book Description

Radiative Transfer in Coupled Environmental Systems This book discusses radiative transfer in coupled media such as atmosphere-ocean systems with Lambertian as well non-Lambertian refl ecting surfaces at the lower boundary. The spectral range from the ultraviolet to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum is considered, and multi-spectral as well as hyperspectral remote sensing is discussed. Solutions of the forward problem for unpolarized and polarized radiation are discussed in considerable detail, but what makes this book unique is that formulations and solutions of the inverse problem related to such coupled media are covered in a comprehensive and systematic manner. This book teaches the reader how to formulate and solve forward and inverse problems related to coupled media, and gives examples of how to solve concrete problems in environmental remote sensing of coupled atmosphere-surface systems. From the contents: Inherent Optical Properties (IOPs) Basic Radiative Transfer Theory Forward Radiative Transfer Modeling The Inverse Problem Applications

Optical Remote Sensing

Book Description

Written by a specialist in the field, this title explores advanced concepts in the mathematical representation of polarization, descriptors and various optical elements used in the analysis of polarization in multiple applications.

Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model

Book Description

Coupled climate system models are of central importance for climate studies. A new model known as FGOALS ( the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model), has been developed by the Sate Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LASG/IAP, CAS), a first-tier national geophysical laboratory. It serves as a powerful tool, both for deepening our understanding of fundamental mechanisms of the climate system and for making decadal prediction and scenario projections of future climate change. "Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model: A Modeling Tool for the Climate Change Research Community” is the first book to offer systematic evaluations of this model’s performance. It is comprehensive in scope, covering both developmental and application-oriented aspects of this climate system model. It also provides an outlook of future development of FGOALS and offers an overview of how to employ the model. It represents a valuable reference work for researchers and professionals working within the related areas of climate variability and change. Prof. Tianjun Zhou, Yongqiang Yu, Yimin Liu and Bin Wang work at LASG, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.


Book Description

Aerosol science and engineering is a vibrant field of particle technology and chemical reaction engineering. The book presents a timely account of this interdisciplinary topic and its various application areas. It will be of interest to scientists or engineers active in aerosol physics, aerosol or colloid chemistry, atmospheric processes, and chemical, mechanical, environmental and/or materials engineering.