Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica

Book Description

Presenting theory while using Mathematica in a complementary way, Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, the third edition of Alfred Gray’s famous textbook, covers how to define and compute standard geometric functions using Mathematica for constructing new curves and surfaces from existing ones. Since Gray’s death, authors Abbena and Salamon have stepped in to bring the book up to date. While maintaining Gray's intuitive approach, they reorganized the material to provide a clearer division between the text and the Mathematica code and added a Mathematica notebook as an appendix to each chapter. They also address important new topics, such as quaternions. The approach of this book is at times more computational than is usual for a book on the subject. For example, Brioshi’s formula for the Gaussian curvature in terms of the first fundamental form can be too complicated for use in hand calculations, but Mathematica handles it easily, either through computations or through graphing curvature. Another part of Mathematica that can be used effectively in differential geometry is its special function library, where nonstandard spaces of constant curvature can be defined in terms of elliptic functions and then plotted. Using the techniques described in this book, readers will understand concepts geometrically, plotting curves and surfaces on a monitor and then printing them. Containing more than 300 illustrations, the book demonstrates how to use Mathematica to plot many interesting curves and surfaces. Including as many topics of the classical differential geometry and surfaces as possible, it highlights important theorems with many examples. It includes 300 miniprograms for computing and plotting various geometric objects, alleviating the drudgery of computing things such as the curvature and torsion of a curve in space.

Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Second Edition

Book Description

The Second Edition combines a traditional approach with the symbolic manipulation abilities of Mathematica to explain and develop the classical theory of curves and surfaces. You will learn to reproduce and study interesting curves and surfaces - many more than are included in typical texts - using computer methods. By plotting geometric objects and studying the printed result, teachers and students can understand concepts geometrically and see the effect of changes in parameters. Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica explains how to define and compute standard geometric functions, for example the curvature of curves, and presents a dialect of Mathematica for constructing new curves and surfaces from old. The book also explores how to apply techniques from analysis. Although the book makes extensive use of Mathematica, readers without access to that program can perform the calculations in the text by hand. While single- and multi-variable calculus, some linear algebra, and a few concepts of point set topology are needed to understand the theory, no computer or Mathematica skills are required to understand the concepts presented in the text. In fact, it serves as an excellent introduction to Mathematica, and includes fully documented programs written for use with Mathematica. Ideal for both classroom use and self-study, Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica has been tested extensively in the classroom and used in professional short courses throughout the world.

Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces

Book Description

This is a textbook on differential geometry well-suited to a variety of courses on this topic. For readers seeking an elementary text, the prerequisites are minimal and include plenty of examples and intermediate steps within proofs, while providing an invitation to more excursive applications and advanced topics. For readers bound for graduate school in math or physics, this is a clear, concise, rigorous development of the topic including the deep global theorems. For the benefit of all readers, the author employs various techniques to render the difficult abstract ideas herein more understandable and engaging. Over 300 color illustrations bring the mathematics to life, instantly clarifying concepts in ways that grayscale could not. Green-boxed definitions and purple-boxed theorems help to visually organize the mathematical content. Color is even used within the text to highlight logical relationships. Applications abound! The study of conformal and equiareal functions is grounded in its application to cartography. Evolutes, involutes and cycloids are introduced through Christiaan Huygens' fascinating story: in attempting to solve the famous longitude problem with a mathematically-improved pendulum clock, he invented mathematics that would later be applied to optics and gears. Clairaut’s Theorem is presented as a conservation law for angular momentum. Green’s Theorem makes possible a drafting tool called a planimeter. Foucault’s Pendulum helps one visualize a parallel vector field along a latitude of the earth. Even better, a south-pointing chariot helps one visualize a parallel vector field along any curve in any surface. In truth, the most profound application of differential geometry is to modern physics, which is beyond the scope of this book. The GPS in any car wouldn’t work without general relativity, formalized through the language of differential geometry. Throughout this book, applications, metaphors and visualizations are tools that motivate and clarify the rigorous mathematical content, but never replace it.

Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Fourth Edition

Book Description

Reflecting the latest version of Mathematica®, this text provides an introduction to differential geometry by covering curves and surfaces in detail. Popular with students and professionals in mathematics, physics, and computer science, the book shows readers how to reproduce a large number of illustrations using Mathematica. This edition covers the latest mathematical research and moves the Mathematica notebooks to the authors’ website, making the book even easier to use.

Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces

Book Description

Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces is the first advanced text/reference to explain the mathematics of curves and surfaces and describe how to draw the pictures illustrating them using Mathematica‚. You learn not only the classical concepts, ideas, and methods of differential geometry, but also how to define, construct, and compute standard functions. You also learn how to create new curves and surfaces from old ones. The book is superb for classroom use and self-study. Material is presented clearly, using over 150 exercises, 175 Mathematica programs, and 225 geometric figures to thoroughly develop the topics presented. A brief tutorial explaining how to use Mathematica in differential geometry is included as well. This text/reference is excellent for all mathematicians, scientists, and engineers who use differential geometric methods and investigate geometrical structures.

Geometry of Curves

Book Description

Interest in the study of geometry is currently enjoying a resurgence-understandably so, as the study of curves was once the playground of some very great mathematicians. However, many of the subject's more exciting aspects require a somewhat advanced mathematics background. For the "fun stuff" to be accessible, we need to offer students an introduction with modest prerequisites, one that stimulates their interest and focuses on problem solving. Integrating parametric, algebraic, and projective curves into a single text, Geometry of Curves offers students a unique approach that provides a mathematical structure for solving problems, not just a catalog of theorems. The author begins with the basics, then takes students on a fascinating journey from conics, higher algebraic and transcendental curves, through the properties of parametric curves, the classification of limaçons, envelopes, and finally to projective curves, their relationship to algebraic curves, and their application to asymptotes and boundedness. The uniqueness of this treatment lies in its integration of the different types of curves, its use of analytic methods, and its generous number of examples, exercises, and illustrations. The result is a practical text, almost entirely self-contained, that not only imparts a deeper understanding of the theory, but inspires a heightened appreciation of geometry and interest in more advanced studies.

A First Course in Differential Geometry

Book Description

With detailed explanations and numerous examples, this textbook covers the differential geometry of surfaces in Euclidean space.

Curves and Surfaces

Book Description

The book provides an introduction to Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces. The theory of curves starts with a discussion of possible definitions of the concept of curve, proving in particular the classification of 1-dimensional manifolds. We then present the classical local theory of parametrized plane and space curves (curves in n-dimensional space are discussed in the complementary material): curvature, torsion, Frenet’s formulas and the fundamental theorem of the local theory of curves. Then, after a self-contained presentation of degree theory for continuous self-maps of the circumference, we study the global theory of plane curves, introducing winding and rotation numbers, and proving the Jordan curve theorem for curves of class C2, and Hopf theorem on the rotation number of closed simple curves. The local theory of surfaces begins with a comparison of the concept of parametrized (i.e., immersed) surface with the concept of regular (i.e., embedded) surface. We then develop the basic differential geometry of surfaces in R3: definitions, examples, differentiable maps and functions, tangent vectors (presented both as vectors tangent to curves in the surface and as derivations on germs of differentiable functions; we shall consistently use both approaches in the whole book) and orientation. Next we study the several notions of curvature on a surface, stressing both the geometrical meaning of the objects introduced and the algebraic/analytical methods needed to study them via the Gauss map, up to the proof of Gauss’ Teorema Egregium. Then we introduce vector fields on a surface (flow, first integrals, integral curves) and geodesics (definition, basic properties, geodesic curvature, and, in the complementary material, a full proof of minimizing properties of geodesics and of the Hopf-Rinow theorem for surfaces). Then we shall present a proof of the celebrated Gauss-Bonnet theorem, both in its local and in its global form, using basic properties (fully proved in the complementary material) of triangulations of surfaces. As an application, we shall prove the Poincaré-Hopf theorem on zeroes of vector fields. Finally, the last chapter will be devoted to several important results on the global theory of surfaces, like for instance the characterization of surfaces with constant Gaussian curvature, and the orientability of compact surfaces in R3.

First Steps in Differential Geometry

Book Description

Differential geometry arguably offers the smoothest transition from the standard university mathematics sequence of the first four semesters in calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations to the higher levels of abstraction and proof encountered at the upper division by mathematics majors. Today it is possible to describe differential geometry as "the study of structures on the tangent space," and this text develops this point of view. This book, unlike other introductory texts in differential geometry, develops the architecture necessary to introduce symplectic and contact geometry alongside its Riemannian cousin. The main goal of this book is to bring the undergraduate student who already has a solid foundation in the standard mathematics curriculum into contact with the beauty of higher mathematics. In particular, the presentation here emphasizes the consequences of a definition and the careful use of examples and constructions in order to explore those consequences.

Differential Forms on Singular Varieties

Book Description

Differential Forms on Singular Varieties: De Rham and Hodge Theory Simplified uses complexes of differential forms to give a complete treatment of the Deligne theory of mixed Hodge structures on the cohomology of singular spaces. This book features an approach that employs recursive arguments on dimension and does not introduce spaces of hig