Modern Mathematics for the Engineer: First Series

Book Description

This volume and its successor were conceived to advance the level of mathematical sophistication in the engineering community, focusing on material relevant to solving the kinds of problems regularly confronted. Volume One's three-part treatment covers mathematical models, probabilistic problems, and computational considerations. Contributors include Solomon Lefschetz, Richard Courant, and Norbert Wiener. 1956 edition.

Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing

Book Description

Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing embraces many applications of modern mathematics, such as Boolean Algebra and Sets and Functions, and also teaches both discrete and continuous systems - particularly vital for Digital Signal Processing (DSP). In addition, as most modern engineers are required to study software, material suitable for Software Engineering - set theory, predicate and prepositional calculus, language and graph theory - is fully integrated into the book.Excessive technical detail and language are avoided, recognising that the real requirement for practising engineers is the need to understand the applications of mathematics in everyday engineering contexts. Emphasis is given to an appreciation of the fundamental concepts behind the mathematics, for problem solving and undertaking critical analysis of results, whether using a calculator or a computer.The text is backed up by numerous exercises and worked examples throughout, firmly rooted in engineering practice, ensuring that all mathematical theory introduced is directly relevant to real-world engineering. The book includes introductions to advanced topics such as Fourier analysis, vector calculus and random processes, also making this a suitable introductory text for second year undergraduates of electrical, electronic and computer engineering, undertaking engineering mathematics courses.Dr Attenborough is a former Senior Lecturer in the School of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering at South Bank University. She is currently Technical Director of The Webbery - Internet development company, Co. Donegal, Ireland. - Fundamental principles of mathematics introduced and applied in engineering practice, reinforced through over 300 examples directly relevant to real-world engineering

Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists

Book Description

Covering the main fields of mathematics, this handbook focuses on the methods used for obtaining solutions of various classes of mathematical equations that underlie the mathematical modeling of numerous phenomena and processes in science and technology. The authors describe formulas, methods, equations, and solutions that are frequently used in scientific and engineering applications and present classical as well as newer solution methods for various mathematical equations. The book supplies numerous examples, graphs, figures, and diagrams and contains many results in tabular form, including finite sums and series and exact solutions of differential, integral, and functional equations.

Modern Mathematical Methods For Scientists And Engineers: A Street-smart Introduction

Book Description

Modern Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers is a modern introduction to basic topics in mathematics at the undergraduate level, with emphasis on explanations and applications to real-life problems. There is also an 'Application' section at the end of each chapter, with topics drawn from a variety of areas, including neural networks, fluid dynamics, and the behavior of 'put' and 'call' options in financial markets. The book presents several modern important and computationally efficient topics, including feedforward neural networks, wavelets, generalized functions, stochastic optimization methods, and numerical methods.A unique and novel feature of the book is the introduction of a recently developed method for solving partial differential equations (PDEs), called the unified transform. PDEs are the mathematical cornerstone for describing an astonishingly wide range of phenomena, from quantum mechanics to ocean waves, to the diffusion of heat in matter and the behavior of financial markets. Despite the efforts of many famous mathematicians, physicists and engineers, the solution of partial differential equations remains a challenge.The unified transform greatly facilitates this task. For example, two and a half centuries after Jean d'Alembert formulated the wave equation and presented a solution for solving a simple problem for this equation, the unified transform derives in a simple manner a generalization of the d'Alembert solution, valid for general boundary value problems. Moreover, two centuries after Joseph Fourier introduced the classical tool of the Fourier series for solving the heat equation, the unified transform constructs a new solution to this ubiquitous PDE, with important analytical and numerical advantages in comparison to the classical solutions. The authors present the unified transform pedagogically, building all the necessary background, including functions of real and of complex variables and the Fourier transform, illustrating the method with numerous examples.Broad in scope, but pedagogical in style and content, the book is an introduction to powerful mathematical concepts and modern tools for students in science and engineering.

Modern Mathematics for the Engineer: First Series

Book Description

This volume and its successor focus on material relevant to solving mathematical problems regularly confronted by engineers. Volume One's three-part treatment covers mathematical models, probabilistic problems, and computational considerations. 1956 edition.

A Student's Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics

Book Description

A Student's Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics provides an accessible introduction to the world of mathematics. It offers tips on how to study and write mathematics as well as how to use various mathematical tools, from LaTeX and Beamer to Mathematica and Maple to MATLAB and R. Along with a color insert, the text include

Modern Engineering Mathematics

Book Description

Giving an applications-focused introduction to the field of Engineering Mathematics, this book presents the key mathematical concepts that engineers will be expected to know. It is also well suited to maths courses within the physical sciences and applied mathematics. It incorporates many exercises throughout the chapters.

Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Book Description