Molecular Basis of Thyroid Cancer

Book Description

- This series is indexed in index Medicus - The turn around time for this series is fast, making the research as accurate as a journal

Imaging in Nuclear Medicine

Book Description

This volume addresses a wide range of issues in the field of nuclear medicine imaging, with an emphasis on the latest research findings. Initial chapters set the scene by considering the role of imaging in nuclear medicine from the medical perspective and discussing the implications of novel agents and applications for imaging. The physics at the basis of the most modern imaging systems is described, and the reader is introduced to the latest advances in image reconstruction and noise correction. Various novel concepts are then discussed, including those developed within the framework of the EURATOM FP7 MADEIRA research project on the optimization of imaging procedures in order to permit a reduction in the radiation dose to healthy tissues. Advances in quality control and quality assurance are covered, and the book concludes by listing rules of thumb for imaging that will be of use to both beginners and experienced researchers.

Molecular Basis of Thyroid Hormone Action

Book Description

Molecular Basis of Thyroid Hormone Action focuses on the actions of thyroid hormones in eukaryotic cells. This book discusses the profound effects of thyroid hormones on the growth, development, and metabolism of practically all tissues of higher organisms. Organized into 15 chapters, this volume starts with an overview of the kinetic interrelationships of hormone bound to specific receptors and hormone associated with other tissue and plasma pools in living animals. This book then discusses the thyroid hormone receptor, a chromatin-associated protein that appears to mediate the actions of the ...

Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Endocrine Organs

Book Description

This vol. was produced in collaboration with the International Academy of Pathology (IAP). - This publication reflects the views of a working group that convened for an editorial and consensus conference in Lyon, France, April 23-26, 2003

The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology

Book Description

This atlas is the offspring of the “The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) State of the Science Conference,” hosted by the NCI and organized by Dr. Andrea Abati. Preparations for the conference began 18 months earlier with the designation of a steering committee and the establishment of a dedicated, p- manent web site. The meeting took place on October 22 and 23, 2007 in Bethesda, Maryland and was co-moderated by Susan J. Mandel and Edmund S. Cibas. The discussions and conclusions regarding terminology and morphologic criteria 1, 2 from the meeting were summarized in publications by Baloch et al. and form the framework for this atlas. The atlas is organized by the general categories of “Nondiagnostic,” “Benign,” “Follicular Neoplasm/Suspicious for a Follicular Neoplasm”, “Suspicious for Malignancy,” and “Malignant,” and it includes the defi- tions and morphologic criteria of these categories as set forth by Baloch et al. The majority of the conference participants also agreed on a category of “undetermined significance,” which is incorporated in this atlas (Chap. 4). It is critical that the cytopathologist communicate thyroid FNA interpretations to the referring physician in terms that are succinct, unambiguous, and helpful clinically. We recognize that the terminology used here is a flexible framework that can be modified by individual laboratories to meet the needs of their providers and the patients they serve.

Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes

Book Description

Now in its second edition, the Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes is a fully comprehensive, evidence-based, and highly-valued reference work combining basic science with clinical guidance, and providing first rate advice on diagnosis and treatment.

Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

Book Description

This book is a unique in-depth and comprehensive reference that covers all surgically relevant thyroid and parathyroid diseases and presents the latest information on their management. International authorities discuss operative techniques and treatments in detail and explain the rationales for their favored approaches. The topics of this second edition include the description of surgically relevant pathologies, preoperative surgical evaluation, decision making, and operative strategies for the various thyroid and parathyroid diseases. In addition, experts present the molecular basis for thyroid neoplasia, review the current understanding of the genetics of inherited thyroid and parathyroid diseases, and discuss the management of recurrent and locally invasive thyroid cancer. Evolving modern operative techniques such as neuromonitoring and minimally invasive (videoscopic) approaches to the thyroid and parathyroids are also covered.

Diagnostic Pathology and Molecular Genetics of the Thyroid

Book Description

Diagnostic Pathology and Molecular Genetics of the Thyroid, Second Edition, offers a comprehensive overview of the diagnostic surgical pathology, cytopathology, immunohistochemistry and molecular genetics of the thyroid diseases, including neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions. The book provides a detailed description of the surgical pathology of thyroid diseases side by side with major advances in immunohistochemistry and molecular genetics that can be used in evaluating thyroid tumors and non-neoplastic diseases.

AJCC Cancer Staging Manual

Book Description

The American Joint Committee on Cancer's Cancer Staging Manual is used by physicians throughout the world to diagnose cancer and determine the extent to which cancer has progressed. All of the TNM staging information included in this Sixth Edition is uniform between the AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) and the UICC (International Union Against Cancer). In addition to the information found in the Handbook, the Manual provides standardized data forms for each anatomic site, which can be utilized as permanent patient records, enabling clinicians and cancer research scientists to maintain consistency in evaluating the efficacy of diagnosis and treatment. The CD-ROM packaged with each Manual contains printable copies of each of the book’s 45 Staging Forms.

Thyroid Disease

Book Description

Comprehensive reference covering all aspects of thyroid disease. Presents the details of thyroid treatment with emphasis on surgical management.