The Molecular Mechanisms of Regulatory T cell Immunosuppression

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Ever since Regulatory T cells (T-Regs) were first defined as peripheral CD4+ T cells that express the interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor alpha chain (IL-2Ra), there have been intensive efforts to determine the molecular mechanisms whereby this minor subset of CD4+ T cells (~ 5-10%) nonspecifically suppresses all potential effector T cells, whether reactive to self or non-self antigens. Multiple possible molecular mechanisms have been implicated, including the scavenging of IL-2 via the expression of high densities of IL-2Rs, the inhibition of antigen presentation via CTLA-4 molecules leading to decreased IL-2 production, the activation of intracellular cAMP thereby suppressing both IL-2 production and action, and the production of suppressive cytokines such as IL-10 and Tumor Growth Factor-beta, to list a few. However, the field has thus far failed to come to a consensus, such that some investigators have now asserted that many molecular mechanisms may be operative, in fact that perhaps all of the described mechanisms may account for the suppressive effects of these cells, acting either simultaneously or sequentially. Thus, this Research Topic is focused on articles that can shed some new light on the molecular mechanisms responsible for T-Reg immunosuppression.

Molecular Mechanisms of Dendritic Cell-Mediated Immune Tolerance and Autoimmunity

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Dendritic cells (DCs) play a critical role in immune system, as they are necessary both for innate and adaptive immunity. According to their function, dendritic cells can be classified in immune tolerogenic or inflammatory DCs. DCs have been shown to regulate T cell-mediated immune responses and lead to immune tolerance and autoimmunity. For example, immune-tolerogenic DCs facilitate the development of regulatory T cells and inhibit T helper 17-mediated autoimmunity in mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Moreover, inflammatory DCs activate CD8+ and CD4+ T cells and elicit T cell-mediated inflammatory immune responses in vivo. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying DC-mediated immune tolerance and autoimmunity are still obscure.

Janeway's Immunobiology

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The Janeway's Immunobiology CD-ROM, Immunobiology Interactive, is included with each book, and can be purchased separately. It contains animations and videos with voiceover narration, as well as the figures from the text for presentation purposes.

Molecular Mechanisms of Immunological Self-Recognition

Book Description

Molecular Mechanisms of Immunological Self-Recognition covers the understanding of immunological self-recognition. The introductory chapter of the book summarizes the dawn of the insight into immunological tolerance, and provides an overview of research on the underlying mechanisms. The book addresses the developments in the molecular mechanisms of B and T cell tolerance and describes the failure of tolerance in autoimmunity. The text concludes by furnishing orienting perspectives and highlighting new information presented. The novel findings characterized as impressive advances pertain to the areas of B cell development and the generation of molecular diversity; V gene usage, especially from transgenes, in positive and negative thymic selection; the handling of positive and negative signals by T and B cells; anergy in postthymic T cells; the design of peptide-based therapy for autoimmune diseases; and the design of therapy with the aid of monoclonal antibodies. Immunologists will find the text useful.

Molecular mechanisms of T cell tolerance

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Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play an important role in immune homeostasis, by maintaining tolerance to self-antigens and allergens as well as by limiting inflammatory tissue damage during chronic infections. Humans or mice lacking the Treg-associated transcription factor FOXP3 develop severe features of autoimmunity and allergy. Ectopic FOXP3 expression endows non-regulatory T cells with many of the hallmarks of regulatory T cells and transgenic reporter mice carrying a FOXP3-GFP indicated that FOXP3 expression correlates with suppressive T cells. Although Tregs can be generated in the thymus, their induction is observed in the periphery. The molecular mechanisms leading to Tregs generation in the periphery are still poorly understood. To gain insight into this key process we analyzed peripheral FOXP3 regulation. For this purpose we localized and cloned the human FOXP3 promoter into a reporter plasmid and characterized its activity in primary CD4+ T cells. In addition, we looked at factors, which regulate FOXP3 expression during the differentiation process from naive T cells into the effectors cells.

Signaling Mechanisms Regulating T Cell Diversity and Function

Book Description

T cells play a vital role mediating adaptive immunity, a specific acquired resistance to an infectious agent produced by the introduction of an antigen. There are a variety of T cell types with different functions. They are called T cells, because they are derived from the thymus gland. This volume discusses how T cells are regulated through the operation of signaling mechanisms. Topics covered include positive and negative selection, early events in T cell receptor engagement, and various T cell subsets.