Molecular Spintronics

Book Description

This thesis targets molecular or organic spintronics and more particularly the spin polarization tailoring opportunities that arise from the ferromagnetic metal/molecule hybridization at interfaces: the new concept of spinterface. Molecular or organic spintronics is an emerging research field at the frontier between organic chemistry and spintronics. The manuscript is divided into three parts, the first of which introduces the basic concepts of spintronics and advantages that molecules can bring to this field. The state of the art on organic and molecular spintronics is also presented, with a special emphasis on the physics and experimental evidence for spinterfaces. The book’s second and third parts are dedicated to the two main experimental topics investigated in the thesis: Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) and Organic Semiconductors (OSCs). The study of SAMs-based magnetic tunnel nanojunctions reveals the potential to modulate the properties of such devices “at will,” since each part of the molecule can be tuned independently like a “LEGO” building block. The study of Alq3-based spin valves reveals magnetoresistance effects at room temperature and is aimed at understanding the respective roles played by the two interfaces. Through the development of these systems, we demonstrate their potential for spintronics and provide a solid foundation for spin polarization engineering at the molecular level.

Single-Molecule Magnets

Book Description

Concise overview of synthesis and characterization of single molecule magnets Molecular magnetism is explored as an alternative to conventional solid-state magnetism as the basis for ultrahigh-density memory materials with extremely fast processing speeds. In particular single-molecule magnets (SMM) are in the focus of current research, both because of their intrinsic magnetization properties, as well as because of their potential use in molecular spintronic devices. SMMs are fascinating objects on the example of which one can explain many concepts. Single-Molecule Magnets: Molecular Architectures and Building Blocks for Spintronics starts with a general introduction to single-molecule magnets (SMM), which helps readers to understand the evolution of the field and its future. The following chapters deal with the current synthetic methods leading to SMMs, their magnetic properties and their characterization by methods such as high-field electron paramagnetic resonance, paramagnetic nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic circular dichroism. The book closes with an overview of radical-bridged SMMs, which have shown application potential as building blocks for high-density memories. Covers a hot topic – single-molecule magnetism is one of the fastest growing research fields in inorganic chemistry and materials science Provides researchers and newcomers to the field with a solid foundation for their further work Single-Molecule Magnets: Molecular Architectures and Building Blocks for Spintronics will appeal to inorganic chemists, materials scientists, molecular physicists, and electronics engineers interested in the rapidly growing field of study.


Book Description

This book highlights the overview of Spintronics, including What is Spintronics ?; Why Do We Need Spintronics ?; Comparative merit-demerit of Spintronics and Electronics ; Research Efforts put on Spintronics ; Quantum Mechanics of Spin; Dynamics of magnetic moments : Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation; Spin-Dependent Band Gap in Ferromagnetic Materials; Functionality of ‘Spin’ in Spintronics; Different Branches of Spintronics etc. Some important notions on basic elements of Spintronics are discussed here, such as – Spin Polarization, Spin Filter Effect, Spin Generation and Injection, Spin Accumulation, Different kinds of Spin Relaxation Phenomena, Spin Valve, Spin Extraction, Spin Hall Effect, Spin Seebeck Effect, Spin Current Measurement Mechanism, Magnetoresistance and its different kinds etc. Concept of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR), different types of GMR, qualitative and quantitative explanation of GMR employing Resistor Network Theory are presented here. Tunnelling Magnetoresistance (TMR), Magnetic Junctions, Effect of various parameters on TMR, Measurement of spin relaxation length and time in the spacer layer are covered here. This book highlights the concept of Spin Transfer Torque (STT), STT in Ferromagnetic Layer Structures, STT driven Magnetization Dynamics, STT in Magnetic Multilayer Nanopillar etc. This book also sheds light on Magnetic Domain Wall (MDW) Motion, Ratchet Effect in MDW motion, MDW motion velocity measurements, Current-driven MDW motion, etc. The book deals with the emerging field of spintronics, i.e., Opto-spintronics. Special emphasis is given on ultrafast optical controlling of magnetic states of antiferromagnet, Spin-photon interaction, Faraday Effect, Inverse Faraday Effect and outline of different all-optical spintronic switching. One more promising branch i.e., Terahertz Spintronics is also covered. Principle of operation of spintronic terahertz emitter, choice of materials, terahertz writing of an antiferromagnetic magnetic memory device is discussed. Brief introduction of Semiconductor spintronics is presented that includes dilute magnetic semiconductor, feromagnetic semiconductor, spin polarized semiconductor devices, three terminal spintronic devices, Spin transistor, Spin-LED, and Spin-Laser. This book also emphasizes on several modern spintronics devices that includes GMR Read Head of Modern Hard Disk Drive, MRAM, Position Sensor, Biosensor, Magnetic Field sensor, Three Terminal Magnetic Memory Devices, Spin FET, Race Track Memory and Quantum Computing.

Handbook of Spintronics

Book Description

Over two volumes and 1500 pages, the Handbook of Spintronics will cover all aspects of spintronics science and technology, including fundamental physics, materials properties and processing, established and emerging device technology and applications. Comprising 60 chapters from a large international team of leading researchers across academia and industry, the Handbook provides readers with an up-to-date and comprehensive review of this dynamic field of research. The opening chapters focus on the fundamental physical principles of spintronics in metals and semiconductors, including an introduction to spin quantum computing. Materials systems are then considered, with sections on metallic thin films and multilayers, magnetic tunnelling structures, hybrids, magnetic semiconductors and molecular spintronic materials. A separate section reviews the various characterisation methods appropriate to spintronics materials, including STM, spin-polarised photoemission, x-ray diffraction techniques and spin-polarised SEM. The third part of the Handbook contains chapters on the state of the art in device technology and applications, including spin valves, GMR and MTJ devices, MRAM technology, spin transistors and spin logic devices, spin torque devices, spin pumping and spin dynamics and other topics such as spin caloritronics. Each chapter considers the challenges faced by researchers in that area and contains some indications of the direction that future work in the field is likely to take. This reference work will be an essential and long-standing resource for the spintronics community.

Spintronics for Next Generation Innovative Devices

Book Description

Spintronics (short for spin electronics, or spin transport electronics) exploits both the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices. Controlling the spin of electrons within a device can produce surprising and substantial changes in its properties. Drawing from many cutting edge fields, including physics, materials science, and electronics device technology, spintronics has provided the key concepts for many next generation information processing and transmitting technologies. This book discusses all aspects of spintronics from basic science to applications and covers: • magnetic semiconductors • topological insulators • spin current science • spin caloritronics • ultrafast magnetization reversal • magneto-resistance effects and devices • spin transistors • quantum information devices This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Spintronics for researchers and students in academia and industry.

Noise in Spintronics

Book Description

This book covers the main physical mechanisms and the different contributions (1/f noise, shot noise, etc.) behind electronic fluctuations in various spintronic devices. It presents the first comprehensive summary of fundamental noise mechanisms in both electronic and spintronic devices and is therefore unique in that aspect. The pedagogic introduction to noise is complemented by a detailed description of how one could set up a noise measurement experiment in the lab. A further extensive description of the recent progress in understanding and controlling noise in spintronics, including the boom in 2D devices, molecular spintronics, and field sensing, is accompanied by both numerous bibliography references and tens of case studies on the fundamental aspects of noise and on some important qualitative steps to understand noise in spintronics. Moreover, a detailed discussion of unsolved problems and outlook make it an essential textbook for scientists and students desiring to exploit the information hidden in noise in both spintronics and conventional electronics.

Spintronics Handbook, Second Edition: Spin Transport and Magnetism

Book Description

Spintronics Handbook, Second Edition offers an update on the single most comprehensive survey of the two intertwined fields of spintronics and magnetism, covering the diverse array of materials and structures, including silicon, organic semiconductors, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and engineered nanostructures. It focuses on seminal pioneering work, together with the latest in cutting-edge advances, notably extended discussion of two-dimensional materials beyond graphene, topological insulators, skyrmions, and molecular spintronics. The main sections cover physical phenomena, spin-dependent tunneling, control of spin and magnetism in semiconductors, and spin-based applications. Features: Presents the most comprehensive reference text for the overlapping fields of spintronics (spin transport) and magnetism. Covers the full spectrum of materials and structures, from silicon and organic semiconductors to carbon nanotubes, graphene, and engineered nanostructures. Extends coverage of two-dimensional materials beyond graphene, including molybdenum disulfide and study of their spin relaxation mechanisms Includes new dedicated chapters on cutting-edge topics such as spin-orbit torques, topological insulators, half metals, complex oxide materials and skyrmions. Discusses important emerging areas of spintronics with superconductors, spin-wave spintronics, benchmarking of spintronics devices, and theory and experimental approaches to molecular spintronics. Evgeny Tsymbal's research is focused on computational materials science aiming at the understanding of fundamental properties of advanced ferromagnetic and ferroelectric nanostructures and materials relevant to nanoelectronics and spintronics. He is a George Holmes University Distinguished Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), Director of the UNL’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), and Director of the multi-institutional Center for NanoFerroic Devices (CNFD). Igor Žutić received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at the University of Minnesota. His work spans a range of topics from high-temperature superconductors and ferromagnetism that can get stronger as the temperature is increased, to prediction of various spin-based devices. He is a recipient of 2006 National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2005 National Research Council/American Society for Engineering Education Postdoctoral Research Award, and the National Research Council Fellowship (2003-2005). His research is supported by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, the Department of Energy, and the Airforce Office of Scientific Research.

Organic Spintronics

Book Description

Major development efforts in organic materials research has grown for an array of applications. Organic spintronics, in particular, has flourished in the area of organic magneto-transport. Reflecting the main avenues of advancement in this arena, this volume explores spin injection and manipulation in organic spin valves, the magnetic field effect in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), the spin transport effect in relation to spin manipulation, organic magnets as spin injection electrodes in organic spintronics devices, the coherent control of spins in organic devices using the technique of electronically detected magnetic resonance, and the possibility of using organic spin valves as sensors.

Electrons in Molecules

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with essential keys to a unified understanding of the rapidly expanding field of molecular materials and devices: electronic structures and bonding, magnetic, electrical and photo-physical properties, and the mastering of electrons in molecular electronics.

World Scientific Reference On Spin In Organics (In 4 Volumes)

Book Description

This reference work on Spin in Organics contains four volumes dedicated to spin injection, spin transport, spin pumping, organic magnetic field effect, and molecular spintronics. The field of Organic Spintronics has accelerated and matured in the last dozen years with the realization of an organic spin-valve (in 2004) and magneto-resistance and magneto-electroluminescence in organic optoelectronic devices (2006).The book series is comprehensive in that it summarizes all aspects of Organic Spintronics to date. The first two volumes deal with spin injection, spin transport, spin manipulation and spin pumping into organic semiconductors. The main device that is thoroughly discussed here is the organic spin-valve, where spinterface states at the interface between the organic semiconductor and the ferromagnetic (FM) electrode has been the focus of many chapters. An interesting emerging subject is the role of chirality in the organic layer of the device. A relatively new method of achieving spin aligned carriers in organic semiconductors is spin pumping, where magnons in the FM substrate generate spin aligned carriers in the organic layer at the FM/organic interface.The third volume deals mainly with magnetic field effect in organic devices. Several spin-mixture processes that lead to magnetic field effect in devices and films are thoroughly discussed, such as hyperfine interaction, direct spin-orbit coupling, indirect spin-orbit coupling via Δg, triplet-triplet annihilation, and thermal spin alignment. The similarity between the magnetic field effect obtained in optoelectronic devices based on organic semiconductors and the novel hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductors is also a subject of intense interest. The fourth volume deals with spin in molecular films and devices. It includes thorough discussion of spin exchange interaction that leads to organic ferromagnets, as well as manifestation of various spin interactions in thin molecular films and devices.