Mom Where's My Doll

Book Description

This book, "Mom where's my doll?" is a Realistic Fiction Christmas story about a child, Freda, not understanding why from ever since she could remember, she never got a doll from her mother at Christmas or for any other occasion. Her sisters got their Barbie and American girl dolls every Christmas, but no dolls for poor Freda! Being the child who resembles her mom the most, Freda thought she would be the pampered one, though she never wanted to be - her siblings mattered to her more than anything and she would not want them to be treated as second best. But why do her mother's expectations of her seem to be so demanding by comparison to her siblings'? Why does she expect Freda to solve her own problems no matter how difficult they may be? There seem to be so many unanswered questions about Freda's mother's treatment of her. Will there be answers to Freda's questions and if those answers are revealed will they ease her confusion and her feelings of not being loved? Will she come to understand her mother's outlook on life? Will she start to see her mother in a new light and be able to forgive her?

Mommy, Buy Me a China Doll

Book Description

Young Eliza Lou considers some unusual sleeping arrangements after suggesting that her mother buy her a china doll by trading her father's featherbed.

Missing Mom Pieces

Book Description

We know what pain, rejection, anger, bitterness, and loneliness look and feel like. We know how those emotions intensify when it is from our own family members, those that are supposed to love and take care of us but are not always successful at it. I wanted to feel what others had, to read it, and to experience it just a little. As others shared what their mom relationships were like, that pain was deeper than I realized before. I no longer wanted to live through your experiences; instead, I wanted to let you know I get it a little. Through some real honest moments came some really raw memories and painful truths, not just my own but yours as well. I found myself weeping and praying for all of you that shared your stories with me. I know I needed to go on a journey with God as my guide to find my "missing mom pieces" so I could heal and pass that on to you. So I pray you take this journey as you figure out what your missing mom pieces are so you may feel peace in the pain, strength in the sorrow, and healing in the days to come. Are you ready?

Teddy's Favorite Toy

Book Description

A mom goes to great lengths to rescue her son’s favorite doll in this delightful tribute to treasured toys—and mothers. Teddy has a lot of cool toys. But his very favorite doll has the best manners, the sickest fighting skills, and a fierce sense of style. Then one morning, something truly awful happens. And there’s only one woman fierce enough to save the day. Can Teddy’s mom reunite Teddy with his favorite toy?

Love Doctor of Nashville

Book Description

GOD CREATED SEX! God created male and female and said ‘it was very good!’ Genesis chapter one! If you enjoy real excitement like the Harry Potter books or pray for a love that never ends, you will enjoy reading this amazing true story! Anna Prince, born in Tennessee of European royalty, is said to glow at birth! Anna’s gifts of music, miracles and healing emerge: cripple legs walk, sight is restored and girl rises from the dead! “Dad had dragged me off Prince Mountain as a child to sing and perform in his snake handling ministry! I had to endure his misguided religious beliefs, as I discover my own gifts and spiritual calling! And oh, I found love with Eddie Joe!”

Sara's Redemption

Book Description

In this compelling and inspiring memoir, Sara’s Redemption, readers are taken on an extraordinary journey through the true story of Sara, a remarkable survivor. Escaping the clutches of a lifetime of abuse, Sara courageously breaks free, embarking on a profound quest for healing and a second chance. Set against the backdrop of a new town and a chance for a fresh start, this captivating narrative delves deep into Sara's triumphs, struggles, and, ultimately, her unwavering resilience. A story of resilience, hope, and the power of the human spirit, Sara’s Redemption is a remarkable story that will leave readers captivated and deeply moved.

My Story

Book Description

This is not a story of overcoming adversity, but simply one of embracing change as an integral part of a full and happy life. It is the story of growing up in the Baltimore, Maryland suburb of Catonsville through the 40s and 50s, during a time in our history when family values and traditions were strong, into the turbulent 60s and 70s. Diary and journal writing for over 50 years, along with independent travel while living and working in Europe for the US Armed Forces, eased the transition through the many stages of the author's life. Moving towards retirement, the pieces began to take shape in quiet moments on a pastorial island in the Portuguese Azores that shared many of her treasured values of childhood.

It Is What It Is

Book Description

IT IS WHAT IT IS BY Maria Franciscus 2020 A compelling story of a child sexually abused, physical and mentally abused throughout her life moving into a troublesome marriage that ends in a rocky divorce. Raising four kids herself, she demonstrates courage, determination, motivation and resolve despite health setbacks and a frugal lifestyle. Through it all, her faith keeps her anchored when all else fails. After reading you will feel blessed with your own life as you absorb her tid-bits of humor and wisdom.

Stuff Your Face or Face Your Stuff

Book Description

While organizing the lives of her many clients, Emmy-nominated organizing expert Dorothy Breininger learned to face her own stuff, and lost seventy-five pounds in the process. In this one-of-a-kind book she addresses weight loss from the much-needed perspective of what lies underneath our clutter—metaphorically, physically, and emotionally. Whether you're a packrat or a calorie-counter, a neat freak or a binge eater, Breininger reveals why, to be successful on the scale, you must first master the clutter within you and around you. With the same no-holds barred candor that resonates with TV viewers, she offers prescient advice to help anyone face their stuff, with an organized, step-by-step approach to either toss it, tame it, or tailor it to fit their lives. Filled with personal stories from clients, her own success story, and tips from fitness coaches and organizing experts, this imminently practical book gives everyone the tools to declutter their way to their dream size.

Devoted Father, Right Is Not Always Honest

Book Description

This book is dedicated to the women of the world. This is how I view life as a WHOLE. My mother told me that “Experience is the BEST teacher.” My grandmother would always say “Mind over matter.” I myself wonder, “Whose honesty really is the BEST policy when life shows ANOTHER SIDE?” YOU BE THE JUDGE!