Self-Consistent Data Analysis of the Proton Structure Function G1 and Extraction of Its Moments

Book Description

The reanalysis of all available world data on the longitudinal asymmetry A{sub {parallel}} is presented. The proton structure function g1 was extracted within a unique framework of data inputs and assumptions. These data allowed for a reliable evaluation of moments of the structure function g{sub 1} in the Q{sup 2} range from 0.2 up to 30 GeV{sup 2}. The Q{sup 2} evolution of the moments was studied in QCD by means of Operator Product Expansion (OPE).

Moments of the Proton F2 Structure Function at Low Q2

Book Description

The authors review the status of inclusive electron-proton scattering F2 structure function data in both the nucleon resonance region and the deep inelastic region, at momentum transfers below 5 (GeV/c)2. From these data they construct moments of F2, down to momentum transfers of Q2(almost equal to)0.1(GeV/c)2. The second moment is only slowly varying with Q2 down to Q2(almost equal to)1, which is a reflection of duality. Below Q2 of 1 (GeV/c)2, the Q2 dependence of the moments is predominantly governed by the elastic contribution, whereas the inelastic channels still seem governed by local duality.

Spin Structure Moments of the Proton and Deuteron

Book Description

Moments of the spin structure functions g1 and g2 of the proton and deuteron have been measured in the resonance region at intermediate four momentum transfer. We perform a Nachtmann moment analysis of this data, along with isovector and isoscalar combinations, in order to rigorously account for target mass effects. This analysis provides the first definitive evidence for dynamic higher twists.

Evaluation of the Higher Twist Contribution to the Moments of Proton Structure Functions F2 and G1

Book Description

We performed the measurement of the inclusive electron scattering off the proton in the resonance region (W2.5 GeV) at momentum transfer Q2 below 4.5 (GeV/c){sup 2} with the CLAS detector. The large acceptance of CLAS provided an access to a large, continuous two-dimensional kinematic domain in Q2 and x, allowing therefore an integration of the data at fixed Q2 over x-interval. The covered x-interval at each measured Q2 value is sufficient for an evaluation of the higher moments (n2). From these data we extracted the structure function F2 and, by including other world data, we studied the Q2 evolution of its moments, Mn(Q2), in order to estimate the higher twist contributions. A similar experiment with polarized proton target is completed at CLAS. These new data allow an accurate determination of higher moments of the proton structure function g1. A preliminary phenomenological analysis indicates an excess of the higher twist contribution in the spin-dependent structure function with respect to the spin-independent one.

Moments of F2 Structure Functions and Multiparton Correlations in Nuclei

Book Description

The inclusive inelastic electron scattering o the proton was measured at five different beam energies 1.5, 2.5, 4.0, 4.2 and 4.4 GeV. The data were taken, during February-March 1999, on a liquid hydrogen target with the CLAS detector installed in Hall-B of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF). The obtained high statistics and high precision data appear to be in good agreement with previously measured world data and permit to integrate experimental values of F2 over x at fixed Q2 , allowing for the first time the evaluation of its experimental moments at low and moderate values of Q2 . In a combined analysis of CLAS and world data, the Q2-evolution of the experimental moments was explored in the range from 0.3 up to 100 GeV2 . This offered a unique possibility to trace changes of the proton structure function from hard DIS down to the non-perturbative regime through the transition region, which is of particular interest for the TJNAF physics program. The obtained experimental moments allowed to perform a separation between the leading twist, calculable in the framework of the perturbative QCD (pQCD), and higher twists, treated effectively. A comparison with theoretical predictions based either on lattice QCD simulations or obtained within models of the nucleon structure may represent an important test of our understanding of the nucleon structure as observed at large wavelengths.

The Spin Structure of the Proton

Book Description

One of the main challenges in nuclear and particle physics in the last 20 years has been to understand how the proton''s spin is built up from its quark and gluon constituents. Quark models generally predict that about 60% of the proton''s spin should be carried by the spin of the quarks inside, whereas high energy scattering experiments have shown that the quark spin contribution is small OCo only about 30%. This result has been the underlying motivation for about 1000 theoretical papers and a global program of dedicated spin experiments at BNL, CERN, DESY and Jefferson Laboratory to map the individual quark and gluon angular momentum contributions to the proton''s spin, which are now yielding exciting results. This book gives an overview of the present status of the field: what is new in the data and what can be expected in the next few years. The emphasis is on the main physical ideas and the interpretation of spin data. The interface between QCD spin physics and the famous axial U(1) problem of QCD (eta and etaprime meson physics) is also highlighted. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: Introduction (159 KB). Contents: Spin Experiments and Data; Dispersion Relations and Spin Sum Rules; g 1 Spin Sum Rules; Fixed Poles; The Axial Anomaly, Gluon topology and g (0) A; Chiral Symmetry and Axial U(1) Dynamics; QCD Inspired Models of the Proton Spin Problem; The Spin-Flavour Structure of the Proton; QCD Fits to g 1 Data; Polarized Quark Distributions; Polarized Glue o g(x, Q 2 ); Transversity; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and Exclusive Processes; Polarized Photon Structure Functions; Conclusions and Open Questions: How Does the Proton Spin?. Readership: Academics, as well as physicists working on particle and nuclear physics at the interface of theory and experiment.

Neutron Structure Function Moments at Leading Twist

Book Description

The experimental data on F2 structure functions of the proton and deuteron were used to construct their moments. In particular, recent measurements performed with CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab allowed to extend our knowledge of structure functions in the large-x region. The phenomenological analysis of these experimental moments in terms of the Operator Product Expansion permitted to separate the leading and higher twist contributions. Applying nuclear corrections to extracted deuteron moments we obtained the contribution of the neutron. Combining leading twist moments of the neutron and proton we found d/u ratio at x->1 approaching 0, although 1/5 value could not be excluded. The twist expansion analysis suggests that the contamination of higher twists influences the extraction of the d/u ratio at x->1 even at Q2-scale as large as 12 (GeV/c){sup 2}.