Money and Capital in Economic Development

Book Description

This books presents a theory of economic development very different from the "stages of growth" hypothesis or strategies emphasizing foreign aid, trade, or regional association. Leaving these aside, the author breaks new ground by focusing on the use of domestic capital markets to stimulate economic performance. He suggests a "bootstrap" approach in which successful development would depend largely on policy choices made by national authorities in the developing countries themselves. Central to his theory is the freeing of domestic financial markets to allow interest rates to reflect the true scarcity of capital in a developing economy. His analysis leads to a critique of prevailing monetary theory and to a new view of the relation between money and physical capital—a view with policy implications for governments striving to overcome the vicious circle of inflation and stagnation. Examining the performance of South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, and other countries, the author suggests that their success or failure has depended primarily on steps taken in the monetary sector. He concludes that monetary reform should take precedence over other development measures, such as tariff and tax reform or the encouragement of foreign capital investment. In addition to challenging much of the conventional wisdom of development, the author's revision of accepted monetary theory may be relevant for mature economies that face monetary problems.

International Trade Theory

Book Description

The development of international trade theory has created a wide array of different theories, concepts and results. Nevertheless, trade theory has been split between partial and conflicting representations of international e- nomic interactions. Diverse trade models have co-existed but not in a structured relationship with each other. Economic students are introduced to international economic interactions with severally incompatible theories in the same course. In order to overcome incoherence among multiple theories, we need a general theoretical framework in a unified manner to draw together all of the disparate branches of trade theory into a single - ganized system of knowledge. This book provides a powerful – but easy to operate - engine of analysis that sheds light not only on trade theory per se, but on many other dim- sions that interact with trade, including inequality, saving propensities, education, research policy, and knowledge. Building and analyzing various tractable and flexible models within a compact whole, the book helps the reader to visualize economic life as an endless succession of physical ca- tal accumulation, human capital accumulation, innovation wrought by competition, monopoly and government intervention. The book starts with the traditional static trade theories. Then, it develops dynamic models with capital and knowledge under perfect competition and/or monopolistic competition. The uniqueness of the book is about modeling trade dyn- ics.

The Chase Across The Globe

Book Description

Over the last 20 years — and especially over the last decade — the international expansion of money and commodities and the international relocation of production have grown tremendously. As a result, there now exists a real contradiction in accumulation: Although global in orientation, it remains structured by the nation state. Conventional economic literature generally explains the international economy as exogenous to the national economy. Though the former does influence the latter, national economy and policy remain discrete. Conversely, there is a developing literature on globalism that explores the tendency for international capital to eradicate national differences, even to overpower nation states. However, neither interpretation adequately considers the contradictions for national policy that have accompanied the internationalization of capital. In this volume, Dick Bryan examines the influence of the international economy upon domestic accumulation, describing the process as the expression of the contradiction between the international scope of accumulation and the national scope of its regulation. Developing a theoretical framework for understanding the contradiction within Marxist political economy, he addresses the theory of value on an international scale, as well as theories of global restructuring and crisis. These issues are then applied to those domestic policies — such as monetary policy and balance of payments — that interrelate with the international economy. The author argues that the conventional theories informing these approaches have consistently failed to recognize the contradictions in international accumulation. National economic management has, as a result, reverted to explicit class politics, attempting to solve domestic economic problems by targeting the living standards of labor

Monetary Growth Theory

Book Description

Chapter 1 Money and growth theory -- chapter 2 Money as a store of value -- chapter 3 Money in utility and production functions -- chapter 4 Money-in-advance approaches -- chapter 5 Unemployment and money -- chapter 6 Preference change and habit formation -- chapter 7 Monetary growth with urban structure -- chapter 8 Money in multi-regional and growth economies -- chapter 9 Money, growth, and international trade -- chapter 10 Money and economic complexity.

International Trade and Economic Growth (Collected Works of Harry Johnson)

Book Description

The studies collected in this volume embody the results of research conducted in the mid 1950s into various theoretical problems in international economics. They fall into three groups – comparative cost theory, trade and growth and balance of payments theory. This volume consolidates the work of previous theorists and applies mathematically-based logical analysis to theoretical problems of economic policy.

The State and Capital Accumulation in Latin America

Book Description

Case studies of the impact of economic policy and monetary policy on capital formation in Latin America with partic. Reference to Brazil, Chile and Mexico - examines the economic implications of development policies, in partic. The effects of import substitution and export promotion of export oriented industries on capital accumulation and economic conditions; studies social implications and economic role of international capital flow, implantation of foreign capital and external debt. References, statistical tables.

Capital, Accumulation, and Money

Book Description

Capital, Accumulation, and Money: An Integration of Capital, Growth, and Monetary Theory is a book about capital. A root concept of capital is developed which allows for most existing concepts of capital to be unified and related to one another in consistent fashion. Such a root concept of capital offers a framework for integrating monetary and capital theory, and for analyzing the functioning of an economy, whether that economy is in a steady state of subsistence or in a process of sustainable growth. Specifically, it is shown that a conservation principle emerges that both implies and imposes a variety of constraints on the macro behavior of an economy, constraints which make for straightforward understanding and analysis of such concepts as the real stock of money, real-balance effects, and the general price level. New and illuminating insights are also provided into aggregate supply and demand, natural and money rates of interest, the relationship between real and monetary economies, and economic growth and development.

Money, Capital Mobility, and Trade

Book Description

Essays by leading economists and scholars reflecting on Mundell's broad influence on modern open-economy macroeconomics.