Forest Dynamics

Book Description

No matter what forests are used for, forest managers have to deal with interactions between individual trees and between trees and other forest organisms. To understand these interactions, long-term monitoring of spontaneous forest development is necessary. A complete monitoring system has been developed including a computer package for analysis of long-term observation of forest dynamics. The system's name, "SILVI-STAR", is an acronym of SILVIgenesis and Single-tree Three-dimensional Architecture. A method of nested plot data collection on forest architecture and plant species composition has been developed out for monitoring purposes.

Remote Sensing Time Series

Book Description

This volume comprises an outstanding variety of chapters on Earth Observation based time series analyses, undertaken to reveal past and current land surface dynamics for large areas. What exactly are time series of Earth Observation data? Which sensors are available to generate real time series? How can they be processed to reveal their valuable hidden information? Which challenges are encountered on the way and which pre-processing is needed? And last but not least: which processes can be observed? How are large regions of our planet changing over time and which dynamics and trends are visible? These and many other questions are answered within this book “Remote Sensing Time Series Analyses – Revealing Land Surface Dynamics”. Internationally renowned experts from Europe, the USA and China present their exciting findings based on the exploitation of satellite data archives from well-known sensors such as AVHRR, MODIS, Landsat, ENVISAT, ERS and METOP amongst others. Selected review and methods chapters provide a good overview over time series processing and the recent advances in the optical and radar domain. A fine selection of application chapters addresses multi-class land cover and land use change at national to continental scale, the derivation of patterns of vegetation phenology, biomass assessments, investigations on snow cover duration and recent dynamics, as well as urban sprawl observed over time.

Vegetation Dynamics

Book Description

During the International Botanical Congress in Edinburgh, 1964, Mrs. 1. M. WEISBACH-J UNK of The Hague discussed a plan for preparation by her publishing company (Dr. W. Junk b.v.) of an international Handbook of Vegetation Science. She proposed a series that should give a comprehensive survey of the varied directions within this science, and their achievements to date as well as their objectives for the future. The challenge of such an enterprise, and its evident value for the further development of vegetation research, induced the undersigned after some consideration to accept the offer of the honorable but also burdensome task of General Editor. The decision was encouraged by a well formulated and detailed outline for the Handbook worked out by the Dutch phytosociolo gists J. J. BARKMAN and V. WESTHOFF. A circle of scholars from numerous countries was invited by the Dr. Junk Publishing Com pany to The Hague in January 1966 to draw up a list of editors and contributors for the parts of the Handbook. The outline and list have served since for the organization of the Handbook, with no need for major change. The different burdens of editors and authors have compelled quite different timings for completion of the individual sections.

Remote Sensing of Forest Biomass Dynamics Using Landsat-derived Disturbance and Recovery History and Lidar Data

Book Description

Improved monitoring of forest biomass is needed to quantify natural and anthropogenic effects on the terrestrial carbon cycle. Landsat's temporal and spatial coverage, fine spatial grain, and long history of earth observations provide a unique opportunity for measuring biophysical properties of vegetation across large areas and long time scales. However, like other multi-spectral data, the relationship between single-date reflectance and forest biomass weakens under certain canopy conditions. Because the structure and composition of a forest stand at any point in time is linked to the stand's disturbance history, one potential means of enhancing Landsat's spectral relationships with biomass is by including information on vegetation trends prior to the date for which estimates are desired. The purpose of this research was to develop and assess a method that links field data, airborne lidar, and Landsat-derived disturbance and recovery history for mapping of forest biomass and biomass change. Our study area is located in eastern Oregon (US), an area dominated by mixed conifer and single species forests. In Chapter 2, we test and demonstrate the utility of Landsat-derived disturbance and recovery metrics to predict current forest structure (live and dead biomass, basal area, and stand height) for 51 field plots, and compare the results with estimates from airborne lidar and single-date Landsat imagery. To characterize the complex nature of long-term (insect, growth) and short-term (fire, harvest) vegetation changes found in this area, we use annual Landsat time series between 1972 and 2010. This required integrating Landsat data from MSS (1972-1992) and TM/ETM+ (1982-present) sensors. In Chapter 2, we describe a method to bridge spectral differences between Landsat sensors, and therefore extent Landsat time-series analyses back to 1972. In Chapter 3, we extend and automate our approach and develop maps of current (2009) and historic (1993-2009) live forest biomass. We use lidar data for model training and evaluate the results with forest inventory data. We further conduct a sensitivity analysis to determine the effects of forest structure, time-series length, terrain and sampling design on model predictions. Our research showed that including disturbance and recovery trends in empirical models significantly improved predictions of forest biomass, and that the approach can be applied across a larger landscape and across time for estimating biomass change.

The Genus Citrus

Book Description

The Genus Citrus presents the enormous amount of new knowledge that has been generated in recent years on nearly all topics related to citrus. Beginning with an overview of the fundamental principles and understanding of citrus biology and behavior, the book provides a comprehensive view from Citrus evolution to current market importance. Reporting on new insights supported by the elucidation of the citrus genome sequence, it presents groundbreaking theories and fills in previous knowledge gaps. Because citrus is among the most difficult plants to improve through traditional breeding, citrus researchers, institutions and industries must quickly learn to adapt to new developments, knowledge and technologies to address the biological constraints of a unique fruit-tree such as citrus. Despite the challenges of working with citrus, tremendous progress has been made, mostly through advances in molecular biology and genomics. This book is valuable for all those involved with researching and advancing, producing, processing, and delivering citrus products. Includes the most current research on citrus genomic information Provides the first detailed description of citrus origin, a new proposal for citrus taxonomy, and a redefinition of the genus Citrus Details citrus challenges including climate change, global disease impacts, and plant improvement strategies

Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces

Book Description

Processing the vast amounts of data on the Earth's land surface environment generated by NASA's and other international satellite programs is a significant challenge. Filling a gap between the theoretical, physically-based modelling and specific applications, this in-depth study presents practical quantitative algorithms for estimating various land surface variables from remotely sensed observations. A concise review of the basic principles of optical remote sensing as well as practical algorithms for estimating land surface variables quantitatively from remotely sensed observations. Emphasizes both the basic principles of optical remote sensing and practical algorithms for estimating land surface variables quantitatively from remotely sensed observations Presents the current physical understanding of remote sensing as a system with a focus on radiative transfer modelling of the atmosphere, canopy, soil and snow Gathers the state of the art quantitative algorithms for sensor calibration, atmospheric and topographic correction, estimation of a variety of biophysical and geoph ysical variables, and four-dimensional data assimilation

Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing

Book Description

A volume in the three-volume Remote Sensing Handbook series, Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing documents the scientific and methodological advances that have taken place during the last 50 years. The other two volumes in the series are Remotely Sensed Data Characterization, Classification, and Accuracies, and Remo

REDD+ on the ground

Book Description

REDD+ is one of the leading near-term options for global climate change mitigation. More than 300 subnational REDD+ initiatives have been launched across the tropics, responding to both the call for demonstration activities in the Bali Action Plan and the market for voluntary carbon offset credits.

Remote Sensing of Biosphere Functioning

Book Description

Harold A. Mooney and Richard J. Hobbs At present there is enormous concern about the changes that are occurring on the surface of the earth and in the earth's atmosphere, primarily as a result of human activities. These changes, particularly in the atmosphere, have the potential for altering the earth's habitability. International pro grams unprecedented in scope, including the International Geosphere Biosphere Program, have been initiated to describe and understand these changes. The global change program will call for coordinated measure ments on a global scale of those interactive physical and biological pro cesses that regulate the earth system. The program will rely heavily on the emerging technology of remote sensing from airborne vehicles, particularly satellites. Satellites offer the potential of continuously viewing large seg ments of the earth's surface, thus documenting the changes that are occur ring. The task, however, is not only to document global change, which will be an enormous job, but also to understand the significance of these changes to the biosphere. Effects on the biosphere may cover all spatial scales from global to local. The possibility of measuring biosphere function remot~ly and continuously from satellite imagery must be explored quickly and thoroughly in order to meet the challenge of understanding the con sequences of global change. Initial guidelines and approaches are currently being formulated (Dyer and Crossley, 1986; JOI, 1984; NAS, 1986; Rasool, 1987). There are many conceptual and technical issues that must be resolved H. A. Mooney and R. J.