Monte Carlo Solution of a Semi-discrete Transport Equation

Book Description

The authors present the S{sub {infinity}} method, a hybrid neutron transport method in which Monte Carlo particles traverse discrete space. The goal of any deterministic/stochastic hybrid method is to couple selected characters from each of the methods in hopes of producing a better method. The S{sub {infinity}} method has the features of the lumped, linear-discontinuous (LLD) spatial discretization, yet it has no ray-effects because of the continuous angular variable. They derive the S{sub {infinity}} method for the solid-state, mono-energetic transport equation in one-dimensional slab geometry with isotropic scattering and an isotropic internal source. They demonstrate the viability of the S{sub {infinity}} method by comparing their results favorably to analytic and deterministic results.

Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods for Transport and Diffusion Equations

Book Description

This text is used by for the resolution of partial differential equations, trasnport equations, the Boltzmann equation and the parabolic equations of diffusion.

Monte Carlo Methods

Book Description

This introduction to Monte Carlo methods seeks to identify and study the unifying elements that underlie their effective application. Initial chapters provide a short treatment of the probability and statistics needed as background, enabling those without experience in Monte Carlo techniques to apply these ideas to their research. The book focuses on two basic themes: The first is the importance of random walks as they occur both in natural stochastic systems and in their relationship to integral and differential equations. The second theme is that of variance reduction in general and importance sampling in particular as a technique for efficient use of the methods. Random walks are introduced with an elementary example in which the modeling of radiation transport arises directly from a schematic probabilistic description of the interaction of radiation with matter. Building on this example, the relationship between random walks and integral equations is outlined. The applicability of these ideas to other problems is shown by a clear and elementary introduction to the solution of the Schrödinger equation by random walks. The text includes sample problems that readers can solve by themselves to illustrate the content of each chapter. This is the second, completely revised and extended edition of the successful monograph, which brings the treatment up to date and incorporates the many advances in Monte Carlo techniques and their applications, while retaining the original elementary but general approach.

Monte Carlo Principles and Neutron Transport Problems

Book Description

This two-part treatment introduces the general principles of the Monte Carlo method within a unified mathematical point of view, applying them to problems in neutron transport. It describes several efficiency-enhancing approaches, including the method of superposition and simulation of the adjoint equation based on reciprocity. The first half of the book presents an exposition of the fundamentals of Monte Carlo methods, examining discrete and continuous random walk processes and standard variance reduction techniques. The second half of the text focuses directly on the methods of superposition and reciprocity, illustrating their applications to specific neutron transport problems. Topics include the computation of thermal neutron fluxes and the superposition principle in resonance escape computations.

Monte Carlo Particle Transport Methods

Book Description

With this book we try to reach several more-or-less unattainable goals namely: To compromise in a single book all the most important achievements of Monte Carlo calculations for solving neutron and photon transport problems. To present a book which discusses the same topics in the three levels known from the literature and gives us useful information for both beginners and experienced readers. It lists both well-established old techniques and also newest findings.

Parallel Monte Carlo Synthetic Acceleration Methods for Discrete Transport Problems

Book Description

This work researches and develops Monte Carlo Synthetic Acceleration (MCSA) methods as a new class of solution techniques for discrete neutron transport and fluid flow problems. Monte Carlo Synthetic Acceleration methods use a traditional Monte Carlo process to approximate the solution to the discrete problem as a means of accelerating traditional fixed-point methods. To apply these methods to neutronics and fluid flow and determine the feasibility of these methods on modern hardware, three complementary research and development exercises are performed. First, solutions to the SPN discretization of the linear Boltzmann neutron transport equation are obtained using MCSA with a difficult criticality calculation for a light water reactor fuel assembly used as the driving problem. To enable MCSA as a solution technique a group of modern preconditioning strategies are researched. MCSA when compared to conventional Krylov methods demonstrated improved iterative performance over GMRES by converging in fewer iterations when using the same preconditioning. Second, solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations were obtained by developing the Forward-Automated Newton-MCSA (FANM) method for nonlinear systems based on Newton's method. Three difficult fluid benchmark problems in both convective and driven flow regimes were used to drive the research and development of the method. For 8 out of 12 benchmark cases, it was found that FANM had better iterative performance than the Newton-Krylov method by converging the nonlinear residual in fewer linear solver iterations with the same preconditioning. Third, a new domain decomposed algorithm to parallelize MCSA aimed at leveraging leadership-class computing facilities was developed by utilizing parallel strategies from the radiation transport community. The new algorithm utilizes the Multiple-Set Overlapping-Domain strategy in an attempt to reduce parallel overhead and add a natural element of replication to the algorithm. It was found that for the current implementation of MCSA, both weak and strong scaling improved on that observed for production implementations of Krylov methods.

Exponential Monte Carlo Convergence of a Three-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Solution

Book Description

Recent work on obtaining exponential convergence for three-dimensional solutions to the spatially and angularly continuous monoenergetic transport equation with isotropic scattering using the reduced source method was promising. The method, however, used two separate estimates of the scalar flux, a Legendre expansion (in the spatial variables) and a quadrature of the angular flux. This introduced an inconsistency that may have lead to some convergence problems. To remove this inconsistency and provide a fairer test of the combined reduced source/Monte Carlo method, the method was applied to estimate the coefficients of a Legendre expansion of the solution of the discrete ordinates equations. In this case, no supplementary approximations were required.