More Messy People Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

God can use imperfect people to do incredible things. The More Messy People leader guide outlines six small group sessions, complete with prayers, summaries, and discussion questions. It is designed to be used with the participant workbook and DVD and will support group leaders of all experience levels in creating strong learning communities. Jen Cowart continues her study of the very messy lives of biblical heroes—people who, like us, made mistakes but found God was able to use them in powerful ways. They all play a significant role in the biblical narrative, but their stories are far from perfect. Through the lives of rival sisters like Leah and Rachel, or sisters with very different personalities like Martha and Mary, we see God chooses to use people who don’t have it all together. Through the lives of great, but imperfect, biblical heroes like Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul, we see God meets us in our troubles and chooses us even if we seem unqualified.

Messy People - Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

Every life gets messy at times. Sometimes these messes are literal, like a house that would be easier to condemn than to clean. But sometimes they are intangible messes such as illness, conflict, depression, abuse, bankruptcy, divorce, and job loss. And these messes can be painful, hurting our hearts and our homes. But as we see in the Bible, God loves to use messy people! In this six-week study, we will dig into the lives of biblical heroes who were messy people just like us but who were used by God in powerful ways. Together we will examine the stories of five wonderful but messy people and one messy parable character: Rahab, the Prodigal Son, Josiah, Mary, David, and Daniel. From their stories, we will learn how God can use broken people, restore damaged hearts and relationships, give us power to handle our critics, and help us deal with the hard moments of life. Along the way we’ll discover that we don’t have to just endure messy lives but can actually learn to thrive with God’s guidance and help. In the hands of God, our messes can become His masterpieces! The Leader Guide, to be used along with the study's workbook and DVD, contains six session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more—plus leader helps for facilitating a group. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Participant Workbook, and DVD with six 10-15 minute sessions.

More Messy People Women's Bible Study Participant Workbook

Book Description

God can use imperfect people to do incredible things. Jen Cowart continues her study of the very messy lives of biblical heroes—people who, like us, made mistakes but found God was able to use them in powerful ways. They all play a significant role in the biblical narrative, but their stories are far from perfect. Through the lives of rival sisters like Leah and Rachel, or sisters with very different personalities like Martha and Mary, we see God chooses to use people who don’t have it all together. Through the lives of great, but imperfect, biblical heroes like Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul, we see God meets us in our troubles and chooses us even if we seem unqualified. The participant workbook includes five daily readings for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer and is designed to use with the leader guide and DVD.

Lose Control - Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

Have you ever thought you had life under control—until you didn’t? Perhaps thinking “God is in control” but living as if you are. It’s like walking around with a full glass of water, afraid it will spill with one wrong move. And when it spills and makes a mess, you realize what little control you have and how dependent on God you truly are. In Lose Control, Shannon Hoffpauir takes you on a six-week journey through the Book of First Samuel, which is an epic story about a fight for control. Despite God’s warnings through the prophet Samuel, the nation of Israel was determined to take control by having their own king. As you dig into the saga of King Saul and David, who would become the next anointed king of Israel, you will discover that no plan or purpose of God can be thwarted by human beings. Even the worst of circumstances can be used by God to accomplish His purposes in your life. In her no-nonsense, authentic teaching style that endears her to women of all ages, Shannon encourages you to lose control so that you can find your soul through a trusting relationship with your faithful God. Available components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, and a DVD with six 25-minute segments (with closed captioning). An in-depth six-week exploration of the entire Book of 1 Samuel. Study includes five days of homework for each week. Encourages women to exchange their desire for control for God’s gift of faith. Helps women gain a deeper love and grace for others. DVD features dynamic, engaging teaching in six 25-minute segments.

Fierce - Women's Bible Study Participant Workbook

Book Description

Learn from the fierce women of God who changed the world. The word fierce is trendy. It is used to describe women who are extreme athletes, high-level executives, or supermodels. Women at the top of their game. But what about the rest of us? Can we be fierce? Absolutely! In fact, women like us have been changing the world for thousands of years—many who received little fanfare yet lived fiercely anyway. In this six-week study we will look at lesser-known female characters in the Bible and the ways they changed the world by living into God’s calling, including: The midwives of Egypt (Shiphrah and Puah), who made hard decisions in the face of evil Deborah, who was an unlikely and powerful leader Naaman's slave girl, who bravely points others to God's healing power The Woman at the Well, who boldly repented and shared her faith Lois and Eunice, who parented with intentionality and effectiveness Dorcas, who showed kindness to those in need. As we explore their lives, we will discover how we too can live into our callings, honor the Lord, and even change the world through our courage, faithfulness, and obedience. Bible Study Features: A six-week study of lesser-known female characters in the Bible. Helps women consider how they can be fierce women of God. Workbook includes five devotional lessons for every week of study. Each DVD segment features an opening “fierce” vignette followed by engaging Bible teaching with practical life application. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Leader Guide and DVD.

Determined - Women's Bible Study Participant Workbook

Book Description

GROUP PARTICIPANT WORKBOOK - Imagine waking up every single day convinced that the twenty-four hours ahead of you are a precious gift to be used wisely. Now imagine that you know exactly how to spend them to be a force for God’s good. All too often we wander through life without appreciating the gift of every moment we’ve been given. The result? An unsatisfying life, missed opportunities to experience the joy of being in sync with God, and days marked with apathy instead of passion. Our time on earth is measured. We should want to make every moment count—not only because we aren’t guaranteed the next one, but also because this is exactly how our Savior spent His time here. How, then, do we walk out unwavering joy-filled faith every day, determined to let go of the things that keep us from experiencing abundant life and fulfilling the plans God has for us? The answers are found in following the footsteps of the One who lived fully, because He was determined that we might do the same. In this six-week study of Luke, we will follow the life and ministry of Jesus as we consider the choices He made on His way to the cross. We’ll intimately connect with a Savior who remained laser-focused on His mission to love the world. In return, we’ll receive a model for intentional living that we can replicate to ensure we are living each day to the fullest and making a difference for God’s kingdom. And together we’ll determine to embrace the abundant life we are promised in Jesus. It’s time to stop wandering and start living!

Thrive Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

Walking in Faith...even when times are tough. In Thrive, author and teacher Jen Cowart helps women develop the habits and attitudes necessary to thrive, whatever their circumstances. Leading readers through the Book of James, a letter written about enduring hardships, she lifts up six characteristics of mature Christians. From endurance and humility to controlling our words, Jen helps participants find the divine and the practical in living faithfully. Jen’s teaching has inspired thousands of women across the country. Her authenticity inspires others to open their hearts and minds. One reviewer wrote, “Her ‘realness’ and her vulnerability just work together to open your heart to dig deeper and deeper.” Through this study, women will find inspiration and tools around six traits: Endurance – Embracing obstacles as a means to maturity. Wisdom – Using a heavenly perspective on earthly issues. Action – Living a life where actions match faith. Control – Taming the tongue. Humility – Developing the attitude of Christ. Prayer – Exercising the power tool of the faith. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the six-week study, including session plans, activities, discussion questions, and multiple format options. Additional components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, are a Leader Guide and six video sessions, 8 to 13 minutes long (with closed captioning).

Pursued - Women's Bible Study Participant Workbook

Book Description

Discover how God is pursuing you. We all want to be loved. We long to be desired, pursued—whether by a special someone, our friends, or others in our lives. This longing for love and acceptance is the underlying story of many of our lives, and it's the overarching story we see throughout the Scriptures. Although the Bible tells many stories, the main theme is God’s relentless love for us. In Pursued, a six-week Bible study by Jennifer Cowart, we will explore God’s great love for us from Genesis to Revelation. We will see that God passionately pursues people who do not deserve His love, and we are those people! Like Cain, Abraham, Sarah, Rebekah, David, the woman caught in adultery, Peter, and so many others, we are the ones who have broken relationship with God. But He runs after us anyway to bring us home. In this study, we will explore God’s love as evidenced in the stories of creation, the patriarchs, the judges and prophets, Jesus, and the early church. Together we will dive into a great love story and discover that it is our story! Through this study women will: - See the big picture of God’s love for them throughout the Scriptures - Discover that God wants a personal relationship with them - Experience God’s relentless love for them individually - Realize that God never stops pursuing them Components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, and video sessions with six 25-minute segments (with closed captioning).

Healing Waters - Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

It’s impossible to pass through life without experiencing some kind of hurt or loss. We all need healing at different points in our lives—and often the path to healing is paved in some form of forgiveness and grace. In Healing Waters, the first study in the new Faith and Fiction Bible study series , popular Christian fiction author Melody Carlson draws upon her novels in the Inn at Shining Waters trilogy to invite women on an exciting journey toward healing. Using the stories, themes, and characters of the novels as a backdrop, this eight-week study explores the need for forgiveness and mercy in our lives and the role that second chances and new beginnings play in healing our spirits and our relationships. Through careful study of Psalm 103 and other selected Scriptures, women will · gain new understanding and appreciation for God as the Lord who heals · recognize that God makes the journey with them, inviting them to experience divine love and mercy every step of the way. · walk the roads of forgiveness and grace, learning how to embrace these gifts for themselves and their relationships. · learn how to restore broken relationships and live in life-giving community.celebrate the God who loves second chances and who is devoted to transforming and blessing us with surprises and new beginnings. The Leader Guide provides leader helps and step-by-step session plan outlines for leading eight group sessions.