More of the Holy Spirit

Book Description

In the last forty years, many Catholics have experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives that resulted in a new passion for God and a zeal for spreading the gospel. In addition to a newfound love of prayer, Scripture, and the Eucharist, many have been blessed with the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as tongues and healing. Yet as the years go by, many often experience a waning of the gifts of the Spirit as well as a lukewarmness creeping into their lives. What can we do so that fire for God, which may have been ignited many years ago, will continue to burn brightly in our hearts? In this book, Sr. Ann Shields offers us an inspirational message that will help us to persist in prayer and keep asking for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives each day. By taking a serious look at our hearts and repenting where we have strayed, and by staying close to God in Scripture and the Eucharist, we can reignite the fire that once burned within us.


Book Description

Christ promised his disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them, and that they would be his witnesses across the world. When the Spirit did come to them in tongues of fire, thousands believed in Christ and were saved. That same miracle, that same Spirit, is alive in us why are all of us-from the evangelical to the charismatic-so desperate for an intimate encounter with God? Why don't we feel like the new creations we know we are? Pastor and theologian Simon Ponsonby believes that the hunger we feel is a desire for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Many Christins have emphasized the experience of the Spirit and neglected the Word, while others have emphasized the Word and neglected the Spirit. Either way, we've become so accustomed to living in the shallow waters of Christianity that we've forgotten the depth of that promised power, and the depth of the love that gave this power to us. In More, Simon invites you to journey with him into the deep waters of God's love. While both biblical and practical, what he says also has the power to inspire in you a new love and a new understanding of everything we've been given in Christ. Are you ready? This journey may not be comfortable or easy, but it will bring you more joy and more of God than you can even imagine.

Holy Spirit, here and now

Book Description

Do you long for something more in your relationship with God? Are you struggling to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit? Are you ready to embark on a Spirit-propelled adventure of restoration, renewal and transformation? When we do not experience God’s life within us, our Christianity can deteriorate into a lifeless system of rules and empty rituals. If this describes you at the moment, know that you are not alone. Many spiritual seekers are tired of a superficial faith and yearn to know the fi re of God’s presence burning in their hearts. In Holy Spirit Here and Now Trevor Hudson shares his personal journey and offers practical guidance to help you experience the Holy Spirit moving in your ordinary life. Some of the common hurdles he addresses are: Feeling that the Holy Spirit is only available to religious professionals, but not to you Being put off by negative past experiences with people attempting to push you into an experience of the Holy Spirit Having a sense that something is lacking in your relationship with God Feeling that experiences of God’s Spirit are far removed from our everyday lives Believing that experiencing the Holy Spirit is a once-off event rather than a lifetime journey. Trevor Hudson encourages you to allow every part of your life – your emotions, body, soul, relationships, career – to become an arena where the Holy Spirit can work. This is what it means to be truly fi lled with God’s Spirit.

Encountering the Holy Spirit in Every Book of the Bible

Book Description

Experience new dimensions of the Holy Spirits power! Do you desire to know what the Holy Spirit is really like? Many Christians hunger for deeper and more powerful encounters with the Holy Spirit, but where can these experiences be found? The answer lies in the pages of Scripture. In this groundbreaking work, author and healing evangelist David Hernandez takes you on an unforgettable journey to discover and experience the Spirits powerful presence throughout the entire Biblefrom Genesis to Revelation. Scripture offers so much more to be discovered than merely a theology of the Holy Spirit and still more to be experienced! Trade dry theory for a dynamic relationship as you encounter the third Person of the Trinity in the pages of every book of the Bible. Know the Holy Spirit in a greater depth than ever before. This book will help you discover Hidden Mysteries. Even in Old Testament books where there is no direct reference to the Holy Spirit, learn to see His presence moving. A Fresh Revelation. The different revelations of the Spirit in Scripture reveal His unique characteristics and how He wants to move in your life. Your Supernatural Identity. Learn what it really means to have the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwelling in you. Kingdom Power. Discover what it means to partner with the Spirit to release the miracles that Jesus promised. Within the pages of Scripture, untapped reserves of Holy Spirit power are waiting to be released. Will you discover them today?

The Holy Spirit, or, Power from on high

Book Description

The Holy Spirit, or, Power from on high: an unfolding of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. Part I. The Old Testament.

Keep in Step with the Spirit (second edition)

Book Description

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). The Holy Spirit empowers us, guides us, and enables us to grow and endure in our relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. Often the most misunderstood member of the Trinity, the person of the Spirit continues to attract attention today amidst church revivals and renewals. In this new edition of his classic Keep in Step with the Spirit, J. I. Packer seeks to help Christians reaffirm the biblical call to holiness and the Spirit s role in keeping our covenant with God. Packer guides us through the riches and depth of the Spirit s work, assesses versions of holiness and the charismatic life, and shows how Christ must always be at the centre of true Spirit-led ministry. A new chapter explores Christian assurance. With abiding relevance and significance, Keep in Step with the Spirit sets forth vital knowledge for healthy and joyous Christian living, through understanding and experience of God the Holy Spirit. Here is a book for every serious believer to read and re-read.

Holy Spirit

Book Description

The New You & the Holy Spirit

Book Description

The New You It's important to understand what happened when you received Jesus as your Savior. That knowledge and understanding will keep the Word that was sown in your heart from being stolen by Satan. There is more to salvation than you have ever imagined. The forgiveness of sin was not the only thing included in your salvation. From God's perspective, it is just the beginning, a means to an end. Fellowship is the real goal. Now, become a disciple (learner and follower) of Jesus. Learn what separates Christianity from every other religion; how God sees past, present, and future sins; and much more. The Holy Spirit Living the abundant life that Jesus provided is impossible without the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus disciples received Him, they were weak and fearful. After receiving, each one became a powerhouse of God's miraculous power, and that's available to you. If you believe the Bible is true, then you must also believe the baptism in the Holy Spirit is God's will for everyone. In this book, Andrew establishes the validity of speaking in tongues, talks about the many gifts that accompany it, shares other little-known benefits, and explains how to begin speaking in tongues.

How You Can Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

Book Description

This series of time-tested messages teaches the principles of abundant Christian life and ministry. These "back to the basics" resources will guide you and those you disciple toward greater spiritual maturity and fulfillment. The Transferable Concepts help older believers gain a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of the faith and equip new converts with the essentials to live victorious Christian lives.Revised and updated for today's new Christian, this exciting series is based on life-changing biblical truths that can be simply and powerfully communicated from one person to another, generation after generation. This series provides practical ways to apply these truths to your life.

The Power of the Holy Spirit in You

Book Description

Who Is the Holy Spirit—and Why Do You Need Him in Your Life? After His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus gave His disciples an assignment to change the world—but told them to wait until the power of the Holy Spirit had come upon them before setting out. His charge to modern-day believers is no different: To do the works that Jesus did (and even greater ones, as He said), it is imperative that we operate from the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. But Who is this mysterious Third Person of the Trinity? How do we get this power, and what are we to do with it when we receive it? Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and beloved longtime host of The 700 Club, tackles these questions and many others in this, the final book of a life that is now in its ninth decade. Robertson traces the path of the Holy Spirit through both the Old and New Testaments, and shares stories from his own life and that of many 700 Club viewers testifying to how the power of the Holy Spirit has miraculously freed and healed them today. If you want a better understanding of the Holy Spirit and are hungry to know more about the power that is available through Him to every Christfollower today, this book is for you.