Shakespeare's Christmas

Book Description

Cleaning woman and karate expert Lily Bard is back in Charlaine Harris's latest cozy-but-noirish mystery about the dark secrets of a small Southern town In Shakespeare’s Christmas, Lily heads home to Bartley, Arkansas--always an uncomfortable scenario for the introverted Lily--for her sister Varena’s Christmas wedding. But Lily has more to worry about than being a bridesmaid for a sister to whom she’s no longer close. Soon after she arrives in Bartley, Lily’s private-detective boyfriend shows up too, and not just for moral support: He’s investigating a four-year-old unsolved kidnapping. Try as she might, Lily can’t help but get involved when she discovers that the case hits dangerously close to home--for Varena’s new husband is the widowed father of a girl bearing a remarkable resemblance to the vanished child.

Cuchulainn and the Crow Queen

Book Description

There was a time in Ireland's history when chivalry and chieftainry ruled the land. When the country was occupied by bands of warriors who spoke only their native tongue and who cherished their heritage and civilisation. This was the time of Cuchulainn. All of the warrior bands had their own Seanachie, a person responsible for recounting the deeds of times past, a chronicler of the ages. Cuchulainn was their most famous subject and hundreds of tales of his heroic and terrifying deeds, such as single-handedly defending Ulster at the age of seventeen, and his battle frenzy in which he knows neither ally nor enemy, have survived to this day. This is an exhilarating new telling of Cuchulainn for our time, full of valour, passion and bloodshed.

The Morrigan

Book Description

An illuminating exploration of Ireland's ancient dark goddess - the beloved "phantom queen" of the Celtic world - with practices for modern-day devotees. The Morrigan is Pagan Ireland's dark goddess. Her name is translated as "phantom queen" or "great queen." The Morrigan is a goddess of war and sexuality, witchcraft and death, protection and retribution. This goddess of justice is classified among the Sidhe - Ireland's fairies - but she may have a mermaid incarnation, as well. The Morrigan dates back at least to Ireland's Iron Age, but she is as modern as she is ancient - with the possible exception of the witch goddess Hekate, the Morrigan is currently the most popular Pagan goddess. Author Courtney Weber provides a guide to this complex, mysterious goddess that encompasses practical veneration with modern devotionals, entwined with traditional lore and Irish-Celtic history.

Explorer's Guide to Wildemount (D&D Campaign Setting and Adventure Book) (Dungeons & Dragons)

Book Description

HOW DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS? A war brews on a continent that has withstood more than its fair share of conflict. The Dwendalian Empire and the Kryn Dynasty are carving up the lands around them, and only the greatest heroes would dare stand between them. Somewhere in the far corners of this war-torn landscape are secrets that could end this conflict and usher in a new age of peace—or burn the world to a cinder. Create a band of heroes and embark on a journey across the continent of Wildemount, the setting for Campaign 2 of the hit Dungeons & Dragons series Critical Role. Within this book, you’ll find new character options, a heroic chronicle to help you craft your character’s backstory, four different starting adventures, and everything a Dungeon Master needs to breathe life into a Wildemount-based D&D campaign… · Delve through the first Dungeons & Dragons book to let players experience the game as played within the world of Critical Role, the world’s most popular livestreaming D&D show. · Uncover a trove of options usable in any D&D game, featuring subclasses, spells, magic items, monsters, and more, rooted in the adventures of Exandria—such as Vestiges of Divergence and the possibility manipulating magic of Dunamancy. · Start a Dungeons & Dragons campaign in any of Wildemount’s regions using a variety of introductory adventures, dozens of regional plot seeds, and the heroic chronicle system—a way to create character backstories rooted in Wildemount. Explore every corner of Wildemount and discover mysteries revealed for the first time by Critical Role Dungeon Master, Matthew Mercer.

Loving Ashe

Book Description

The Ancient Irish Goddess of War

Book Description

The discovery of a Gallo-Roman inscription, figured in the Revue Savoisienne of 15th November, 1867, and republished by M. Adolphe Pictet in the Revue Archéologique for July, 1868, forms the subject of one of those essays from the pen of the veteran philologist for which the students of Celtic languages and archaeology cannot be sufficiently thankful. The inscription, the initial letter of which has been destroyed by an injury to the stone on which it is cut, reads: athuboduae Augaeustaeae Servilia Terenta aevotumae saeolvitaelaeibensae maeeritoae. M. Pictet’s essay is entitled “Sur une Déese Gauloise de la Guerre”; and if he is right in his suggestion (which is very probably) that the letter destroyed was a c, and that ATHUBODVAE should be read CATHUBODVAE, the title is not inappropriate; and in the CATHUBODVAE of the inscription we may recognise the badb-catha of Irish mythology. The etymology of the name athubodua, or cathubodua, as we may venture to read it, has been examined with great industry by M. Pictet, who has managed to compress within the narrow limits of his essay a great mass of illustrative facts and evidences drawn from all the sources accessible to him. The first member of the name (cathu, Irish cath, «pugna») presents but little difficulty to a Celtic scholar like M. Pictet, who would however prefer finding it written catu, without aspiration, as more nearly approaching the rigid orthography of Gaulish names, in which it is very frequently found as the first element; but the second member, bodua, although entering largely into the composition of names amongst all the nations of Celtic origin from the Danube to the islands of Aran, is confessedly capable of explanation only through the medium of the Irish, with its corresponding forms of bodb or badb (pron. bov or bav), originally signifying rage, fury, or violence and ultimately implying a witch, fairy, or goddess, represented by the bird known as the scare-crow, scaldcrow, or Royston-crow, not the raven as M. Pictet seems to think. The etymology of the name being examined, M. Pictet proceeds to illustrate the character of the Badb, and her position in Irish fairy mythology, by the help of a few brief and scarcely intelligible references from the printed books, the only materials accessible to him, but finds himself unable to complete his task, “for want of sufficient details,” as he observes more than once. The printed references, not one of which has escaped M. Pictet’s industry are no doubt few, but the ancient tracts, romances, and battle pieces preserved in our Irish MSS. teem with details respecting this Badb-catha and her so-called sisters, Neman, Macha, and Morrigan or Morrigu (for the name is written in a double form), who are generally depicted as furies, witches, or sorceresses, able to confound whole armies, even in the assumed form of a bird. Popular tradition also bears testimony to the former widespread belief in the magical powers of the Badb. In most parts of Ireland the Royston-crow, or fennóg liath na gragarnaith (“the chattering greyfennóg”). As she is called by the Irish speaking people, is regarded at the present day with feelings of mingled dislike and curiosity by the peasantry, who remember the many tales of depredation and slaughter in which the cunning bird is represented as exercising a sinister influence. Nor is this superstition confined to Ireland alone. The popular tales of Scotland and Wales, which are simply the echo of similar stories once current and still not quite extinct in Ireland, contain requent allusion to this mystic bird.

Cath Maige Tuired

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Dark Goddess Tarot

Book Description

78 card tarot deck with a powerful female figure depicted on each card. In a two-part box with a 28 page booklet.

An Uncommon Grace

Book Description

Upon moving to a farm in rural Ohio to distance herself from memories of war, former military nurse Grace Connor meets the conservative Levi Troyer, who struggles with reconciling his feelings for outsider Grace with his Amish faith.

The Celtic Encyclopedia

Book Description

The book concentrates on the cultures that arose in Europe after the dispersal of the Aryan-speaking people from their homeland north of the Black Sea during BC 4th millenium. Relying on mythology, history and archeology the author has traced the development and movements of the "Q-Celt" and "P-Celt" speaking peoples of Europe and Asia Minor. The time span covers from BC 3rd millenium to the Roman occupation of Celtic Europe. The emphasis is on the Bronze and Iron Ages. The result is a comprehensive overview of the people we have come to call the Celts. The work uses a clear language style and is organized as an encyclopedia for easy reference. Over 50 sub-cultures, 260 tribes and 1000 characters (dieties, heroes, warriors, etc.) are listed alphabetically, with separate chapters describing religious practices, customs, social structure, etc. as well as relevant museum collections and sites of interest. Complete 5 volume set, ISBN 1581128894, US $129.95 Vol 1, ISBN 1581128908, US $25.95 Vol II, ISBN 1581128916, US $25.95 Vol III, ISBN 1581128924, US $25.95 Vol IV, ISBN 1581128932, US $25.95 Vol V, ISBN 1581128940, US $25.95