Motoneuron Dendrite Morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis Elegans

Book Description

Nervous system function, from sensory perception to motor control and cognition, requires the correct wiring of neural circuits during development. The establishment of these circuits consists of the growth and guidance of signal-sending axons and signal-receiving dendrites to their correct targets. Despite being exposed to the same molecular environment, a neuron's axon and dendrites have different morphologies and targets. Using the C. elegans DA9 motoneuron we explore mechanisms of dendrite growth and how a dendrite-specific response is achieved to a cue regulating axons and dendrites. We found that DA9 dendrite development is spatially and temporally distinct from the axon. While the axon grows embryonically, the dendrite develops postembryonically. Characterizing DA9 dendrite growth in larvae, adults and body size mutants suggests that it is not driven by size, but rather by a local cue. A candidate approach to identify this cue taught us that the guidance cue UNC-6/Netrin is required for both axon and dendrite development in DA9. The UNC-6 repulsive receptor UNC-5 repels the axon from the ventral nerve cord, while the attractive receptor UNC-40 is dendritically enriched and promotes antero-posterior dendrite growth. While ventrally secreted UNC-6 instructs axon guidance, dorsal or even membrane-tethered UNC-6 can support dendrite development. Surprisingly, the kinase PAR-4/LKB1 is selectively required for UNC-40 signaling in dendrite outgrowth. Finally, we found that the C-terminal motor kinesin KLP-16 also promotes DA9 dendrite growth and that its enrichment at the DA9 dendrite distal tip may be partially regulated by PAR-4/LKB1. These data suggest that axon and dendrite of one neuron interpret common environmental cues with different receptors and downstream signaling pathways.

Motoneuron Dendrite Morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis Elegans

Book Description

Nervous system function, from sensory perception to motor control and cognition, requires the correct wiring of neural circuits during development. The establishment of these circuits consists of the growth and guidance of signal-sending axons and signal-receiving dendrites to their correct targets. Despite being exposed to the same molecular environment, a neuron's axon and dendrites have different morphologies and targets. Using the C. elegans DA9 motoneuron we explore mechanisms of dendrite growth and how a dendrite-specific response is achieved to a cue regulating axons and dendrites. We found that DA9 dendrite development is spatially and temporally distinct from the axon. While the axon grows embryonically, the dendrite develops postembryonically. Characterizing DA9 dendrite growth in larvae, adults and body size mutants suggests that it is not driven by size, but rather by a local cue. A candidate approach to identify this cue taught us that the guidance cue UNC-6/Netrin is required for both axon and dendrite development in DA9. The UNC-6 repulsive receptor UNC-5 repels the axon from the ventral nerve cord, while the attractive receptor UNC-40 is dendritically enriched and promotes antero-posterior dendrite growth. While ventrally secreted UNC-6 instructs axon guidance, dorsal or even membrane-tethered UNC-6 can support dendrite development. Surprisingly, the kinase PAR-4/LKB1 is selectively required for UNC-40 signaling in dendrite outgrowth. Finally, we found that the C-terminal motor kinesin KLP-16 also promotes DA9 dendrite growth and that its enrichment at the DA9 dendrite distal tip may be partially regulated by PAR-4/LKB1. These data suggest that axon and dendrite of one neuron interpret common environmental cues with different receptors and downstream signaling pathways.

Precisely Localized Guidance Signals Instruct Dendrite Branching and Morphogenesis

Book Description

The establishment of a complex, cell type-specific dendritic arbor is crucial for many neurons to receive the appropriate inputs from their receptive fields and to properly function within a neural circuit. However, the immense complexity of dendrite morphology has made it far more challenging to study than the pathfinding of a single axon. In the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the sensory neuron PVD establishes stereotypical, highly-branched dendrite morphology. Using genetic approaches, we identified a novel ligand-receptor complex of membrane adhesion molecules that is both necessary and sufficient to instruct spatially restricted growth and branching of PVD dendrites. The ligand complex SAX-7/L1CAM and MNR-1 function at defined locations in the surrounding hypodermal tissue, while DMA-1 and HPO-30/Claudin act as cognate co-receptors in PVD. Mutations in this complex lead to dramatic defects in the formation, stabilization, and organization of the dendritic arbor. Ectopic expression of SAX-7 and MNR-1 generates a predictable, unnaturally patterned dendritic tree in a DMA-1 and HPO-30 dependent manner. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments indicate that these molecules function as a ligand-receptor complex to instruct dendrite morphogenesis. Similar to developing axons, growing dendrites also encounter intermediate targets marked by guidance signals but must switch their response upon arrival so that they can move away and complete the next stage of development. During the development of wild-type PVD neurons, dendrites bypass a zone of high level SAX-7 without responding to the signal. We found that in mutants lacking KPC-1, a C. elegans Furin homolog, dendrites fail to escape from this intermediate target but are trapped in the area. Further analysis revealed that KPC-1 down-regulates the level of the branching receptor DMA-1 on dendrites by targeting it to late endosomes. In a kpc-1 mutant, the level of DMA-1 is abnormally high on dendrites, resulting in trapping of dendrites at locations where a high level of SAX-7 is present. Thus, precise regulation of guidance receptors creates flexibility of responses to guidance signals and is critical for neuronal morphogenesis. In summary, we identified a pair of skin-derived, precisely localized guidance molecules that instruct dendrite morphogenesis and their cognate neuronal receptors, as well as an intracellular mechanism that regulates membrane targeting of the dendritic receptor to ensure that signalling happens at the right place and right time.

Genetic Control of Dendrite Morphogenesis in C. Elegans

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Finally, we identified several other mutants with URX dendrite morphogenesis defects, including overgrowth of the URX dendrite; some have been mapped to genes associated with the cytoskeleton. Together, these studies define genetic mechanisms that control morphogenesis of distinct classes of sensory dendrites through specific adhesive interactions with their glial neighbors.

Mechanisms of Dendrite Morphogenesis

Book Description

Dendrite morphogenesis is a critical developmental process that establishes the architecture and function of neural circuits. Outgrowing neurites are guided by a variety of extracellular cues that are recognized by guidance receptors on the surface of the cell, which in turn modulate intracellular signaling pathways and cytoskeletal regulators to mediate changes in cell morphology. The regulation of these guidance receptors allows for correct pathfinding and efficient outgrowth. However, the precise mechanisms linking guidance receptor-ligand interactions to changes in the cytoskeleton, and their regulation, are not fully understood. Using the highly branched dendritic arbor of the PVD neuron in C. elegans as a model system, we identified a proteolytic cleavage event that regulates guidance receptor localization to promote dendrite outgrowth. We showed that the Furin homolog KPC-1 cleaves the co-receptor HPO-30, previously shown to form a complex with the guidance receptor DMA-1. This cleavage event is necessary for formation of higher order dendrites in PVD. Furthermore, we show that this cleavage event promotes the internalization of DMA-1 from the plasma membrane into RAB-10-positive recycling endosomes, and that excess DMA-1 on the membrane is associated with overstabilization of dendrites and reduced outgrowth. Our work reveals a mechanism by which guidance receptor localization is controlled in order to promote dendrite outgrowth. In addition, during development, neurons must coordinate various cytoskeletal regulators that work together to create structured actin networks during dendrite morphogenesis. Here, we showed that outgrowth of the PVD neuron occurs through localized expansions in the dendrite (termed "swellings") at branch initiation sites, followed by the rapid extension of thin filopodia from these swelling sites. The formation of filopodia required UNC-115/abLIM, an actin-binding LIM protein, and UNC-34/Ena/VASP, which promotes the extension of linear actin bundles. On the other hand, the formation of both swellings and filopodia depends on the WAVE Regulatory Complex (WRC), which promotes the formation of branched actin networks. We therefore propose that, following guidance receptor activation, WRC creates local branched actin networks at swellings that stochastically specify sites of new dendritic branches. UNC-34 and UNC-115 are then recruited to bundle actin filaments and create filopodia that initiate these new dendritic branches. In summary, dendrite morphogenesis requires regulation of guidance receptors and their down-stream signaling pathways. We have identified a co-receptor cleavage event that regulates guidance receptor localization to allow both dendrite outgrowth and stabilization, as well as a mechanism that coordinates cytoskeletal changes downstream of guidance receptor signaling.

Cellular Migration and Formation of Axons and Dendrites

Book Description

Cellular Migration and Formation of Neuronal Connections, Second Edition, the latest release in the Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience series, presents the latest information on the genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms of neural development. This book provides a much-needed update that underscores the latest research in this rapidly evolving field, with new section editors discussing the technological advances that are enabling the pursuit of new research on brain development. This volume focuses on the formation of axons and dendrites and cellular migration. Features leading experts in various subfields as section editors and article authors Presents articles that have been peer reviewed to ensure accuracy, thoroughness and scholarship Includes coverage of mechanisms which regulate the formation of axons and dendrites and cellular migration Covers neural activity, from cell-intrinsic maturation, to early correlated patterns of activity

Cellular Migration and Formation of Neuronal Connections

Book Description

The genetic, molecular, and cellular mechanisms of neural development are essential for understanding evolution and disorders of neural systems. Recent advances in genetic, molecular, and cell biological methods have generated a massive increase in new information, but there is a paucity of comprehensive and up-to-date syntheses, references, and historical perspectives on this important subject. The Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience series is designed to fill this gap, offering the most thorough coverage of this field on the market today and addressing all aspects of how the nervous system and its components develop. Particular attention is paid to the effects of abnormal development and on new psychiatric/neurological treatments being developed based on our increased understanding of developmental mechanisms. Each volume in the series consists of review style articles that average 15-20pp and feature numerous illustrations and full references. Volume 2 offers 56 high level articles devoted mainly to Formation of Axons and Dendrites, Migration, Synaptogenesis, Developmental Sequences in the Maturation of Intrinsic and Synapse Driven Patterns. Series offers 144 articles for 2904 full color pages addressing ways in which the nervous system and its components develop Features leading experts in various subfields as Section Editors and article Authors All articles peer reviewed by Section Editors to ensure accuracy, thoroughness, and scholarship Volume 2 sections include coverage of mechanisms which regulate: the formation of axons and dendrites, cell migration, synapse formation and maintenance during development, and neural activity, from cell-intrinsic maturation to early correlated patterns of activity

The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells

Book Description

The fascinating patterns on the shells of tropical sea snails are not only compellingly beautiful but also tell a tale of biological development. The decorative patterns are records of their own genesis, which follows laws such as those of dune formation or the spread of a flu epidemic. Hans Meinhardt has analyzed the dynamical processes that form these patterns and has retraced them in computer simulations. His book is exciting not only for the astonishing scientific knowledge it reveals but also for its fascinating pictures. An accompanying CD-ROM with the corresponding algorithms allows the reader to simulate the natural pattern formation and growth processes.