Moving from Test to Trial to TRIUMPH

Book Description

None of us have been through anything comparable to all that Job endured. Although he had times of doubt and faced the temptation of taking his wife's advice of just cursing God and dying, he didn't give in to that temptation, and he remained true to God. The result of his faithfulness was that God restored everything he had lost and rewarded him with twice as much as he ever had before the trial. This study of the journey of Job's life will encourage you and help you understand that God wants to use your test to elevate you to levels you have never even imagined. God wants to know that He can trust you, and that YOU TRUST HIM, regardless of the situations you find yourself in. Let this study prepare you not only for your test, but for your testimony of victory!

Trials and Triumph

Book Description

In this book, Trials and Triumphs, are several life-changing testimonies and divine inspirational messages. It has been written as a guide to help one deal with the pressures of life brought about by distresses, situations, trials, and tribulations. It offers readers the courage to seek God through their internal pain and sorrow because through His sovereignty afflictions are not designed to discourage or tear down. Rather to push us into a place of conquering fears and doubts. It is designed to secure triumph in hopes one finds freedom and comfort to become more than a victor, but a warrior in Christ.

Through Trials To Triumph

Book Description

Bad things happen to all people but we often ask why good people suffer and the wicked prosper. This is a very complex subject to which Ady tries to give some clarity. In this book "Through Trials To Triumph" he discusses the issue from a Biblical perspective and helps the reader to understand why trials happen to all of us. This book shows that life is a journey full of ups and downs. What we often perceive as a bad situation can be an opportunity for change and growth, but the key is "attitude and faith." How people deal with life's trials depends on what attitude they have. God does not cause bad things to happen to us, but he allows them in our lives, and stands ready to help us through difficult times.

Move On, Move Up

Book Description

A woman who has experienced both tragedy and triumph, Paula White shares hope with those facing life's trials. Paula opens her heart to offer personal testimonies and key passages of Scripture that will equip readers to discover purpose in their pain and to overcome any challenge that crosses their path. It's not about what happens to us, it's about what happens in us. Failure is not final. We have the power to: - Renew our minds - Transition from trial to testimony - Discover God's pattern for our lives Most important, Paula teaches readers to never quit. Tough times don't last-tough people do! What are you waiting for' Grab hold of the victory God promises. It's time to MOVE ON, MOVE UP.

Turning Trials Into Triumphs

Book Description

Trials are an inevitable aspect of life and come upon us in many different ways. Ways which may include the death of a loved one, an illness, disappointments, betrayal, or parental abandonment. GOD has allowed us to endure many trials, situations and tribulations. When planting a tree you have to consider the soil. Not all trees can grow or thrive in the same dirt. Certain soils produce different fruit. Therefore, the various types of trials we go through yield different results as well. Turning Trials into Triumphs is an anthology of events that could have left the contributors bitter, but instead their circumstances evolved for the better. The ladies of VLR believe that the attitude we display through trials , will determine whether an individual will emerge victorious. Out of our greatest trials, comes the defining moments of life that lay the foundation for building the strength of our character. Turning Trials into Triumphs was written by seven members of Victorious Ladies Reading (VLR) Book Club who wanted to encourage others to conquer every problem or situation that may arise by trusting GOD even when you can't trace GOD. Watch him turn your TRIAL into a TRIUMPH!!

Transition to Triumph

Book Description

From Trials to Triumph

Book Description

God promises you will face troubles of every kind while on this earth. Does your heart tremble in fear when faced with trials?or do you walk in confidence of victory?Twenty-four years ago, God lifted Dwight and Connie Cenac up from the ash heap of divorce and devastation. As college graduates, they thought the world was laid out before them. Nothing prepared them for the trials they would face as they began their journey with the King of the universe?until they read the Book. Through obedience to God?s Word, they overcame obstacles in their marriage, the pain of a runaway daughter, the near death of a son, and the death of a grandson. Yet, they have come through the furnace of affliction with joy.In this book, Connie and Dwight share hidden treasures of the Kingdom of God. These golden nuggets of wisdom will help you walk in confidence of victory over the daily trials that test your faith.The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:56?57)

Move On, Move Up

Book Description

A woman who has experienced both tragedy and triumph, Paula White shares hope with those facing life's trials. Paula opens her heart to offer personal testimonies and key passages of Scripture that will equip readers to discover purpose in their pain and to overcome any challenge that crosses their path. It's not about what happens to us, it's about what happens in us. Failure is not final. We have the power to: - Renew our minds - Transition from trial to testimony - Discover God's pattern for our lives Most important, Paula teaches readers to never quit. Tough times don't last-tough people do! What are you waiting for? Grab hold of the victory God promises. It's time to MOVE ON, MOVE UP.

Leaving a Legacy for the Succeeding Generation

Book Description

Most men exchange their lifetime for much too little. Don't be afraid to move on to dare impossibility. Between you and anything of worth in life, there are giants. However, you must fight anything that will limit your life and coast! Greatness is created, not stumbled upon. Have confidence in yourself. You can achieve a lot. You are better than you think. Violate the norm. Create a throne for yourself and map out the strategies to enter into the throne. Determine what you want to achieve and dedicate yourself to its attainment. Plan your progress with unswerving singleness of purpose. Do you know that the best jobs have not been found? The best church and ministries have not been crowned; the best marriages have not been sealed yet; yours can be; the best books have not been written; the best songs have not been sung; the best sermons have not been preached; the best testimonies have not been given; believe that your rising will defy human explanation. You may be whatever you resolve to be. Focus to be something in the world and you will become something. "I cannot" never accomplish anything. "I will try" has wrought many wonders. Re-write your vocabulary and grammar! Never be found with the word 'impossible'. Refuse to be a fool! Nothing is impossible. Keep your hope alive. Let's go on together to the expedition of GREATNESS.