Mr. Tee

Book Description

Back Cover Summary Mr. Tee is an old mouse who lives in a broken-down cabin. He owns all the land that all the bugs and mice live on, and he does not charge them rent. Disaster strikes and burns down the occupants' houses and leaves them homeless. He takes in a young mouse that lost his mother, and they go on a treasure hunt that his mother had promised to take him on. They enter a cave where the treasure is supposed to be. Mr. Tee travels to a stink bug village in search for another are

New Years Eve Murder: the Un-Solved Murder of Mr. T

Book Description

About The Author Elisabeth being the ex-wife of Mr. T, she was a mother of his children, grandmother, daughter, and a sister. Growing up in the 1940’s and still a teenager in the 1950’s life was hard, but interesting. Being the daughter of Missionary Parents and having a 100% Irish Mother, and a Jewish Indian father. I know you are saying what a combination; but it did work they were married for 74/years. My mother who was one of the smartest women I’ve ever known still alive and celebrating her 98 birthday July 17th 2011. Now a little about me the author: Owner and operator of two Nursing & Health Care Businesses, after being a Psychiatric Nurse and finally getting my Masters in Industrial Counseling working with drug and alcohol abuse in the corporate world.

Mr. T

Book Description

The popular star recounts his ghetto childhood, his remarkable mother and brothers and sisters, his determination to make something of himself, his success, his religious faith, and his strong convictions and beliefs

Me & Mr. T

Book Description

This is a fictional love story of a hardworking, young woman, Janie Williams, who meet’s a no good lazy young man, Terrell Peterson, known as Mr. T. The young 25-year-old woman wants so much out of life, she had graduated High School. She had just finished her 4 years of college, at Morehouse University, with her master’s degree in Business. Janie worked so hard to achieve her heart’s desires and dreams. Terrell was raised by his single dad, Terrell, Sr., who taught him how to take from the women, he would tell his son, “let the women take care of you”, he told his son, women would do anything for you, you just have to know how to work them.


Book Description

The weekly source of African American political and entertainment news.

Me and Mr. T

Book Description

This is a fictional love story of a hardworking, young woman, Janie Williams, who meet’s a no good lazy young man, Terrell Peterson, known as Mr. T. The young 25-year-old woman wants so much out of life, she had graduated High School. She had just finished her 4 years of college, at Morehouse University, with her master’s degree in Business. Janie worked so hard to achieve her heart’s desires and dreams. Terrell was raised by his single dad, Terrell, Sr., who taught him how to take from the women, he would tell his son, “let the women take care of you”, he told his son, women would do anything for you, you just have to know how to work them.

Chuck Norris Vs. Mr. T

Book Description

In November 2007, Gotham Books unleashed The Truth about Chuck Norris upon the world and changed publishing forever. Containing 400 farcical facts about pop culture icon Chuck Norris, the book burned through thirteen printings, roundhouse kicked the New York Times bestseller list, and left readers delighted (and a little bit terrified).... Now Ian Spector has returned to his voluminous vault to bring readers 200 new Chuck Norris facts alongside 200 facts about his longtime antagonist Mr. T, in a battle that pits foot against fist, beard against mohawk, and Delta Force against A-Team. Included in this fearsome tome are such startling observations as: ? There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and fear itself fears Chuck Norris. ? King Kong once challenged Godzilla to an arm-wrestling match. Mr. T won. ? The reason newborn babies cry is because they know they have just entered a world with Chuck Norris. ? The last man to make eye contact with Mr. T was Stevie Wonder. ? Chuck Norris is a man?s man?s man. ? Mr. T once beat a man to death with his own corpse. A hilarious tribute to two of the greatest humans who have ever lived, Chuck Norris vs Mr. T is the one book that can finally reveal what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object.

The Somebody Kid

Book Description

Mr. T helps a boy who feels he is nobody understand that he really is somebody.


Book Description

Praise for Wilbert R. Mutoko’s ‘15 SECRETS FOR PERSONAL FINANCIAL SUCCESS - A Simple Step-By-Step Plan for Financial Freedom’ “This is a no-beat-about-the-bush book. It is straight-to-the-point, cleverly written, with very practical and encouraging ideas. It covers from simple (salary) budgeting to financial investment. I urge everyone to read this book, to learn about very basic financial rules that will help organize your finances. - Mompati Seditse, Manager, Exclusive Books, Botswana "This book by Wilbert Mutoko gave me a revelation on matters to do with Personal Finance and Wealth Creation. What I thought I knew, was opened up to me in a new dimension, and I believe that by acting on the simple principles in this book, I will experience a transformation in my life to secure my future. This book is a mind revolutionizing masterpiece" - Collins Owuor, Managing Director, The Economic Insight Magazine.

Record of the Batasan

Book Description