Multi-Level Lot Sizing and Scheduling

Book Description

This book is the outcome of my research in the field of multi levellot sizing and scheduling which started in May 1993 at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (Germany). During this time I discovered more and more interesting aspects ab out this subject and I had to learn that not every promising idea can be thoroughly evaluated by one person alone. Nevertheless, I am now in the position to present some results which are supposed to be useful for future endeavors. Since April 1995 the work was done with partial support from the research project no. Dr 170/4-1 from the "Deutsche For schungsgemeinschaft" (D FG). The remaining space in this preface shaH be dedicated to those who gave me valuable support: First, let me express my deep gratitude towards my thesis ad visor Prof. Dr. Andreas Drexl. He certainly is a very outstanding advisor. Without his steady suggestions, this work would not have come that far. Despite his scarce time capacities, he never rejected proof-reading draft versions of working papers, and he was always willing to discuss new ideas - the good as weH as the bad ones. He and Prof. Dr. Gerd Hansen refereed this thesis. I am in debted to both for their assessment. I am also owing something to Dr. Knut Haase. Since we al most never had the same opinion when discussing certain lot sizing aspects, his comments and criticism gave stimulating input.

Lotsizing and Scheduling for Production Planning

Book Description

Billions of dollars are tied up in the inventories of manufacturing companies which cause large (interest) costs. A small decrease of the inventory and/or production costs without reduction of the service level can increase the profit substantially. Especially in the case of scarce capacity, efficient production schedules are fundamental for short delivery time and on-time delivery which are important competitive priorities. To support decision makers by improving their manufacturing resource planning system with appropriate methods is one of the most of production planning. interesting challenges The following chapters contain new models and new solution strategies which may be helpful for decision makers and for further research in the areas of production planning and operations research. The main subject is on lotsizing and scheduling. The objectives and further characteristics of such problems can be inferred from practical need. Thus, before an outline is given, we consider the general objectives of lotsizing and scheduling and classify the most important characteristics of such problems in the following sections.

Multi-Stage Simultaneous Lot-Sizing and Scheduling

Book Description

​Due to a varying product demand (changing product mix) and different production speeds, bottlenecks may shift between the stages. In that case, a simultaneous lot-sizing and scheduling of these stages is recommendable. Hence, an improved version of the General Lot-Sizing and Scheduling Problem for Multiple production Stages (GLSPMS) was developed. Moreover, several reformulation techniques were applied to this model to solve it exactly. Besides, a new meta-heuristic which combines the principles of Variable Neighborhood Decomposition Search (VNDS) and Exchange was implemented to find good solutions, even for a real-world problem case. Finally, further model extensions, e.g., for scarce setup resources, were proposed.

Deterministic Lotsizing Models for Production Planning

Book Description

This thesis deals with timing and sizing decisions for production lots, and more precisely, with mathematical models to support optimal tim ing and sizing decisions. These models are called lotsizing models. They are characterized by the fact that production lots are determined based on a trade-offbetween production costs and customer service. Production costs can be categorized as basic production costs, which consist of material costs, labour costs, machine startup costs and over head costs, and inventory related costs, which include costs of capital tied up in inventory, insurances and taxes. Customer service is the capability of the firm to deliver to their clients the products in the quantity they ordered at the agreed upon time and place. The costs of realizing a certain service level are usuaIly very dif ficult to convert into money. They include costs of expediting, loss of customer goodwill, and loss of sales revenues resulting from the short age situation.

Production Planning by Mixed Integer Programming

Book Description

This textbook provides a comprehensive modeling, reformulation and optimization approach for solving production planning and supply chain planning problems, covering topics from a basic introduction to planning systems, mixed integer programming (MIP) models and algorithms through the advanced description of mathematical results in polyhedral combinatorics required to solve these problems. Based on twenty years worth of research in which the authors have played a significant role, the book addresses real life industrial production planning problems (involving complex production structures with multiple production stages) using MIP modeling and reformulation approach. The book provides an introduction to MIP modeling and to planning systems, a unique collection of reformulation results, and an easy to use problem-solving library. This approach is demonstrated through a series of real life case studies, exercises and detailed illustrations. Review by Jakub Marecek (Computer Journal) The emphasis put on mixed integer rounding and mixing sets, heuristics in-built in general purpose integer programming solvers, as well as on decompositions and heuristics using integer programming should be praised... There is no doubt that this volume offers the present best introduction to integer programming formulations of lotsizing problems, encountered in production planning. (2007)

Multi-Level Capacitated Lotsizing with Setup Carryover

Book Description

Lotsizing problems are found in every company, which produces various items on resources with scarce capacities. In general, the objective is to find production plans, which meet demand with the resources` given capacities and at minimal costs. However, there is a great variety of company-specific lotsizing problems due to the complexity of the underlying production processes. Both standard MRP-systems and modern Advanced Planning Systems fail to provide adequate solutions. Instead, they most often compute production plans, which are not feasible in practice. In this book new lotsizing models are presented for multi-stage production systems with general product structures, dynamic demand, setup times and lead times. They are extended to cover production on parallel machines. An iterative solution procedure is presented, which generates feasible production plans within seconds of computation time. Potential readership includes scholars of supply chain management and production planning, interested students in these areas as well as practitioners involved in production planning.

Advances in Applied Mechanical Engineering

Book Description

This book presents select peer reviewed proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Mechanical Engineering Research (ICAMER 2019). The books examines various areas of mechanical engineering namely design, thermal, materials, manufacturing and industrial engineering covering topics like FEA, optimization, vibrations, condition monitoring, tribology, CFD, IC engines, turbo-machines, automobiles, manufacturing processes, machining, CAM, additive manufacturing, modelling and simulation of manufacturing processing, optimization of manufacturing processing, supply chain management, and operations management. In addition, recent studies on composite materials, materials characterization, fracture and fatigue, advanced materials, energy storage, green building, phase change materials and structural change monitoring are also covered. Given the contents, this book will be useful for students, researchers and professionals working in mechanical engineering and allied fields.

Reverse Logistics

Book Description

This book addresses decision making in reverse logistics, which concerns the integration of used and obsolete products back into the supply chain as valuable resources. It covers a wide range of aspects, related to distribution, production and inventory management, and supply chain management. For each topic, it highlights key managerial issues in real-life examples and explains which quantitative models are available for addressing them. By treating a broad range of issues in a unified way, the book offers the reader a comprehensive view on the field of reverse logistics.

Lot-Sizing and Scheduling for Flexible Flow Lines

Book Description

The book considers the lot-sizing and scheduling problem for flexible flow line production facilities. Flexible flow lines are flow lines with parallel machines on some or all production stages. They can be found in a vast number of industries. A three-phased solution approach is presented that solves the integrated lot-sizing and scheduling problem in a hierarchical manner. The approach is able to handle several important features relevant in industrial practice, such as back-orders and setup carry-over. The developed solution procedures solve practically sized problems in a relatively short amount of time. One of the procedures is based on a novel mixed integer programming (MIP) model, which employs integer variables instead of binary variables. This makes it possible to find (near-)optimal solutions using standard algorithms such as CPLEX. Another procedure uses two nested Genetic Algorithms. An application of the framework in the semiconductor industry is given.

Chemical Production Scheduling

Book Description

Understand common scheduling as well as other advanced operational problems with this valuable reference from a recognized leader in the field. Beginning with basic principles and an overview of linear and mixed-integer programming, this unified treatment introduces the fundamental ideas underpinning most modeling approaches, and will allow you to easily develop your own models. With more than 150 figures, the basic concepts and ideas behind the development of different approaches are clearly illustrated. Addresses a wide range of problems arising in diverse industrial sectors, from oil and gas to fine chemicals, and from commodity chemicals to food manufacturing. A perfect resource for engineering and computer science students, researchers working in the area, and industrial practitioners.