Direct Investment Abroad and the Multinationals

Book Description

USA. Report on the effects on the American economy of the role of USA direct foreign investment and the multinational enterprise - analyzes theoretically and empirically the long term economic implications of export of capital on the economic structure (incl. Income growth, productivity and factor shares), and short term effects on employment, balance of payments, prices, etc. References and statistical tables.

Foreign Direct Investment in the World Economy

Book Description

The role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in international capital flows is examined. Theories of the determinants of FDI are surveyed, and the economic consequences of FDI for both host (recipient) and home (investor) nations are examined in light of empirical studies. Policy issues surrounding possible negotiation of a “multilateral agreement on investment” are discussed.

Economic Analysis and Multinational Enterprise

Book Description

With an impressive array of international contributors from the UK, USA, Sweden and Peru, this book includes chapters on the following: The nature of the multinational enterprise; The theory of the firm; The location of economic activity; Industrial organization; Technology and technological change; the theory of international trade; Monetary policy; The theory of development policy; Wage determination and collective bargaining; Income distribution and welfare considerations and size of firm and size of nation.

The Economics of International Investment

Book Description

This volume draws together essays on developments in the economics of international investment. They also offer views on recent issues posed by the growth and altered structure of international investment.

The Future of Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise

Book Description

This Festschrift in honour of Professor Yair Aharoni, a pioneer in the field of international business, looks at several of these new trends in FDI, what they will mean for firms and governments, and the opportunities created by these developments to enrich or extend extant theory.

Multinational Investment and Economic Structure

Book Description

Multinational Investment and Economic Structure examines the relationship between industrial development and foreign direct investment (FDI) activities, and the interaction between multinational (MNE) activity and economic structures. It deals with the changing structure of the world economy as a whole, and the dynamics of the relationship between industrial development and the extent of FDI activities across countries. It evaluates the concurrent (and interrelated) evolutionary processes behind economic growth and MNE activity and how these evolutionary forces impact on the economic structure of individual economies in the industrialised world as their economies converge through globalisation.

The Rules of the Game in the Global Economy

Book Description

The subject of this study is the way that finns, industries, and nations organize their relationships with one another in order to engage in international business. To the casual observer, the processes of buying and selling, borrowing and lending, investing and receiving investment returns may seem much the same, whether they occur within a single country or between and among businesses in different political jurisdictions. In fact, however, business contacts between firms or individuals in different coun tries are significantly different from their domestic counterparts. Not only do international buyers and sellers, borrowers and lenders, investors and earnings recipients often use different languages and currencies, they also frequently operate under different basic rules governing contracts, accounting practices, and dispute-settlement arrangements; and they are subject to different tax systems. Most important, they may require explicit pennission, or at least facilitating arrangements, from their respective governments in order to engage in any economic contact whatsoever. It may well be that, as Adam Smith believed, there is "a certain propensity in human nature . . . to truck, barter, and exchange one 1, p. 17); but the fact is that most im thing for another" (1776, vol. portant markets and business relationships do not simply appear and evolve as natural phenomena. In fact, they are created by human effort and are highly organized, and international business relationships are the most highly organized of all.

Multinationals and the National Interest

Book Description