Markov Random Fields in Image Segmentation

Book Description

Markov Random Fields in Image Segmentation provides an introduction to the fundamentals of Markovian modeling in image segmentation as well as a brief overview of recent advances in the field. Segmentation is formulated within an image labeling framework, where the problem is reduced to assigning labels to pixels. In a probabilistic approach, label dependencies are modeled by Markov random fields (MRF) and an optimal labeling is determined by Bayesian estimation, in particular maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation. The main advantage of MRF models is that prior information can be imposed locally through clique potentials. MRF models usually yield a non-convex energy function. The minimization of this function is crucial in order to find the most likely segmentation according to the MRF model. Classical optimization algorithms including simulated annealing and deterministic relaxation are treated along with more recent graph cut-based algorithms. The primary goal of this monograph is to demonstrate the basic steps to construct an easily applicable MRF segmentation model and further develop its multi-scale and hierarchical implementations as well as their combination in a multilayer model. Representative examples from remote sensing and biological imaging are analyzed in full detail to illustrate the applicability of these MRF models. Furthermore, a sample implementation of the most important segmentation algorithms is available as supplementary software. Markov Random Fields in Image Segmentation is an invaluable resource for every student, engineer, or researcher dealing with Markovian modeling for image segmentation.

Advances In Pattern Recognition And Applications

Book Description

These proceedings present the state of the art in Spanish research on pattern recognition, image processing, speech recognition, and artificial neural networks and applications to medicine, geology, control etc.

Textured Image Segmentation Using Multiresolution Markov Random Fields and a Two-component Texture Model

Book Description

Abstract: "In this paper we propose a multiresolution Markov Random Field (MMRF) model for segmenting textured images. The Multiresolution Fourier Transform (MFT) is used to provide a set of spatially localised texture descriptors, which are based on a two-component model of texture, in which one component is a deformation, representing the structural or deterministic elements and the other is a stochastic one. Stochastic relaxation labelling is adopted to maximise the likelihood and assign the class label with highest probability to the block (site) being visited. Class information is propagated from low spatial resolution to high spatial resolution, via appropriate modifications to the interaction energies defining the field, to minimise class-position uncertainty. Experiments on the segmentation of natural textures are used to show the potential of the method."

Stochastic Image Processing

Book Description

Stochastic Image Processing provides the first thorough treatment of Markov and hidden Markov random fields and their application to image processing. Although promoted as a promising approach for over thirty years, it has only been in the past few years that the theory and algorithms have developed to the point of providing useful solutions to old and new problems in image processing. Markov random fields are a multidimensional extension of Markov chains, but the generalization is complicated by the lack of a natural ordering of pixels in multidimensional spaces. Hidden Markov fields are a natural generalization of the hidden Markov models that have proved essential to the development of modern speech recognition, but again the multidimensional nature of the signals makes them inherently more complicated to handle. This added complexity contributed to the long time required for the development of successful methods and applications. This book collects together a variety of successful approaches to a complete and useful characterization of multidimensional Markov and hidden Markov models along with applications to image analysis. The book provides a survey and comparative development of an exciting and rapidly evolving field of multidimensional Markov and hidden Markov random fields with extensive references to the literature.