Multiscale Modeling of Pigment-protein Assemblies

Book Description

Beginning with a review of the photosynthetic energy capture and energy transfer mechanisms of green sulfur bacteria in the context of efficient solar energy harvesting, limitations in the current understanding of these complexes are identified in the first chapter. Specifically, the lack of a complete structural model for light harvesting in green sulfur bacteria at the atomic scale prevents a thorough understanding of energy transfer and forms the basis for questions which comprise the main effort of the dissertation, the solution of which necessitates the use of a multiscale computational approach described in the second chapter. Because individual aspects of these systems such as small-scale protein-ligand interactions require different treatments than larger-scale protein-protein interactions, each component of the extensive multiscale computational methodology is introduced with an emphasis on the information gained as well as the relevant length and timescales. The resulting interactions between photosynthetic pigments and proteins in the model system Chlorobaculum tepidum (formerly Chlorobium tepidum)--including predicted binding motifs for Bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) to the chlorosome protein a (CsmA protein), for the CsmA protein to itself to form a dimer, and for the CsmA protein to the Fenna-Matthew-Olson (FMO) protein-are each presented, quantified, and explained in the middle chapters. Finally, implications for future computational studies and closing thoughts are discussed in the final chapter.

Multiscale Approaches to Protein Modeling

Book Description

The book gives a comprehensive review of the most advanced multiscale methods for protein structure prediction, computational studies of protein dynamics, folding mechanisms and macromolecular interactions. It approaches span a wide range of the levels of coarse-grained representations, various sampling techniques and variety of applications to biomedical and biophysical problems. This book is intended to be used as a reference book for those who are just beginning their adventure with biomacromolecular modeling but also as a valuable source of detailed information for those who are already experts in the field of biomacromolecular modeling and in related areas of computational biology or biophysics.

Multiscale Approaches to Protein Modeling

Book Description

The book gives a comprehensive review of the most advanced multiscale methods for protein structure prediction, computational studies of protein dynamics, folding mechanisms and macromolecular interactions. It approaches span a wide range of the levels of coarse-grained representations, various sampling techniques and variety of applications to biomedical and biophysical problems. This book is intended to be used as a reference book for those who are just beginning their adventure with biomacromolecular modeling but also as a valuable source of detailed information for those who are already experts in the field of biomacromolecular modeling and in related areas of computational biology or biophysics.

Computational Modeling of Protein Interactions at Multiple Lengthscales

Book Description

We developed theories and algorithms for two coarse-grained implicit solvent models that can be deployed within a multiscale framework to enable computational studies of large-scale protein-protein associations. The first model is a residue level alpha-carbon bead model intended for simulating proteins at close range during formation of encounter complexes. This model introduces a novel forcefield term to model directional backbone hydrogen bond semi-explicitly, as well as a fourth bead flavor in its sequence-dependence to better represent the spectrum of residue-residue attractive interactions. We showed that the introduction of the orientation-dependent hydrogen bonding term resulted in more stable and realistic alpha helices and beta sheets. In addition, the addition of a fourth bead flavor reduces energetic frustrations and competition from misfolded states. The overall model showed increased folding cooperativity, and a greater structural faithfulness to experimentally solved structures. The computational efficiency of the model has also permitted us to develop molecular models of the Alzheimer's A-beta 1-40 fibril to study nucleation and elongation, providing a good proof-of-concept and laying the foundation for applications to other protein-protein assembly processes. The second model is a protein level model intended for simulating proteins during diffusional search. It treats proteins as rigid bodies interacting solely through long-range electrostatics. We first described the theory and implementation of a novel method, Poisson-Boltzmann Semi-Analytical Method (PB-SAM), to model electrostatic interactions by efficiently solving the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE). This novel method combines advantages of analytical and boundary element methods by representing the macromolecular surface realistically as a collection of overlapping spheres, for which polarization charges can then be iteratively solved using analytical multipole method. Unlike finite difference solvers, PB-SAM is not constrained spatially by the box size, making it suitable for simulating dynamics. We showed that this method realizes better accuracy at reduced cost relative to either finite difference or boundary element PBE solvers. We derived expressions for force and torque that account for mutual polarization in both the zero and first order derivative of the surface charges, and incorporated the complete PB-SAM method into a protein level Brownian dynamics simulation algorithm. We demonstrated for the first time dynamic propagation of multiple Brownian particles with accurate accounting of mutual polarization effects for successive timesteps, using a model system of two monomers of brome mosaic virus (PDB code: 1YC6). While PB-SAM enable us to model mutual polarization effects in systems of hitherto inaccessible spatial dimensions, we can further reduce the computation time through parallelization, faster linear algebra operations, optimizing convergence criteria and polarization cutoffs, and approximating mutual polarization effects from analytical models. Finally, we discussed multiscale strategies to connect the two models described above for large-scale protein assembly studies. The two models can be employed successively in a novel nested variant of the Northrup-Allison-McCammon formalism to compute bi-molecular kinetics rates. The kinetic parameters can in turn be inputs to chemical master equations or stochastic simulations. Such multiscale modeling can be used to determine kinetics rates and the order of association, and help investigate how changing physical interactions can alter the association rates, and consequently control overall sequences of association.

Pigment—Protein Complexes in Plastids

Book Description

Pigment-Protein Complexes in Plastids: Synthesis and Assembly covers the different aspects of biosynthesis, assembly, and function of pigment-protein complexes. This book focuses on the molecular biology and physiological relevance of chlorophyll-protein complexes. The regulation and biosynthesis of chlorophyll proteins that involve a coordinated expression of nuclear and plastid genes and require communication among the cell organelles to respond properly to changing light and temperature conditions are also deliberated. This publication is intended for researchers in the fields of plant molecular biology, genetics, plant physiology and biochemistry, and cell biology, as well as students and teachers in agriculture, horticulture, biology, and biochemistry interested in pigment-protein complexes.

From Single Molecules to Nanoscopically Structured Materials

Book Description

Mechanical Properties of Single Molecules and Polymer Aggregates Rüdiger Berger, Kurt Binder, Gregor Diezemann, Jürgen Gauß, Mark Helm, Katharina Landfester, Wolfgang Paul (Halle), Peter Virnau. Optical Properties of Individual Molecular Aggregates and Nano Particles Thomas Basché, Hans-Jürgen Butt, Gregor Diezemann, Jürgen Gauß, Klaus Müllen, Harald Paulsen, Carsten Sönnichsen, Rudolf Zentel. Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks I: Self-assembly of Copolymers Kurt Binder, Holger Frey, Andreas Kilbinger (Univ. Fribourg), Ute Kolb, Michael Maskos (IMM Mainz), Wolfgang Paul (Univ. Halle), Hans Wolfgang Spiess. Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks II: Complex Polymer Architectures Kurt Binder, Hans Jürgen Butt, Angelika Kühnle, Klaus Müllen, Wolfgang Paul (Univ. Halle), Erwin Schmidt, Manfred Schmidt, Hans Wolfgang Spiess, Thomas Vilgis. Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks III: Polymer Complexes in Biological Applications Kurt Kremer, Heiko Luhmann, Christine Peter, Friederike Schmid, Erwin Schmidt, Manfred Schmidt, Eva Sinner (Univ. of Natural Resources, Vienna), Tanja Weil (Univ. Ulm).

Photosynthetic Protein-Based Photovoltaics

Book Description

Ever since the discovery of the photoelectric effect, researchers have been trying to improve the efficiency of converting sunlight into electricity through photovoltaic devices. Photosynthetic organisms provide clues for harvesting sunlight and storing the energy in chemical forms. This book offers a concise overview of the fundamental concepts of photosynthesis and the emerging photovoltaic technologies, casting light on the symbiotic relation between these spheres of science. Although there are many books about the fundamentals of photosynthesis and the various aspects of the photosynthetic processes, this is the first volume to focus on the prospects of studying the photosynthetic proteins, understanding and applying their properties to design prospective solar energy conversion devices that are sustainable and efficient. All in all, the book aims to bring together the present know-how on organic photovoltaics and dye-sensitized solar cells with that of the emerging bio-photovoltaics and the underlying physics of photosynthesis to foster a more eclectic research that would converge towards a sustainable energy technology for the future. The book mainly serves as a bridge to connect biochemists, who study photosynthetic proteins, and physicists and engineers who design and develop photovoltaic devices. Scientists, engineers and students in the fields of photosynthetic research and solar energy research can use this book as a ready reference. Key selling features: Covers both methods and bio-based materials needed to build bio-based photovoltaics Focuses on both techniques and applications Summarizes the advantages and limitations of various techniques Contributors from multiple disciplines integrate the knowledge of photosynthetic proteins and the physics/engineering of photovoltaic devices. Includes adaptive designs and techniques used in other types of solar cells to for the design of protein-based PVs

Multiscale Modeling, Simulation and Control of Protein Crystallization Processes

Book Description

Protein crystallization is a central activity in the pharmaceutical industry which is currently estimated to be over a \$1 trillion per year industry. Despite extensive experimental and theoretical work on understanding protein structure and function, there is a lack of a systematic framework that relies on fundamental understanding of the nucleation and growth mechanisms of protein crystals at the microscopic level and utilizes such information to model and operate protein batch crystallization processes at the macroscopic level. Motivated by these considerations, this dissertation is focused on developing a hierarchical and computationally tractable approach to: (a) elucidate the equilibrium fluid-fluid and fluid-solid phase diagrams of globular proteins via coarse-graining techniques, equilibrium Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, and finite-size scaling theory, (b) model crystal growth and morphology via kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations in order to deduce microscopically consistent rate laws, and (c) use these microscopic rate laws on the macroscale in order to model and control batch crystallization processes.