Munted Soul

Book Description

Sixteen-year-old Micah Jones has a chameleon soul; she just wants to be happy with her life and with herself. Her homelife isn’t easy, and when tragedy strikes, Micah’s mother can no longer keep the family together. Micah searches for happiness elsewhere and finds Cookie, a local drug dealer who becomes her boyfriend. He shows her a new world, but is this really the happiness she was hoping to find? The Seeker rules the Underworld and is the mastermind behind the corruption, drug trade, and violence seen all over the city of Blacktown. He’s a devil in a wolven mask, looking for lost lambs and offering illusion to those seeking redemption. Once the Seeker has Micah in his sights, he aims to take everything she has, including Cookie. He will stop at nothing, using every tactic available to him to get what he wants: Micah’s soul. It doesn’t take long before Micah’s life begins to spiral into a dark place, leaving her alone and nearly friendless. Now only time will tell whether she can change her fate. In this novel, a teenage girl with a difficult life searches for happiness and loses herself in a new, destructive world, as a mysterious figure strives to take her soul.

Faith & Sexuality

Book Description

"Faith & Sexuality: Reconciling LGBT+ People and Christianity" is a valuable resource for those struggling to reconcile their spirituality with their sexuality. This book by Shane St Reynolds provides guidance and support to individuals seeking a more authentic and fulfilling spiritual practice. It explores the intersection of LGBT+ spirituality with other aspects of identity, such as race, gender, and class. Throughout the book, Shane shares stories of other LGBT+ Christians who have found ways to embrace both aspects of their identity, offering hope and inspiration to readers. The book also provides tools and resources for those seeking to create a more authentic and fulfilling spiritual practice, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to reconcile their faith with their sexuality. Shane emphasizes that embracing both spirituality and sexuality can lead to a deeper sense of self-awareness, connection, and purpose in life. The book addresses the challenges that come with reconciling Christianity and sexuality, offering guidance and support to those who may feel lost or alone in their spiritual journey. Furthermore, "Faith & Sexuality" is also an autobiographical account of Shane's journey to Jesus and discerning his calling to ordained ministry. It provides a unique and personal perspective on the challenges that LGBT+ individuals face when reconciling their faith and sexuality. Overall, "Faith & Sexuality" is a must-read resource for LGBT+ individuals seeking to reconcile their faith and sexuality and create a more authentic and fulfilling spiritual practice. Shane's book amplifies the voices of marginalized communities, offering valuable guidance and support to anyone looking to embrace both aspects of their identity.

Reprogram Your Life

Book Description

When people start to love themselves more each day, it's amazing how their lives get better. They feel better. They get the jobs they want. They have the money they need. Their relationships either improve, or the negative one's dissolve and new ones begin. By changing your thoughts, you can change your life. This book will empower you to uncover what is holding you back and help you tap into your limitless potential. It is my philosophy that there is nothing as powerful as a changed mind. You can change your looks, your clothing, your address, your partner, your residence or your investment strategy, but if you don't change your mind, the same experience will perpetuate over and over again. This is because everything outwardly can be changed, but it means nothing without an inward transformation. Although this book offers insights, entertainment, and guidance, it's important to remember that ultimate truth goes beyond earthly wisdom. Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross exemplifies divine love and redemption. While this book educates and empowers, knowing Him surpasses its impact. If you haven't experienced His grace, I urge you to seek Him, delve into His teachings, and embrace His love. Visit to begin your journey and immerse yourself in the Bible's sacred texts. As John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

God's Demon

Book Description

Lord Sargatanas, Brigadier-general in Beelzebub's host, is restless. He has never forgotten what he lost in the Fall. He is sickened by what he has done and what he has become. Now, after a confrontation with a damned soul, he makes a decision that will reverberate through every being in Hell.

Elizabeth Major

Book Description

Elizabeth Major was inspired to write Honey on the Rod (1656) as a result of lameness brought on by a bout of fever in her mid-twenties. The experience left her fiercely devoted to her Christian religion, but also filled with indignation against the sins of nominal Christians. Honey on the Rod was written to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. The work is in two parts. The first is a lengthy prose meditation in the form of a dialogue between a 'Soul' and 'Consolation'. The second is a sequence of poems on conventional Calvinistic themes, scourging common vices and praising the humble soul that accepts God's rod of affliction. The speaking voice of Honey on the Rod is unmistakeably that of a woman and as such the work contributes a woman's voice to the devotional literature dominated by men in the seventeenth century. This facsimile edition reproduces the copy held in the British Library.

The Soul of a Soldier:The True Story of a Mounted Pioneer in the Civil War

Book Description

The Soul of a Soldier: the True Story of a Mounted Pioneer in the Civil War by Myron M. Miller What happened to a soldier's soul during the Civil War as he faced the horrors of war?Why did a man leave behind a wife and two very young children to serve in the army? Who was Samuel K. Miller before, during and after the Civil War? What was the Mounted Pioneer Corps, and what was their critical role in keeping an army moving? Why was he chosen to be in that unit? When a woman was left with children while her husband went off to the Civil War, what pressures did she face because he was away? How did the women manage their homes while their husbands were away? What were the feelings of a Union soldier as he faced his “brothers” across the picket lines, the Confederates whom he came to know personally? What did they eat? Where did they live and sleep? What did they wear, and where did they get what they needed? What volunteer organizations sprung up to help the soldiers as they fought in the battlefields, either by providing physical help, or in aiding them to be in contact with their loved ones? From his vantage point, somewhat unique because of the positioning of the Mounted Pioneer Corps during battles, what did he see of the battles? What were the forces for and against the war in his community back in Pennsylvania? Who were the Copperheads? What happened to his four Ellis family brothers-in-law who also served in the Union Army? All these questions are answered in this book, “The Soul of a Soldier: the True Story of a Mounted Pioneer in the Civil War.” At age 42, Samuel K. Miller volunteered for the 211th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry in September 1864 and served until June 1865. During his nine months in the service, he wrote 46 letters to his wife and, through her, to their one and five year old sons at their home in the little town of Hartstown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, population less than 200. This book contains the 46 letters that Samuel wrote during his time in the service of the Union Army, first as an infantryman, then in the Mounted Pioneer Corps attached to the Headquarters of the Union Ninth Corps. Portions of those letters are organized into 17 thematic chapters, which provide the answers to the questions raised above. Samuel's letters provide a penetrating look into his soul, because of the highly personal nature of his letters. His letters reveal his character, values, his aspirations. Demetrius, an ancient Greek orator, literary critic, rhetorician and governor of Athens for ten years, once wrote: “Everyone reveals his own soul in his letters. In every other form of composition it is possible to determine the writer's character, but in none so clearly as the epistolary [the letters].” Demetrius' words apply to Samuel Miller, for Samuel revealed his soul in his letters.