Honest Answers about the Murder of President John F. Kennedy

Book Description

Thousands of books and articles have been written about the murder of JFK, many of which are large in volume and short on facts. Quite often, these works try to reinvent the wheel, attempting to cover every single area of the assassination, as well as many tangential and unessential points, as well. The reader is often left exhausted and confused. The sheer volume of pages, conflicting facts, and theories leaves one unsatisfied and, quite frankly, not sure exactly what did happen on 11/22/63. This book seeks to separate the wheat from the chaff. It is 55-plus years later: it is time for real, honest answers in an easy-to-read and understand format. Proof of a conspiracy; no theories; to-the-point; a perspective on the assassination for the millennial age and beyond. Based on years—decades—of primary source research and having read countless books on the subject.

The Radical Right and the Murder of John F. Kennedy

Book Description

The Radical Right and the Murder of John F. Kennedy: Stunning Evidence in the Assassination of the President Harrison E. Livingstone's major new book, the fifth of his works on the death of JFK, brings together for the first time all of the central evidence demonstrating a domestic Right Wing conspiracy rooted in Texas which assassinated the President on November 22, 1963. The book represents forty years of work. The book discusses in great detail the actual medical evidence and the forgery of the autopsy photographs and X-rays, which Mr. Livingstone first exposed, the alteration of the autopsy report, the framing of the designated patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the substitution and fabrication of every single piece of evidence. It discusses the role played in the murder by some of the most powerful men in the country: Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, and Richard Nixon, as well as the rich oil men and companies who backed them. It then describes the cover-ups by the media, the major investigations over the years, the FBI, and the mind-control cooperation at work in the case to misdirect researchers and the public. The book describes in great detail the people and companies in Texas who planned and carried out the assassination. It names names. One recent investigation in the 90s followed Mr. Livingstone's preceeding work and reinvestigated with the witnesses both he and the official investigations had talked to, but this time took into consideration their documentation and what they had actually said, and in a chapter this is his stunning new evidence from the U.S. government under President Clinton that is blowing the lid off the case. Mr. Livingstone first revealed to the Washington press corps in 1998 that there has been such a secret investigation, and spoke for fifty minutes when the Assassination Records Review Board gave their final press conference. As a result, Mr. Livingstone was on all major TV networks and on the "Today" show (NBC) with Katie Couric the next morning. The book also contains the story of Dallas doctor Charles Crenshaw's law suit and the depositions of the editor and writer of the Journal of American Medical Association who libeled him in articles in 1992. Dr. Crenshaw's book about trying to save Kennedy at Parkland Hospital shortly after the shooting came out on the same day as Mr. Livingstone's major work on the medical evidence, High Treason 2, were JAMA's targets, and the depositions contain much discussion of Mr. Livingstone's major impact on the JFK case. This new book is to be followed closely by a sixth book entirely about the Zapruder film, called The Hoax of the Century: Decoding the Forgery of the Zapruder Film.

A Murder Most Foul! A Three-act Play about the JFK Assassination

Book Description

A never-before-published play about the JFK assassination originally copyrighted in 1968 by Stanley Marks, author of the "Murder Most Foul! The Conspiracy That Murdered President Kennedy"

Undeniable Truths

Book Description

"Since we forget the implications of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at our peril I welcome and support the recent work of Ed Souza's Undeniable Truths....Welcome aboard Mr. Souza." --Mark Lane- Author of Rush to Judgment To many, the murder of President John F. Kennedy was the defining tragedy of the twentieth century. To many, the intricate and pervasive veil of lies generated by the Warren Commission and some of our own government agencies is an egregious and continuing insult to our collective intelligence, integrity, and dignity. To many, there are more questions than plausible answers. But for one former LA cop, private investigator, and professor of criminal justice, the time has come to put forth the clear and plausible answers too many have craved for too long. In Undeniable Truths, Professor Ed Souza applies modern investigative techniques and theories to present the clear and simple facts surrounding this infamous murder. His approach exposes the lies, cover-ups, and misinformation involved in this case. He explores some of the murder's most enduring mysteries: Why was President Kennedy really murdered? Who really did--and did not--want Kennedy eliminated? Why--and how--was Oswald chosen as the scapegoat? Through the use of time tested police strategies, the author puts decades of professional research to the task of solving one of history's most enduring unsolved crimes.

The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination

Book Description

November 22, 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the tragedy that has haunted America ever since. For the first time, this concise and compelling book pierces the veil of secrecy to fully document the small, tightly–held conspiracy that killed President John F. Kennedy. It explains why he was murdered, and how it was done in a way that forced many records to remain secret for almost fifty years. The Hidden History of JFK's Assassination draws on exclusive interviews with more than two dozen associates of John and Robert Kennedy, in addition to former FBI, Secret Service, military intelligence, and Congressional personnel, who provided critical first–hand information. The book also uses government files—including the detailed FBI confession of notorious Mafia godfather Carlos Marcello—to simply and clearly reveal exactly who killed JFK. Using information never published before, the book uses Marcello's own words to his closest associates to describe the plot. His confession is also backed up by a wealth of independent documentation. This book builds on the work of the last Congressional committee to investigate JFK's murder, which concluded that JFK ‘was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy," and that godfathers ["Santo] Trafficante [and Carlos] Marcello had the motive, means, and opportunity to assassinate President Kennedy." However, it also draws on exclusive files and information not available to Congress, that have only emerged in recent years, to fully explain for the first time how Marcello and Trafficante committed—and got away with—the crime of the 20th century. Some of the book's revelations will be dramatized in the upcoming Warner Brothers film Legacy of Secrecy, produced by and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, which also stars Robert De Niro as Carlos Marcello. The Hidden History of JFK's Assassination is the definitive account of the crime and the secrecy which has surrounded it.

Murder in Dealey Plaza

Book Description

We now know vastly more about the killing of John F. Kennedy than was known 20 or 30 years ago, and new evidence is accumulating almost every day. This new evidence is being uncovered by the bold application of scientific and technological expertise to the assassination records, including the film, photographic, and autopsy records. Murder in Dealey Plaza presents the latest and best of the new assassination research. As a result of these freshly uncovered findings, it is possible to say with moral certainty and considerable scientific authority that the murder of President Kennedy was committed by a meticulously executed conspiracy which was then observed by an extensive cover-up.

They Killed Our President

Book Description

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past fifty years, you’re aware of the many hypotheses that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was not done by one man. Whether you’ve read one or a dozen of the books on this topic, there’s no way to fully grasp the depth of this conspiracy. For the first time ever, New York Times bestselling authors Jesse Ventura and Dick Russell have teamed up with some of the most respected and influential assassination researchers to put together the ultimate compendium that covers every angle—from the plot to the murder—of JFK. They Killed Our President will not only discuss the most famous of theories, but will also bring to light new and recently discovered information, which together shows that the United States government not only was behind this egregious plot, but took every step to make sure that the truth would not come out. With 2013 marking the fiftieth anniversary of JFK’s assassination, this is the perfect time for They Killed Our President to be available to readers. The research and information in this book are unprecedented, and there’s nobody better to bring this to everyone’s attention than the former governor of Minnesota and US Navy SEAL, Jesse Ventura.

Conspiracy in Camelot

Book Description

This complete and up-to-date synopsis of the assassination of JFK (the actors, witnesses and investigators) weighs the different theories and looks at the drama as both a detective story and a defining moment in American mass psychology.

Conspiracy of One

Book Description

A chronicle of one man's investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy and his conclusion.