Museum Without Walls, Art History Without Names

Book Description

"In the first decade of the 21st century, the researchers in the humanities and humanistic social sciences have gradually started to adopt computational and visualization tools. The majority of this work often referred as "digital humanities" has focused on textual data (e.g., literature, historical records, or social media) and spatial data (e.g., locations of people, places, or events). However, visual media have remained outside of the new computational paradigm. To fill this void, in 2007 I established the Software Studies Initiative at University of California, San Diego. Our first goal was to develop easy to use techniques for visualization and computational analysis of large collections of images and video suitable for researchers in media studies, the humanities, and the social sciences who do not have technical background, and to apply these techniques to progressively large media data sets. Our second goal was theoretical - to examine existing practices and assumptions of visualization and computational data analysis (thus the name "Software Studies"), and articulate new research questions enabled by humanistic computational work with "big cultural data" in general, and visual media specifically." -- Page 1.

Film, Art, New Media: Museum Without Walls?

Book Description

In the footsteps of Andre Bazin, this anthology of 15 original essays argues that the photographic origin of twentieth-century cinema is anti-anthropocentric. Well aware that the twentieth century stands out as the only period in history with its own photographic film record for posterity, Angela Dalle Vacche has convened international scholars at The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, and asked them to rethink the history and theory of the cinema as a new model for the museum of the future. By exploring the art historical tropes of face and landscape, and key areas of film studies such as early cinema, Soviet film theory, documentary, the avant-garde and the newly-born genre of the museum film, this collection includes detailed discussions of installation art, and close analyses of media relations which range from dance to painting to performance art. Thanks to the title of Andre Malraux's famous project, Film, Art, New Media: Museum Without Walls? invites readers to reflect on the museum of the future, where twentieth-century cinema will play a pivotal role by interrogating the relation between art and science, technology and nature, from the side of photography in dialogue with digitalization.

Computational Formalism

Book Description

How the use of machine learning to analyze art images has revived formalism in art history, presenting a golden opportunity for art historians and computer scientists to learn from one another. Though formalism is an essential tool for art historians, much recent art history has focused on the social and political aspects of art. But now art historians are adopting machine learning methods to develop new ways to analyze the purely visual in datasets of art images. Amanda Wasielewski uses the term “computational formalism” to describe this use of machine learning and computer vision technique in art historical research. At the same time that art historians are analyzing art images in new ways, computer scientists are using art images for experiments in machine learning and computer vision. Their research, says Wasielewski, would be greatly enriched by the inclusion of humanistic issues. The main purpose in applying computational techniques such as machine learning to art datasets is to automate the process of categorization using metrics such as style, a historically fraught concept in art history. After examining a fifteen-year trajectory in image categorization and art dataset creation in the fields of machine learning and computer vision, Wasielewski considers deep learning techniques that both create and detect forgeries and fakes in art. She investigates examples of art historical analysis in the fields of computer and information sciences, placing this research in the context of art historiography. She also raises questions as which artworks are chosen for digitization, and of those artworks that are born digital, which works gain acceptance into the canon of high art.

The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media

Book Description

This collection surveys the contemporary landscape of audiovisual media. Contributors from image and sound studies explore the history and the future of moving-image media across a range of formats including blockbuster films, video games, music videos, social media, experimental film, documentaries, video art, pornography, theater, and electronic music.

Performing Arts and Digital Humanities

Book Description

Digital traces, whether digitized (programs, notebooks, drawings, etc.) or born digital (emails, websites, video recordings, etc.), constitute a major challenge for the memory of the ephemeral performing arts. Digital technology transforms traces into data and, in doing so, opens them up to manipulation. This paradigm shift calls for a renewal of methodologies for writing the history of theater today, analyzing works and their creative process, and preserving performances. At the crossroads of performing arts studies, the history, digital humanities, conservation and archiving, these methodologies allow us to take into account what is generally dismissed, namely, digital traces that are considered too complex, too numerous, too fragile, of dubious authenticity, etc. With the analysis of Merce Cunningham’s digital traces as a guideline, and through many other examples, this book is intended for researchers and archivists, as well as artists and cultural institutions.

Photography and Sculpture

Book Description

Ever since the mid-nineteenth century, when the new medium of photography was pressed into service to illustrate sculpture, photographs of sculptural objects have directed viewers as to what, in the course of ambling around a sculpture, was the single perfect moment to stop and look. What is the photograph’s place in writing the history of sculpture? How has it changed according to culture, generation, criti-cal conviction, and changes in media? Photography and Sculpture: The Art Object in Reproduction studies aspects of these questions from the perspectives of sixteen leading art historians. Their essays consider iconic photographs, archival collections, new and forgotten technologies, and conceptual challenges in photographing three-dimensional forms that have directed changing historical and stylistic attitudes about how we see, write about, and narrate histories of sculpture. Chapters on such varied topics as picturing Conceptual art, manipulating sacred images in India to be non-photographs, and framing Roman art with an iPad illustrate the latent visual and narrative powers and ever-expanding potential of these images of sculpture.

Embracing Restlessness

Book Description

Unter dem Begriff „kulturelle Musikwissenschaft“ versammeln sich seit über einem halben Jahrhundert eine Reihe musikwissenschaftlicher Visionen, die alle ein gemeinsames Ziel verfolgen: die unermüdliche Suche nach neuen Wegen für ein besseres Musikverständnis. Jüngste Ansätze kultureller Musikwissenschaft begreifen musikalische Aktivitäten als kulturelle Praktiken und versuchen so über die systematische Analyse verbaler und musikalischer Diskurse hinaus zu gelangen. Das Interesse gilt vorrangig der Erforschung unserer intellektuellen Möglichkeiten, die es uns erlauben, uns in physischer, sozialer oder diskursiver Hinsicht die Welt mithilfe von Musik zu erschließen. Daraus ergeben sich aktuelle Untersuchungsschwerpunkte und kritische Denkansätze der kulturellen Musikwissenschaft, deren Geschichte, theoretischen Rahmen und zentrale Konzepte die Autoren des vorliegenden Bandes am Beispiel spezifischer musikalischer Praktiken diskutieren. Dabei wird deutlich, dass es der kulturellen Musikwissenschaft vielmehr darum geht, Fragen aufzuwerfen und Perspektiven zu eröffnen, als Antworten und Fakten festzulegen. Sie lehnt es ab, sich mit Erkenntnissen zufrieden zu geben, entscheidend ist ein fortgesetztes Streben nach neuen Wegen und Annäherungen an die Musik: eine produktive intellektuelle Rastlosigkeit. Der vorliegende Band enthält Beiträge von Birgit Abels, Charissa Granger, Lawrence Kramer, John Richardson und Eva-Maria van Straaten. The term “cultural musicology” has been around for more than half a century, and it has harbored a number of musicological visions which share one fundamental goal: broadly speaking, aspiring to better understand music and remaining eager to find ever-new ways to do so. Recent cultural musicology seeks to understand musical activities as cultural practices in a manner that aims to reach beyond the systematic analysis of verbal and musical – musicked – discourse and of the conditions in which it is enacted. Its primary interest is in exploring our primarily intellectual possibilities to comprise of musicking as epistemologies through which humans musically relate to, and make sense of, their surrounding world in a physical, social, and discursive sense. From this, a few key areas of inquiry emerge, and this edited volume presents a first-of-its-kind exploration of current critical thinking and research in and about cultural musicology. In exploring specific musical practices, the contributors discuss the (hi)stories, theoretical framework, and central concepts of current cultural musicology. In-between the lines, it becomes clear that cultural musicology is about looking for questions and perspectives rather than answers and presumed facts, about refusing to be content with anything that may be found along the way, and about remaining eager to discover new approaches and ways to think about music: about intellectual restlessness, and embracing it. This edited volume includes contributions from Birgit Abels, Charissa Granger, Lawrence Kramer, John Richardson, and Eva-Maria van Straaten.

Advances in Design and Digital Communication III

Book Description

This book reports on research findings and practical lessons featuring advances in the areas of digital and interaction design, graphic design and branding, design education, society and communication in design practice, and related ones. Gathering the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Design and Communication, Digicom 2022, held on November 3–5, 2022, as an hybrid event, from Barcelos, Portugal, and continuing the tradition of the previous book, it describes new design strategies and solutions to foster digital communication within and between the society, institutions and brands. By highlighting innovative ideas and reporting on multidisciplinary projects, it offers a source of inspiration for designers of all kinds, including graphic and web designers, UI, UX and social media designers, and to researchers, advertisers, artists, and brand and corporate communication managers alike.

Community-Based Participatory Research

Book Description

Members of communities of color in the United States often struggle for equity, autonomy, survival, and justice. Community-Based Participatory Research is an edited volume from activist-scholars who present personal testimonies showcasing how community-based participatory research (CBPR) can lead to sustainable change and empowerment. Editor Natalia Deeb-Sossa has chosen contributors whose diverse interdisciplinary projects are grounded in politically engaged research in Chicanx and Latinx communities. The scholars’ advocacy work is a core component of the research design of their studies, challenging the idea that research needs to be neutral or unbiased. The testimonies tell of projects that stem from community demands for truly collaborative research addressing locally identified issues and promoting community social change. Contributors share their personal experiences in conducting CBPR, focusing on the complexities of implementing this method and how it may create sustainable change and community empowerment. Along with a retrospective analysis of how CBPR has been at the center of the Chicana/o Movement and Chicana/o studies, the book includes a discussion of consejos y advertencias (advice and warnings). The most knowledgeable people on community issues are the very members of the communities themselves. Recognizing a need to identify the experiences and voices (testimonios) of communities of color, activist-scholars showcase how to incorporate the perspectives of the true experts: the poor, women, farmworkers, students, activists, elders, and immigrants.

Postdigital Aesthetics

Book Description

Postdigital Aesthetics is a contribution to questions raised by our newly computational everyday lives and the aesthetics which reflect both the postdigital nature of this age, but also critical perspectives of a post-internet world.